
Displaying 9151-9160 of 28843 results.
Contentid: 9391
Content Type: 1
Title: Kindergartners Can Learn Mandarin in Indiana
Body: Kindergartners can learn Mandarin April 18, 2009 The International School of Indiana is introducing a Mandarin language immersion program, the first of its kind in the state, the school announced. Read the full article at .
Source: IndyStar
Inputdate: 2009-04-21 07:36:41
Lastmodifieddate: 2009-04-21 07:36:41
Publishdate: 2009-04-27 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 9392
Content Type: 1
Title: CATJ20 Proceedings
Body: The proceedings of the 20th annual conference of the Central Association of Teachers of Japanese (CATJ) is now made accessible online. This proceedings, titled “Toward Advanced Japanese Language Proficiency,” is a collection of 12 papers presented at last year’s CATJ, held at University of Wisconsin-Madison. Please visit for download. Atsushi Hasegawa University of Wisconsin-Madison [JSLAR] CATJ20 Proceedings. JSLAR (, 13 Apr 2009).
Source: JSLAR
Inputdate: 2009-04-21 07:37:31
Lastmodifieddate: 2009-04-21 07:37:31
Publishdate: 2009-04-27 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 9393
Content Type: 1
Title: Beginning Russian Through Film
Body: From Short digitized clips from Russian films are the primary source of language and culture in this course. The creators collected close to 400 clips and placed them on this Web site along with many supporting materials. You can use a Windows or Macintosh computer to take advantage of the course. No registration is necessary (or, indeed, possible), and no credit is given, unless the student is registered for first-year Russian at Cornell. Digital video offers a dimension that videotape cannot, in that scenes from authentic Russian films can be made accessible to beginning students. As a student watches a clip on his or her computer screen, he or she can rewind the clip and move to any portion of the clip by pointing and clicking with the mouse. A complete transcript of the dialog, a glossary, and linguistic and cultural comments are also only a mouseclick away. Exercises based on the clip are presented on the same screen, with high quality audio recordings that are played back by the computer. The student can pause and rewind the recording by using the mouse. Assignments that require that the students record their own voices are also done on the computer. Access Beginning Russian Through Film at . Browse the many other Russian resources at Cornell at .
Source: Cornell University
Inputdate: 2009-04-21 07:39:25
Lastmodifieddate: 2009-04-21 07:39:25
Publishdate: 2009-04-27 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 9394
Content Type: 1
Title: Finding Out About the Average German
Body: From The average German wakes up at 6:18 a.m., eats an egg every third day and drinks 9,119 liters (2,409 gallons) of beer in a lifetime. A TV program titled "The average German - this is how we really are" that aired on April 7 and presented images depicting an average day in an absolutely average German family. Read a full description of the program and access associated links at .
Source: German Embassy in Washington, D.C.
Inputdate: 2009-04-21 07:39:58
Lastmodifieddate: 2009-04-21 07:39:58
Publishdate: 2009-04-27 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 9395
Content Type: 1
Title: Photo Exhibition: Berlin Kreuzberg SO36
Body: From Berlin Kreuzberg SO36 - A Berlin district before and after the fall of the Berlin Wall Photographs by Peter Frischmuth Thursday, 26 March - Thursday, 21 May 2009 Goethe-Institut Washington, FotoGalerie Kreuzberg, a district in the center of Berlin, suddenly found itself on the fringe after the construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961. Surrounded on three sides by the Wall, the district’s important transportation lines were cut off, bridges over the Spree river were closed, and local manufacturers suddenly lacked thousands of workers who were no longer able to get to work. Photographer Peter Frischmuth, who has taken pictures for major German magazines such as Der Spiegel, Focus and Stern, visited Berlin in 1982 to photograph scenes of life in Kreuzberg. In 2006, Frischmuth returned to Berlin to retrace his steps to the same places and the same people. Comparing these two series of images demonstrates not only what has changed over time but also what has remained constant. Learn more at .
Source: Goethe-Institut
Inputdate: 2009-04-21 07:41:06
Lastmodifieddate: 2009-04-21 07:41:06
Expdate: 2010-04-21 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2009-04-27 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 9396
Content Type: 1
Title: Catalogue of Digitized Medieval Manuscripts
Body: From The Catalogue of Digitized Medieval Manuscripts at UCLA was designed to enable users to find fully digitized manuscripts currently available on the web. You can use the search box to quickly search on specific terms, or use the "Search Manuscripts" link to search on particular fields, such as date, or provenance information. You can also browse the Catalogue by the Location of an archive or library, the shelfmark of an item, by the author of a text (where that information is available), or by the language of a text (again, where available). Access the Catalogue at .
Source: University of California-Los Angeles
Inputdate: 2009-04-21 07:41:46
Lastmodifieddate: 2009-04-21 07:41:46
Publishdate: 2009-04-27 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 9397
Content Type: 1
Title: Maestros de Español Yahoo Group
Body: Welcome to the Yahoo Group MaestrosdeEspanol. This group was a spin off of the Spanish Teacher Chatboard group as a place to host files for sharing. Please feel free to download any of the documents located under "files". The unwritten rule would be to add as many files as your download. Keep the sharing going. We encourage your discussions to take place at the Chatboard (Discussion board) located at: You do not need to receive e-mails from this group. You can log-in to the website at any time to read messages or download files. Go to the Maestros de Español group at .
Source: Yahoo!
Inputdate: 2009-04-21 07:42:35
Lastmodifieddate: 2009-04-21 07:42:35
Publishdate: 2009-04-27 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 9398
Content Type: 1
Title: OnlineFreeSpanish: Free Spanish Lessons for Children and Parents
Body: From This site was created to offer free Spanish lessons for both children and parents, whether for educational purposes, or just for fun. There are different lessons for each age, and everything is designed to make learning fun. There are plenty of interactive activities for you to engage in, and offer basic introductory Spanish skills. Look through OnlineFreeSpanish at .
Source: OnlineFreeSpanish
Inputdate: 2009-04-21 07:43:17
Lastmodifieddate: 2009-04-21 07:43:17
Publishdate: 2009-04-27 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 9399
Content Type: 1
Title: Supreme Court Weighs ELL Funding
Body: From Supreme Court Weighs ELL Funding By Mary Ann Zehr April 20, 2009 In the first case about services for English-language learners reviewed by the U.S. Supreme Court since 1973, the justices seemed deeply divided today during oral arguments on whether a federal court had acted appropriately in ordering the Arizona legislature to provide sufficient funds for the state’s ELL programs. In Horne v. Flores, the petitioners argue that compliance with the No Child Left Behind Act is sufficient in providing "appropriate action" to help students overcome language barriers, as required by the Equal Educational Opportunity Act of 1974. Read the full article at . Read an NPR report on this case at .
Source: Education Week
Inputdate: 2009-04-21 07:43:58
Lastmodifieddate: 2009-04-21 07:43:58
Publishdate: 2009-04-27 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 9400
Content Type: 1
Title: Equal Opportunity and Diversity: The Handbook for Teachers of English
Body: From Equal Opportunity and Diversity: The Handbook for Teachers of English This 96-page handbook has been produced for English teachers, by English teachers. It provides you with good practical advice and ideas on how to become more aware and integrate aspects of equal opportunity and diversity into your work. The book is a showcase of best practice from a variety of teaching contexts around the world, where colleagues have successfully embedded equality and diversity in English language teaching. Developed by David Valente The book is available to download at .
Source: British Council
Inputdate: 2009-04-21 07:44:49
Lastmodifieddate: 2009-04-21 07:44:49
Publishdate: 2009-04-27 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1