
Displaying 6611-6620 of 28843 results.
Contentid: 6835
Content Type: 1
Title: October 2007 Issue of T.ELL.E-GRAM
Body: From T.ELL.E-GRAM is a monthly bilingual (available in Spanish and English) newsletter full of resources for ELL teachers. This month’s issue includes the following articles and information: But What if I Don't Know English? explains how spending time reading, singing, and talking in the family's native language every day helps children build the language skills that are the foundation for learning to read in both English and their native language. School Issues and Program Information discusses some of obligations stated in the No Child Left Behind Act, which include mandatory testing. Communication Strategies for All Classrooms: Focusing on English Language Learners and Students with Learning Disabilities is available on the Colorín Colorado homepage. Access these articles and several more at .
Source: Colorín Colorado
Inputdate: 2007-10-14 09:33:13
Lastmodifieddate: 2007-10-14 09:33:13
Publishdate: 2007-10-15 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 6836
Content Type: 1
Title: Resources for English Language Learners and Teachers: English Club
Body: English Club is a site to help you learn English or teach English as a second language. Access to all pages is free. You'll find everything from lessons for students to jobs for teachers, including interactive pages such as forums, games, quizzes, chat, help and penpals. Access English Club at .
Source: English Club
Inputdate: 2007-10-14 09:34:43
Lastmodifieddate: 2007-10-14 09:34:43
Publishdate: 2007-10-15 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 6837
Content Type: 1
Title: Ideas for Teaching about Food
Body: Here are some ideas from FLTEACH listserv users for activities to use during a food unit: I purchased a box of 50 food items at ToysRUs last year. Before class I would put one piece of food on every desk. The students had to name their food. We then traded food back and forth differently each day: I don't like, I like.... please give me your.... I'm thirsty, who has .... It is my birthday I want.... I'm baking a cake I need.... I'm fixing lunch I need.... types of activities. Sometimes we just passed the food around from person to person, then I would tell them to stop, and they had to say again what food item they had. Students said that touching and handling the food helped them learn the names, especially of foods that they would not regularly eat. Achorn, E. Re: Alternate activities for food unit. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 5 Oct 2007). --- -Restaurant menus organized into sections, with pics and decorations, meal descriptions (can be done as Power Point presentations, too) -Food critic articles, as if from newspaper or magazine Silvernale, R. Re: Alternate activities for food unit. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 5 Oct 2007). --- I split the class in to groups of about 4 and give them each 4-5 laminated pictures of different foods that I have collected from magazines. Their pictures would be, say, a bowl of soup and a grilled cheese sandwich from a Campbells ad...a salad from a Kraft ad, a hamburger and fries from a McDonalds ad, etc. Then I give them a blank menu page that had headings for appetizers, side dishes, main dishes, desserts, and beverages. Under each heading there are about 6 blank lines. I tell them that there was a problem with the food distributor this week and your restaurant only received the items/ingredients that are pictured in your ads. (Everyone has spices left from last week.) They have to break the foods pictured down into their components to create new dishes for their menu. Say...the tomato soup is made from tomatoes, so we can serve tomato juice as a beverage and gazpacho for an appetizer (because the salad has the onions and cucumbers, etc.). If it's not included in the foods in their pictures, they don't have it. You just have to make sure that each group has enough "ingredients" to create enough dishes to fill the menu. Henman, B. Re: Alternate activities for food unit. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 5 Oct 2007). --- I always enjoy doing a market activity at the end of the unit. Students are divided into groups and each group is given a shop: bakery, butcher, grocery, etc. They have to make a poster and props for 5 things to sell in their shop, with prices. Then they are given an assignment to shop for a picnic/party/other event. I divide the class in half and half shops first while the other half are the merchants. They have to shop for the items on their list and have a conversation with each merchant. Students have to sign a progress sheet to determine how many conversations they had. Shoppers are given fake Euros to use, and merchants have change. After a certain amount of time, students switch roles. Resch, K. Re: Alternate activities for food unit. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 6 Oct 2007).
