
Displaying 1551-1560 of 28843 results.
Contentid: 1620
Content Type: 1
Title: Spanish assessment pilot program needs you
Body: ATTENTION COLLEGE-LEVEL SPANISH TEACHERS WITH SUMMER COURSES! Language Program Directors around the country have identified assessment and placement as key issues in managing language programs. Most of us would like to measure our students' proficiency and real-world language ability, but existing tests are so expensive and time-consuming that few of us can manage to fit them in. Now, the Center for Applied Second Language Studies (CASLS) at the University of Oregon, is developing an integrated online assessment of speaking, listening, reading and writing. Having your students participate in a pilot version of this new assessment will help our profession develop a better way to measure student performance and will directly benefit your students by helping them to understand the skills they need in order to be proficient. We are looking for teachers willing to pilot this new online assessment immediately. The current pilot will run through the Summer. The test, called STAMP 2, measures interpretive (reading and listening) as well as presentational (speaking and writing) proficiency. The current pilot focuses on the interpretive mode given that we are researching the accuracy of reading and listening test questions. The test will take approximately one hour of your class time. STAMP 2 is innovative both pedagogically and technically. Real-life tasks assess student proficiency using national standards. The interpretive section is computer adaptive, and test results are available immediately after the test is completed. Human graders evaluate and grade presentational sections. This test uses streaming video and audio technology to record and deliver sound files over the Internet. To take the test, students need a recent browser and QuickTime, both of which can be downloaded for free. In this pilot, we would like to get data on listening, reading and speaking items for students in the Novice-Low to Intermediate-Mid proficiency range. If you are interested, please reply to: After receiving your reply, we will contact you immediately to answer any logistical or technical questions you have about STAMP 2 and to discuss possible dates for piloting at your institution. Thanks for considering participation in the pilot. Your collaboration is necessary to ensure that STAMP 2 becomes a reliable and valid measurement of proficiency. Center for Applied Second Language Studies (CASLS) The Northwest National Foreign Language Resource Center 5290 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-5290 Telephone: 541.346.5699 Fax: 541.346.0322 CASLS. (17 May 2004). Spanish teachers needed for online assessment pilot. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (20 May 2004).
Source: CASLS
Inputdate: 2004-05-20 21:48:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-05-20 21:48:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
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Contentid: 1621
Content Type: 1
Title: Website: Cable programs for class use
Body: Here is a site where you can register for email alerts about upcoming cable programs for classroom use. They also give corresponding websites. It's free to sign up and you select which topics (Languages, History, etc.) and some topics overlap. Johns, C. (3 Apr. 2004). Teacher Resource. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (20 May 2004).
Inputdate: 2004-05-20 21:58:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-05-20 21:58:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 1622
Content Type: 1
Title: EUROCALL Conference 2004, Vienna, Sept. 1-4
Body: Conference information available at: Reduced Registration fees apply until May 31. TELL and CALL in the Third Millennium: Pedagogical Approaches in a Growing EU-Community Sub-themes: * pedagogical networking and dissemination * developing e-learning and collaborative learning strategies * innovative technologies and their didactic application * interactive e-learning vs distance learning? * Corpus applications in language learning and teaching * electronic publishing tools for e-learning * good practice concepts and examples The EUROCALL Conference 2004 will be held at the University of Vienna, Austria, 1 - 4 September, 2004. The conference venue is part of the newly adapted university campus (AAKH) and is located near the centre of Vienna (9th district). With this conference the organisers want to set new impulses in European CALL by bringing east and west more closely together. Vienna is an ideal venue to do that. We would like to initiate another grass-root movement in CALL by strongly concentrating on language learning and training with special emphasis on the methodology and practice in secondary, tertiary, and adult education.
