
Displaying 1571-1580 of 28843 results.
Contentid: 1640
Content Type: 1
Title: Learn Portuguese Online
Body: If you have ever had a desire to learn Portuguese, this may be the site for you.
Source: Joshua Rudder
Inputdate: 2004-05-27 23:16:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-05-27 23:16:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 1641
Content Type: 1
Title: Movie Recommendations
Body: A recent topic on TEACHASL has been movies relating to the deaf community. The following were recommended: Some films with different perspectives on/from Deaf people that I use are: Beyond Silence How To Talk to a Person Who Can't Hear (yes, it's a beginning signed English vocabulary video, but the images of Deaf folks are very positive) Children of a Lesser God Love is Never Silent (Captioned Media Program.) Deaf-Blind:Communication and Community (Sign Media Productions) ASL PAH! - Deaf Students Perspectives on Their Language (Linstock Press, now incorporated into Sign Media, I believe.) Lovejoy, J. (26 May 2004). Re: a heart is lonely hunter movie. A discussion list for teachers of American Sign Language. TEACHASL@ADMIN.HUMBERC.ON.CA (27 May 2004). There’s another movie: ”In the Land of the Deaf” Also, the Deaf Culture series from Sign Enhancers. Morris, P. (26 May 2004). Re: a heart is lonely hunter movie. A discussion list for teachers of American Sign Language. TEACHASL@ADMIN.HUMBERC.ON.CA (27 May 2004). -- In defense of the Heart is a Lonelyy Hunter, I think that it portrays a very realistic view of the communication isolation of the Deaf. This is what I convey when I talk about this movie with my class. I off-set this movie with Children of a Lesser God. Generally, I show COG first, and then the Heart is a Lonely Hunter. Another teaching tool I use is highlighting the stereo typing about the Deaf that is inherent in the movie. This gives the students something else to consider when learning about Deaf culture. While this movie might not work for some, it has worked for me because I bridge the gap by ensuring that the students understand the whole picture of deafness and cultural identity. Stuard, V. (26 May 2004). Re: a heart is lonely hunter movie. A discussion list for teachers of American Sign Language. TEACHASL@ADMIN.HUMBERC.ON.CA (27 May 2004).
Inputdate: 2004-05-27 23:26:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-05-27 23:26:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 1642
Content Type: 1
Title: Activities for The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
Body: The Heart is a Lonely Hunter is an excellent movie to demonstrate the communicative isolation that the Deaf experience among Hearing people. It also demonstrates the control that hearing individuals have over the Deaf as well. I showed this movie to my high school students when I was teaching High School, and now to my community college students even though it is rather long and tries to deal with several issues at the same time. Maybe the producers did not think that there was enough of a story and wanted to use the others as filler. Nah..... these things were in the book as well. You might want to break your high school students into groups and encourage a discussion based on the following questions: Is it realistic to assume that Singer could understand everyone one hundred percent of the time? Did the Deaf in this story have control over their destiny? Why or why not? (It was clear that Singer wanted to have his friend live with him, why was that not allowed?) Discuss social isolation..... imagine that you were the only two hearing people in a Deaf world. How would you communicate? As a Deaf man, in a hearing world, was Singer successful in buidling relationships with hearing people? Discuss Singer's personality. What were his strengths and what were his weaknesses? How did Singer's lack of a close relationship with affect his life? Why was Singer such a caretaker? Was that healthy? Why or why not? Was it appreciated? Who took care of Singer emotionally? What impacted you most about the movie? How is the movie realistic or unrealistic? Ask them to pick one person who would be willing to share the group's feedback when you come back into the large group. You can also ask them to journal about these questions if you do not want to have a discussion forum. Or you could ask them to journal first, and then break them into groups for discussion. Stuard, V. (24 May 2004). Re: a heart is lonely hunter movie. A discussion list for teachers of American Sign Language. TEACHASL@ADMIN.HUMBERC.ON.CA (27May 2004).
Inputdate: 2004-05-27 23:30:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-05-27 23:30:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 1643
Content Type: 1
Title: Silent Weekend, Tampa, FL
Body: There's still time to register for the 25th annual Silent Weekend to be held in Tampa, FL this June 24-26. FASLTA members can register as "Teacher-By- Trade" to come and observe workshops, chat with presenters, get info for your own ASL classroom. The Teacher-By-Trade rate is $100.00 only for current FASLTA members, and is available until June 1. For details, see and click on Silent Weekend information. Hurry up!!! If you're not yet a MEMBER of FASLTA, you can join for just $25!! Check the FASLTA website: and click on Membership. Don't miss one of the biggest events available for acquiring ideas for your ASL classroom!! Zuckerman, C. (21 May 2004). A discussion list for teachers of American Sign Language. TEACHASL@ADMIN.HUMBERC.ON.CA (27 May 2004).
Inputdate: 2004-05-27 23:50:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-05-27 23:50:00
Expdate: 2004-06-27 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 1644
Content Type: 1
Title: ESL Crossword puzzles at the ready
Body: I have put up 155 new crossword puzzles for vocabulary study at: The hints are definitions rather than just hints, so these may be useful for those teaching their students to use an English-English dictionary or online English-English dictionaries. These new puzzles require a Java-enabled browser. However, linked from the same page are 13 (older) puzzles that work with the Flash 6 (or newer) plugin. Kelly, C. (12 May 2004). 155 New Vocabulary Study Crosswords. NETEACH listserv. NETEACH-L@HUNTER.LISTSERV.CUNY.EDU (27 May 2004).
