
Displaying 5061-5070 of 28843 results.
Contentid: 5261
Content Type: 1
Title: French News and Weather Reports Online
Body: The TF1 site features weather reports in video format for all of France or in text format for each region. Videos are also available for a broad range of news topics, including sports, entertainment, and current events.
Source: TF1
Inputdate: 2006-11-02 01:00:06
Lastmodifieddate: 2006-11-02 01:00:06
Publishdate: 2006-11-06 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 5262
Content Type: 1
Title: French American Cultural Exchange
Body: The French American Cultural Exchange is a non-profit organization that seeks to support French-American cultural and educational exhange in the creative arts. Visit their site to find out more about funding opportunities, heritage language programs, and information about cultural events.
Source: FACE
Inputdate: 2006-11-02 01:25:03
Lastmodifieddate: 2006-11-02 01:25:03
Publishdate: 2006-11-06 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 5263
Content Type: 1
Title: New Book: Linguistic Landscapes
Body: LINGUISTIC LANDSCAPES A Comparative Study of Urban Multilingualism in Tokyo Peter Backhaus German Institute for Japanese Studies “In this study of the linguistic landscape of Tokyo, Peter Backhaus clearly demonstrates that Japan is not as linguistically homogeneous as is commonly thought. His fascinating account is based on a large empirical database of multilingual signs He describes in detail the increasing importance of English as well as other languages. His book proves that the study of the linguistic landscape is a valuable new development in the analysis of multilingualism around the world. Durk Gorter, Professor of Frisian sociolinguistics, Universiteit van Amsterdam/Fryske Akademy Linguistic Landscapes is the first comprehensive approach to language on signs. It provides an up-to-date review of previous research, introduces a coherent analytical framework, and applies this framework to a sample of signs collected in Tokyo. Linguistic Landscapes demonstrates that the study of language on signs provides a unique research perspective to urban multilingualism. King, K. New book by Peter Backhaus, Linguistic Landscapes. BILING listserv. (2 Nov. 2006). For more information on the book, visit .
Source: BILING-L
Inputdate: 2006-11-02 02:52:10
Lastmodifieddate: 2006-11-02 02:52:10
Publishdate: 2006-11-06 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 5264
Content Type: 1
Title: Recommended Sources for Spanish-Language Children's Literature
Body: Here are some online sources of information on children's books in Spanish that were recently recommended by teachers on the FLTEACH listserv (Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU). Arte Público Press REFORMA: National Association to Promote Library and Information Services to Latinos and the Spanish-Speaking American Library Association: Books in Spanish Published in the U.S. Club LEO:Books in Spanish, English, and bilingual editions from the U.S., Latin America, and Spain! Barahona Center: For the Study of Books in Spanish for Children and Adolescents
Source: Various
Inputdate: 2006-11-02 03:01:15
Lastmodifieddate: 2006-11-02 03:01:15
Publishdate: 2006-11-06 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 5265
Content Type: 1
Title: Teacher Materials for 'Das Boot'
Body: In a recent post to the AATG listserv (American Association of Teachers of German listserv., a generous high school German teacher posted the URL where you can download a 9- to 10-day sequence of teaching materials to accompany the film, 'Das Boot'. These resources include activities, handouts, vocab lists, and a test.
Source: Educational Service Unit #5
Inputdate: 2006-11-02 03:07:55
Lastmodifieddate: 2006-11-02 03:07:55
Publishdate: 2006-11-06 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 5266
Content Type: 1
Title: Do the Hokey-Pokey in German
Body: Here's my version. I do it when we learn body parts. Hokey-Pokey Stell' deinen rechten Fuß rein Stell' deinen rechten Fuß raus Stell' deinen rechten Fuß rein Und schüttel' ihn/ sie gut aus! Dann tanz' den Hokie-Pokie Und dreh' dich einmal um - Nur frag' mich nicht: 'warum?' deinen Kopf deinen Popo deinen Körper (masc) deinen (rechten / linken) Ellbogen deine rechte / linke Hand (fem) deine rechte / linke Schulter dein rechtes / linkes Knie dein rechtes / linkes Bein (neut) dein Kinn deine rechten Zehen / Finger (pl) plural Hilson, J. Re: [AATG-L] Hokey Pokey auf Deutsch. American Association of Teachers of German listserv. (5 June 2005).
Source: AATG-L
Inputdate: 2006-11-02 03:18:19
Lastmodifieddate: 2006-11-02 03:18:19
Publishdate: 2006-11-06 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 5267
Content Type: 1
Title: Information Gap Activity Templates and Much More
Body: The Pittsburgh Public School site for World Language teachers provides a number of useful resources, including activity templates, assessment rubrics, information on exchange programs, and a guide to adapting lessons for students with special needs.
Source: Pittsburgh Public Schools
Inputdate: 2006-11-02 03:24:50
Lastmodifieddate: 2006-11-02 03:24:50
Publishdate: 2006-11-06 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 5268
Content Type: 1
Title: Ideas for Practicing Physical Descriptions
Body: One thing I've done this year is have the students cut out people from magazines and use some of the description words to describe them. That way, they use the vocabulary as well as make sure the adjectives agree with the person in the picture. I also gave them the option of drawing someone. You might have them bring in pictures from home with family members or friends if you want. In Español 1 the book suggests doing a fashion show with cooperative groups. That might add some variety to your class also. Hanson, D. Re: clothes, colors, personal characteristics (en espanol 1.2). Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (17 Oct. 2006). ---- Another idea for physical descriptions is to put names of famous people in a hat. Ideas are Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Chelsea Clinton, Brad Pitt, Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Osama bin Laden, Britney Spears or even Santa Claus. Students go up to the front, pull out a name, and describe the person to the rest of the class. Whoever guesses correctly gets to go up next. Students really enjoy this! Haak, R. Re: clothes, colors, personal characteristics. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (18 Oct. 2006).
Inputdate: 2006-11-02 03:31:12
Lastmodifieddate: 2006-11-02 03:31:12
Publishdate: 2006-11-06 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 5269
Content Type: 1
Title: Resources for Teaching Young English Learners
Body: English as a Foreign Language Club provides free access to activities, quizzes, games, stories, and other links for teachers and learners of English. Activities are organized by level, topic, type of activity, and language point.
Source: EFL Club
Inputdate: 2006-11-02 03:43:17
Lastmodifieddate: 2006-11-02 03:43:17
Publishdate: 2006-11-06 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 5270
Content Type: 1
Title: Ideas for Guest Speaker Visits
Body: I give extra credit points for active participation. My students usually have more than enough questions when I have speakers. I just make a photocopy of my seating chart and then each time a kid asks a question I put a little check next to their name. My speakers rarely have enough time to answer all the questions. Flaskrud, P. Re: Guest speaker ideas. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (25 Oct. 2006). ---- I go a step further and have them write the question(s) down on a note card that they turn into me, and then I review them and add secondary questions as well that they could ask. I also have my students practice writing a thank-you letter to the speaker in which they have to say what was one thing they learned from having this speaker, a comment or story that they liked, and a personal connection they made with the speaker's message. Not only is it a reflection for the students to think about what was said, it is also a wonderful gift to give your speaker. Hagemeier, L. Re: Guest speaker ideas. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (25 Oct. 2006).
Inputdate: 2006-11-02 03:47:44
Lastmodifieddate: 2006-11-02 03:47:44
Publishdate: 2006-11-06 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1