View Content #9393

Content Type1
TitleBeginning Russian Through Film

Short digitized clips from Russian films are the primary source of language and culture in this course. The creators collected close to 400 clips and placed them on this Web site along with many supporting materials. You can use a Windows or Macintosh computer to take advantage of the course. No registration is necessary (or, indeed, possible), and no credit is given, unless the student is registered for first-year Russian at Cornell.

Digital video offers a dimension that videotape cannot, in that scenes from authentic Russian films can be made accessible to beginning students. As a student watches a clip on his or her computer screen, he or she can rewind the clip and move to any portion of the clip by pointing and clicking with the mouse. A complete transcript of the dialog, a glossary, and linguistic and cultural comments are also only a mouseclick away.

Exercises based on the clip are presented on the same screen, with high quality audio recordings that are played back by the computer. The student can pause and rewind the recording by using the mouse. Assignments that require that the students record their own voices are also done on the computer.

Access Beginning Russian Through Film at .

Browse the many other Russian resources at Cornell at .
SourceCornell University
Inputdate2009-04-21 07:39:25
Lastmodifieddate2009-04-21 07:39:25
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2009-04-27 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set