Inputdate: 2004-05-28 00:04:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-05-28 00:04:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 1645
Content Type: 1
Title: Job Posting: Content Authors and Editors in French and Spanish
Body: Apex Learning, a leading provider of online high school courses and curricular material, is once again seeking contractors to provide instructional design expertise, write engaging, factually accurate online instructional content and create assessments for use in high school curricula. Apex Learning currently has Contractor positions available for Content Authors and Editors in French and Spanish. Characteristic tasks will include: - Writing stories, dialogs, and exercises with remediation. - Developing culturally and geographically oriented rich in imagery to stimulate student interest in other cultures. - Creating and mapping assessments to learning material. - Checking content for accuracy, continuity and pedagogical appropriateness. Qualifications include: - Native or near-native fluency in French and/or Spanish; - Excellent, demonstrable writing and editing skill in the language (a writing sample will be required); - Knowledge of and connections to the French- and/or Spanish-speaking cultures; - Experience creating and using computer-assisted language learning (CALL); - Faithful adherence to deadlines; - An up-to-date computer and fast Internet connection that can view multimedia on the Web; - Creativity, imagination, and an ability to engage teenagers with writing; - Experience writing test items, including multiple-choice and open-ended questions, etc. and; - Teaching experience (especially at the high school level in the US) preferred. Time Requirement: Positions available range from several hours a week up to full time for up to one year, depending on expertise and qualifications. How to Apply: Please send your resume, along with a cover letter, a writing sample in French and/or Spanish and other relevant work samples to: No calls please, and do not send materials directly to any other Apex Learning email address. To learn more about Apex and our offerings, please visit Frumkes, L. Apex Learning seeking contractors: French and Spanish. Language Learning and Technology International Information Forum. LLTI@LISTSERV.DARTMOUTH.EDU (27 May 2004).
Source: Apex Learning
Inputdate: 2004-05-28 00:43:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-05-28 00:43:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 1646
Content Type: 1
Title: Oregon Summer Bilingual Institute
Body: You are cordially invited you to the Annual Oregon Summer Bilingual Institute (OSBI). - July 25-29, 2004 Salem, Oregon - Strands include SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol), GLAD (Guided Language Acquisition Design), OMEP (Oregon/Mexico Binational Agreement), Special Education and ELLs, Counseling and Home Language Consultants, Educating Students with Limited Formal Schooling - Keynote Speakers include Dr. Kathy Escamilla, David Bautista, Thomas Doty, Dr. Delores Heisinger, Olga Acuna Co-sponsored by: - Oregon Association of Bilingual Education (OABE) - Willamette Education Service District (WESD) - National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE) - Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory (NWREL) - Oregon Department of Education (ODE) - Oregon Education Association (OEA) - Salem-Keizer School District - Salem-Keizer Education Association (SEA) For more information, contact: - Aurora Cedillo or Veronica Burns (503) 399-3258 - Kris Kibbee (503) 606-3676 - Anselmo Villanueva (541) 687-3475 Please pass this information on to others who may be interested. Villanueva, A. (24 May 2004). Oregon Summer Bilingual Institute. (27 May 2004).
Source: Oregon Association of Bilingual Education
Inputdate: 2004-05-28 00:54:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-05-28 00:54:00
Expdate: 2004-06-30 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 1647
Content Type: 1
Title: Tips for improving your Spanish
Body: FLTEACH contributors suggested the following in response to a new teacher's question: How can I improve my Spanish skills? Have you considered volunteering in the Latino community if you have time? Do you watch Spanish tv or movies? You can also watch news from Spanish speaking countries via the internet. Johns, C. (12 May 2004). Practicing your Spanish to new teacher. (27 May 2004). Another few ways to practice one's Spanish ... Try church service in Spanish and give a call to the local hospital(s) and jails. The last time I was living in the US, rural New England, I tutored guests of the county correctional institute in GED, and ended up helping out the Latino inmates, and more often than not with English. There was no pay in money, but it was a very good experience! McLellan, N. (12 May 2004). Re Practicing your Spanish to new teacher. (27 May 2004). And read, read, read...silently, aloud, read everything from People en Español to Cervantes. Tuttle, L. (13 May 2004). Re: Re Practicing your Spanish to new teacher. (27 May 2004).
Inputdate: 2004-05-28 01:06:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-05-28 01:06:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 1648
Content Type: 1
Title: Book Recommendation for New Teachers
Body: Based upon what I hear new teachers say, their biggest challenge and the area for which they feel least prepared is the day-to-day stuff like classroom management. I suggest that you buy a copy of Harry Wong's book "The First Days of School" for some excellent ideas on how to manage and organize a classroom. I recommend this book to all teachers, regardless of content area or grade level. Wilkerson, C. (26 May 2004). Re: New Teacher. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (27 May 2004).
Inputdate: 2004-05-28 01:11:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-05-28 01:11:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 1649
Content Type: 1
Title: Website: Expressing an opinion in French
Body: If you want to have a debate in French or discuss your opinions, you need to know the relevant vocabulary and expressions. This page offers suggestions for offering, supporting, asking for, and avoiding opinions in French.
Inputdate: 2004-05-28 11:57:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-05-28 11:57:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1