Source: CALL Austria
Inputdate: 2004-05-21 13:29:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-05-21 13:29:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 1623
Content Type: 1
Title: From Communicative Activity to Task: A Short but Significant Journey
Body: This paper begins with a consideration of the historical roots of task-based teaching, especially as they relate to communicative language teaching. It notes significant common elements between the notion of ‘communicative activity’and that of ‘task’.(PDF) This article is located in the Top Stories column of the British Council Search English site:
Source: Keith Johnson, Lancaster University, UK
Inputdate: 2004-05-21 13:37:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-05-21 13:37:00
Active: 1
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Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 1624
Content Type: 1
Title: German Film at Cannes: The Edukators.
Body: German film's political message resonates at Cannes Politics took center stage at the prestigious Cannes film festival this week as a German film about youthful idealism and its power to change the world became a top contender for the Palme d'Or best film award. Director Hans Weingartner's "The Edukators" ("Die Fetten Jahren Sind Vorbei") was a hit among audiences and critics alike, winning both a 15 minute standing ovation at its official premiere on Monday and glowing reviews in the industry's most important papers. The influential Hollywood Reporter, for example, called the movie a "rare beast, a terrific movie that boasts intelligent wit, expert storytelling, delightful characters and grown-up dialogue plus suspense and a wicked surprise ending." The first German film to compete at Cannes in over a decade, "The Edukators" follows three 20-something radicals who raid wealthy homes, rearrange the furniture inside and leave behind notes berating the owners with messages like "You have too much money." When the three are eventually surprised by one of the homeowners, a wealthy businessman with a leftist past, they take him hostage, setting the stage for a clash of generations and ideologies. Weingartner, an Austrian who learned his trade in Germany, said his film explores the fate of political activism in an age when politics and advertising are ever more closely aligned. "We don't know where to put our revolutionary energy and we don't know how to fight the system because we can't grab it, we don't know how to attack it," he told reporters. "The system has become so invulnerable because it sells revolution to us." "The Edukators" rides the wave of the recent international success of German films like the box-office hit "Good Bye, Lenin!" and "Head On," the first German film to win the Golden Bear top prize at the Berlin film festival since 1986. Indeed, Weingartner casts "Good Bye, Lenin!" star Daniel Bruehl in the role of Jan, a brooding revolutionary who falls for his friend's girlfriend. Along with Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11," an angry critique of the Bush administration's policies in Iraq, "The Edukators" has hit a nerve at Cannes in a year when striking film industry workers demonstrated at red carpet premieres. With critics calling the political current in this year's festival the strongest in years, "The Edukators" is said to be among the leading contenders for the prizes that a jury headed by U.S. director Quentin Tarantino will hand out at the close of the 12-day festival. For his part, Weingartner is happy just to be in Cannes for the huge festival. "I hope through Cannes our film will reach a lot of people and will have an effect," he said. "I don't expect that it's going to win a prize. That would be just too much for me. I think I would just go crazy, I would explode." Cannes Film Festival link: 4201604 Grosvenor, E., Borsare, B. (editors). The Week in Germany from May 21, 2004. The Week in Germany. (21 May 2004).
