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TitleIdeas for Teaching about Food
Here are some ideas from FLTEACH listserv users for activities to use during a food unit:

I purchased a box of 50 food items at ToysRUs last year. Before class I would put one piece of food on every desk. The students had to name their food. We then traded food back and forth differently each day:
I don't like, I like.... please give me your....
I'm thirsty, who has ....
It is my birthday I want....
I'm baking a cake I need....
I'm fixing lunch I need.... types of activities.
Sometimes we just passed the food around from person to person, then I would tell them to stop, and they had to say again what food item they had. Students said that touching and handling the food helped them learn the names, especially of foods that they would not regularly eat.

Achorn, E. Re: Alternate activities for food unit. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 5 Oct 2007).

-Restaurant menus organized into sections, with pics and decorations, meal descriptions (can be done as Power Point presentations, too)
-Food critic articles, as if from newspaper or magazine

Silvernale, R. Re: Alternate activities for food unit. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 5 Oct 2007).

I split the class in to groups of about 4 and give them each 4-5 laminated pictures of different foods that I have collected from magazines. Their pictures would be, say, a bowl of soup and a grilled cheese sandwich from a Campbells ad...a salad from a Kraft ad, a hamburger and fries from a McDonalds ad, etc. Then I give them a blank menu page that had headings for appetizers, side dishes, main dishes, desserts, and beverages. Under each heading there are about 6 blank lines. I tell them that there was a problem with the food distributor this week and your restaurant only received the items/ingredients that are pictured in your ads. (Everyone has spices left from last week.) They have to break the foods pictured down into their components to create new dishes for their menu. Say...the tomato soup is made from tomatoes, so we can serve tomato juice as a beverage and gazpacho for an appetizer (because the salad has the onions and cucumbers, etc.). If it's not included in the foods in their pictures, they don't have it. You just have to make sure that each group has enough "ingredients" to create enough dishes to fill the menu.

Henman, B. Re: Alternate activities for food unit. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 5 Oct 2007).

I always enjoy doing a market activity at the end of the unit. Students are divided into groups and each group is given a shop: bakery, butcher, grocery, etc. They have to make a poster and props for 5 things to sell in their shop, with prices. Then they are given an assignment to shop for a picnic/party/other event.

I divide the class in half and half shops first while the other half are the merchants. They have to shop for the items on their list and have a conversation with each merchant. Students have to sign a progress sheet to determine how many conversations they had. Shoppers are given fake Euros to use, and merchants have change. After a certain amount of time, students switch roles.

Resch, K. Re: Alternate activities for food unit. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 6 Oct 2007).

Inputdate2007-10-14 09:35:43
Lastmodifieddate2007-10-14 09:35:43
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Publishdate2007-10-15 00:00:00
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