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TitlePhoto Exhibition: Berlin Kreuzberg SO36

Berlin Kreuzberg SO36 - A Berlin district before and after the fall of the Berlin Wall
Photographs by Peter Frischmuth
Thursday, 26 March - Thursday, 21 May 2009
Goethe-Institut Washington, FotoGalerie

Kreuzberg, a district in the center of Berlin, suddenly found itself on the fringe after the construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961. Surrounded on three sides by the Wall, the district’s important transportation lines were cut off, bridges over the Spree river were closed, and local manufacturers suddenly lacked thousands of workers who were no longer able to get to work.

Photographer Peter Frischmuth, who has taken pictures for major German magazines such as Der Spiegel, Focus and Stern, visited Berlin in 1982 to photograph scenes of life in Kreuzberg. In 2006, Frischmuth returned to Berlin to retrace his steps to the same places and the same people. Comparing these two series of images demonstrates not only what has changed over time but also what has remained constant.

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Inputdate2009-04-21 07:41:06
Lastmodifieddate2009-04-21 07:41:06
Expdate2010-04-21 00:00:00
Publishdate2009-04-27 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set