Inputdate: 2007-10-14 09:35:43
Lastmodifieddate: 2007-10-14 09:35:43
Publishdate: 2007-10-15 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 6838
Content Type: 1
Title: Recommended Computer Games for Learning Languages
Body: Here are a few interactive computer games, mostly French, for learning languages recommended by LLTI listserv users: "Twinsen's Little Big Adventure 2" also known as "Twinsen's Odyssey" is a graphical adventure game that includes lots and lots of spoken French dialogue (when you choose that language at startup), and is pretty engrossing. Here's a website with info: . "Learn French Or Die" from DK Interactive Learning comes in several languages and it looks like fun. Have a look at Yabla Clic, . Try any video in the "FREE DEMO" section and click the GAME button at the bottom of the Yabla Player. This is a randomly generated "cloze" listening challenge, thus you can play any number of times, with a different game every time. If each user has their own user name, then results can be tracked and scores tallied per user. On the Kindersite there are a few interactive games suitable for young students in Spanish. . I used the German version of World of Warcraft for an introductory class last year, and I thought it went pretty well. There is a French version as well. You can learn from my mistakes and get the technical information here: .
Source: LLTI
Inputdate: 2007-10-14 09:36:29
Lastmodifieddate: 2007-10-14 09:36:29
Publishdate: 2007-10-15 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 6839
Content Type: 1
Title: New Textbook: Ponto de Encontro: Portuguese as a World Language
Body: From Title: Ponto de Encontro Authors: Anna Klobucka, Clémence Jouët-Pastré, Patrícia Isabel Sobral, Maria Luci de Biaji Moreira, Amélia P. Hutchinson Publisher: Prentice Hall Publisher’s Summary: Ponto de Encontro provides an ample, flexible, communication-oriented framework for use in the beginning and intermediate Portuguese classroom. It takes a highly interactive approach towards presentation and practice of the language and it integrates cultural information and exchange at every stage of instruction. Ponto de Encontro is the first Portuguese language textbook that allows the instructor to choose to teach either Brazilian or European Portuguese, while at the same time offering language learners a rich variety of insights into cultural, social and political realities of the entire Portuguese-speaking world. Visit the publisher’s website at .
Source: Prentice Hall
Inputdate: 2007-10-21 07:19:16
Lastmodifieddate: 2007-10-21 07:19:16
Publishdate: 2007-10-22 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 6840
Content Type: 1
Title: New Issue of Reading in a Foreign Language
Body: From The October 2007 issue (Volume 19, Number 2) of the electronic journal Reading in a Foreign Language (RFL) is now online. In this issue Takako Nishino presents the results of her case study of two young EFL learners beginning to read extensively. Victoria Rodrigo and her colleagues discuss how adult learners use an extensive reading library. Stuart Webb examines the effects of synonymy on vocabulary learning. Our feature "Readings on L2 Reading: Publications in Other Venues" presents references through 2006-2007. Karim Sadeghi reviews Literature in Language Teaching and Learning, edited by Amos Paran. Stephen Moore reviews The Social Construction of Literacy (2nd ed.), edited by Jenny Cook-Gumperz. Rachel Castleton reviews Teaching Strategic Reading 1: Building Effective Reading Skills, by Jack C. Richards and Samuela Eckstut-Didier. Jesús García Laborda reviews Teaching Reading Skills in a Foreign Language (3rd ed), by Christine Nuttall. The latest issue is available at .
Source: NFLRC
Inputdate: 2007-10-21 07:20:24
Lastmodifieddate: 2007-10-21 07:20:24
Publishdate: 2007-10-22 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 6841
Content Type: 1
Title: Call for Papers: Conference on Endangered Languages and Cultures of Native America
Body: From Conference on Endangered Languages and Cultures of Native America (4th annual CELCNA) March 28-30, 2008, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. Call for papers: Papers or posters are invited on any aspect of American Indian languages, in particular on documentation or revitalization. American Indian participants are especially invited. Papers are 20 minutes each in length, with an additional 10 minutes for discussion. Deadline: for Abstracts: Jan. 18, 2008. The Program Committee will announce results about Feb. 1. Workshop on teaching American Indian languages (and language revitalization), Thursday, March 27; all interested are warmly invited - no cost (just registration for CELCNA). For more information, go to .