Source: The Week in Germany
Inputdate: 2004-05-21 14:01:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-05-21 14:01:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
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Contentid: 1625
Content Type: 1
Title: Editor's Picks from OELA Newsline- May 11, 2004
Body: Editor's Picks from OELA Newsline, May 11, 2004 By: OELA Newsline The May 4 OELA Newsline can be viewed at: Articles of interest this week include: * New Jersey Honors ESL Program as Model * Parents Call for More Latinos on School Faculties * Envisioning Literature Video Series from Annenberg/CPB * Like Everybody Else: Equalizing Educational Opportunity for English Language Learners * Lesson Plans to Celebrate Asian and Pacific-Island Heritage * The 2004 Skipping Stones Honor Awards (multicultual books)
Source: OELA Newsline
Inputdate: 2004-05-21 14:29:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-05-21 14:29:00
Active: 1
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Contentid: 1626
Content Type: 1
Title: Bilingual Research Journal, Spring 2004 edition online
Body: The Bilingual Research Journal (BRJ) Volume 28, Number 1, Spring, 2004 has been posted and can be read online at The articles in this issue are the following: * The Cross-Language Transfer of Phonological Skills of Hispanic Head Start Children, by Lisa M. López and Daryl B. Greenfield * Effects of a Two-Way Bilingual Program on the Literacy Development of Students in Kindergarten and First Grade, by María G. López and Abbas Tashakkori * Two-Way Immersion Bilingual Programs in Texas, by Rafael Lara-Alecio, Martha Galloway, Beverly J. Irby, Linda Rodríguez, and Leo Gómez * Professional Development Implications of Teachers' Beliefs and Attitudes Toward English Language Learners, by Stuart A. Karabenick and Phyllis A. Clemens Noda * Functions of Code Switching in Schoolchildren's Conversations, by Iliana Reyes * Parents' Attitudes Toward Chinese-English Bilingual Education and Chinese Language Use, by Christy Lao Research in Practice: * A Case Study of One Japanese Heritage Language Program in Arizona Satoko Yaeo Siegel Book Reviews: La Clase Mágica: Imagining Optimal Possibilities in a Bilingual Community of Learners ( By Olga Vásquez Reviewed by María Paula Ghiso Language and Literacy in Bilingual Children Edited by D. Kimbrough Oller and Rebecca E. Eilers Reviewed by Masahiko Minami
Source: Bilingual Research Journal
Inputdate: 2004-05-21 14:39:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-05-21 14:39:00
Active: 1
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Contentid: 1627
Content Type: 1
Title: New Learning Resources at FREE
Body: Visit the FREE website at: Twelve new learning resources in the arts, foreign languages, science, and social studies have been added to FREE. The Federal Resources for Educational Excellence (FREE) Web site makes it easy for teachers, parents, students, and others to find learning resources from more than 40 federal organizations. Two particularly useful new resources may be: * "Project REACH: Recursos para la Ensenanza y el Aprendizaje de las Culturas Hispanas" offers resources on the history and literature of the Spanish language, Latino cultures in the U.S., arts of the Spanish-speaking world, instructional materials for teaching Spanish-speakers, and the Quechua culture indigenous to the remote regions of the Peruvian Andes ( * "Grapes of Wrath Scrapbook" aims to enhance reading and understanding of John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath through ethnographic research -- collections of sound recordings, drawings, photos, fieldnotes, and correspondence. Students show how cultural artifacts support one of themes in the novel. (
Source: Federal Resources for Educational Excellence (FREE)
Inputdate: 2004-05-21 14:48:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-05-21 14:48:00
Active: 1
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Contentid: 1628
Content Type: 1
Title: National search for exemplary models in teacher development
Body: In addition to its search for models that exemplify ideal professional practice in curriculum, instructional programs, assessment instruments, and articulation among programs, the New Visions in Action team is also looking for outstanding teacher development programs. The Teacher Development Task Force seeks the nomination of * programs that exemplify ideal professional practice in teacher preparation at postsecondary institutions and * programs that exhibit best practices in improving the quality of the in- service teaching profession. To nominate a program, submit the requested information electronically, using the form provided at: To nominate a program in Curriculum, Instruction, Articulation, and/or Assessment, visit: New Visions in Action is a process begun in 1998 by the National K-12 Foreign Language Resource Center (NFLRC) at Iowa State University and the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL).
Source: New Visions in Action
Inputdate: 2004-05-25 13:36:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-05-25 13:36:00
Active: 1
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Contentid: 1629
Content Type: 1
Title: Japanese Documentary on PBS
Body: The Public Broadcasting Service has just released a three part series entitled "Japan: Memoirs of a Secret Empire." The interactive website for the production is located at:
Source: PBS
Inputdate: 2004-05-27 15:58:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-05-27 15:58:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1