Source: LINGUIST List
Inputdate: 2007-10-21 07:21:22
Lastmodifieddate: 2007-10-21 07:21:22
Expdate: 2008-03-31 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2007-10-22 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 6842
Content Type: 1
Title: Call for Submissions: Chicana and Chicano Pedagogy in the 21st Century
Body: Call for Submissions “Mi Educación es la Causa: Chicana and Chicano Pedagogy in the 21st Century.” NACCS-Tejas Regional Conference South Texas College, McAllen, Tejas 28 February-1 March 2008 Chicana/o scholars, NACCS Tejas membership, and the Tejas community are invited to submit papers, exhibits, performances or cultural productions for the NACCS Tejas Regional Conference at South Texas College. Through activism, the classroom, or home, Chicanas/os have worked creatively to bring about social change, both on the streets and in the classroom of this nation. This is the historical spirit that will be celebrated and examined during the 2008 NACCS Tejas Regional Conference that will be held February 28 through March 1 at South Texas College. The NACCS Tejas Regional conference will provide a forum through which we can collectively explore la causa through the prism of Chicana/o pedagogy in order to envision new teaching strategies that address the needs of la raza in the 21st century. This conference incorporates a multidisciplinary understanding of scholarship and performance and therefore accepts papers and productions from a wide range of disciplines. While the primary theme for the conference centers on Chicana/o pedagogy in the 21st century, other topics related to the Chicana/o experience are also welcomed. A 100-250 word abstract should be submitted for the paper, panel, exhibit, performance, or other. Deadline for Submissions: January 14, 2008 Send questions and proposals electronically to Victor Gomez at
Source: BILING
Inputdate: 2007-10-21 07:22:37
Lastmodifieddate: 2007-10-21 07:22:37
Expdate: 2008-03-03 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2007-10-22 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 6843
Content Type: 1
Title: Call for Papers: Technology and Learning Pronunciation
Body: Call for Papers for Special Issue of Language Learning & Technology Theme: Technology and Learning Pronunciation Guest Editor: Debra M. Hardison Technological advances have provided a range of tools to assist learners in the development of pronunciation skills in a variety of target languages. These tools include commercially available computer systems, web-based systems, and various software programs ranging from those requiring some specialized knowledge to ones suitable for the non-specialist. Research to date has suggested that computer-based visual displays of some areas of speech production such as pitch are user-friendly and valuable sources of feedback in the learning process. Increasingly, more individuals are able to avail themselves of computer-based tools to practice the sounds of a new language that may not exist in their immediate environment. As these technological innovations have appeared, questions have arisen as to their efficacy in promoting pronunciation skill development, and the ability to transfer this skill to the discourse level of speech in the natural language environment. The latter concern follows the recent developments in the broader field of language learning toward recognition the need for learners to understand and utilize language in its naturally occurring contexts. This special issue of Language Learning & Technology seeks to provide a variety of perspectives on technology-supported pronunciation learning at the segmental, suprasegmental, and discourse levels in a variety of contexts. Possible submissions include but are not limited to studies of the following: *suprasegmental and/or segmental aspects of speech including rhythm and intonation, specific segmental challenges, measures of accent, etc. *effectiveness of various technological tools in the improvement of L2 pronunciation such as commercially available products, automatic speech recognition systems, web-based tools, or other software options *contribution of voice chat to improvement in pronunciation *relationship between speech production and perception *pronunciation learning in the larger discourse context *technology-assisted pronunciation instruction for specific populations, e.g., international teaching assistants *effective ways of integrating technology in various types of curricula *learner-technology interface, i.e., ease of use, quality of feedback, etc. *transfer of skills from focused computer-based activities to natural language use. Please send an e-mail of intent with a 250-word abstract by December 31, 2007, to .
Source: LLTI
Inputdate: 2007-10-21 07:23:55
Lastmodifieddate: 2007-10-21 07:23:55
Expdate: 2008-01-01 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2007-10-22 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 6844
Content Type: 1
Title: Call for Papers: American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese Annual Conference
Body: From The 90th annual conference of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese will be held July 8-11, 2008, at the Hotel Ramada Plaza Herradura in San José, Costa Rica. The following topics are suggestions for proposals. The Annual Meeting Program Selection Committee will give serious consideration to all proposals whether or not they are contained on the following lists. TEACHING AND LEARNING OF LANGUAGE AND CULTURE INNOVATIONS IN CURRICULUM AND PROGRAMS LATIN AMERICAN LITERATURE PENINSULAR LITERATURE LINGUISTICS (Spanish and Portuguese) Proposal deadline: December 1, 2007. For submissions information and a more extensive list of suggested topics, go to .
Source: AATSP
Inputdate: 2007-10-21 07:25:13
Lastmodifieddate: 2007-10-21 07:25:13
Expdate: 2008-07-13 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2007-10-22 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1