
Displaying 2641-2650 of 28843 results.
Contentid: 2751
Content Type: 1
Title: Call for Papers: CALICO Book on CALL
Body: We are soliciting chapters for a book to be published by CALICO entitled Calling on CALL: From Theory and Research to New Directions in Foreign Language Teaching. The book will sequence from a general overview of CALL and current approaches to teaching foreign languages to more specific uses of CALL in terms of teaching particular skills and using courseware applications and software. Each chapter should include a literature review, discussion of the essential principles of the subfield under consideration, ideas for practical applications of the topic under discussion, questions for reflection, and a bibliography. The specific chapters we are looking for are: 1. The Big Picture - Situating CALL in a Broader Methodological Context - Relating CALL and CMC and the National Standards - CALL and teaching foreign languages in the context of current approaches to teaching foreign languages 2. CALL & Literacy - Computer technology as a tool for promoting learners' literacy in a foreign language - the connection between computer technology and literacy 3. Using Micropublishing to Facilitate Writing in the Foreign Language - Discuss various methods for micropublishing, such as task ideas for student- designed web pages, photo editing, Powerpoint presentations and weblogs. If interested, please submit a 500-word proposal to Nike Arnold ( and Lara Ducate ( by April 18, 2005. [AATG-L] Call for papers. American Association of Teachers of German listserv. (4 Mar. 2005).
Source: AATG-L
Inputdate: 2005-03-05 17:51:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2005-03-05 17:51:00
Expdate: 2005-04-18 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2005-03-07 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 2752
Content Type: 1
Title: New Census Data Shows Rising Education Levels for Immigrants
Body: New data released from the U.S. Census Bureau indicates that recent immigrants are better educated than those who arrived in the late 1990s, and that children of immigrants are much more likely to have college degrees and earn higher salaries than their parents. Read the article at:
Inputdate: 2005-03-05 18:07:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2005-03-05 18:07:00
Publishdate: 2005-03-07 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 2753
Content Type: 1
Title: Chinese College Students Strive to Maintain Bilingualism
Body: Chinese University students protested after a recent announcement that more core classes may be taught in English. Students claim that the bilingual culture of the school would be at risk and that they were not forewarned about the change. Meanwhile, at other schools in China, as many as nine out of ten classes are conducted in English. Read the article from The Standard at:
Source: The Standard
Inputdate: 2005-03-05 18:13:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2005-03-05 18:13:00
Publishdate: 2005-03-07 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 2755
Content Type: 1
Title: Spanish and Italian Dropped from European Commission Conferences
Body: A recent European Commission decision to hold some news conferences in English, French, and German only, eliminating Italian and Spanish, resulted in a revolt when journalists began to notice the change. Read the International Herald Tribune article at:
Source: International Herald Tribune
Inputdate: 2005-03-05 18:19:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2005-03-05 18:19:00
Publishdate: 2005-03-07 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 2756
Content Type: 1
Title: Tips for Raising a Bilingual Child
Body: Beth Butler, creator of the popular BOCA BETH Spanish-English learning program for children, offers tips to parents wanting to teach their children two languages. Among the topics she addresses are avoiding competition and maintaining native language pride. Read the Dos Mundos article at:
Source: Dos Mundos Bilingual Newspaper
Inputdate: 2005-03-05 18:25:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2005-03-05 18:25:00
Publishdate: 2005-03-07 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 2757
Content Type: 1
Title: New TOEFL iBT Test Information
Body: Educational Testing Service's new version of the TOEFL test, TOEFL iBT, is scheduled to be phased in in North America and Europe this fall around the world in 2006. For more information on the TOEFL iBT, including scoring information, scheduling, competency descriptors, and sample questions, visit:
Source: ETS
Inputdate: 2005-03-05 18:35:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2005-03-05 18:35:00
Publishdate: 2005-03-07 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 2758
Content Type: 1
Title: Spanish Books for Adolescents
Body: The Baharona Center for the Study of Books in Spanish for Children and Adolescents provides information on Spanish literature for young people. Also available are links to readers' comments and information on workshops and conferences. Visit the Center at:
Source: California State University San Marcos
Inputdate: 2005-03-05 18:39:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2005-03-05 18:39:00
Publishdate: 2005-03-07 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 2759
Content Type: 1
Title: The e-LCTL Initiative
Body: From: Strategic National Planning and Coordination For the Less Commonly Taught Languages — a project for the national US/ED Title VI community In a time of national and global need for an enlarged pool of speakers and learners of key languages around the globe, a strategic effort is needed in the United States to make those less commonly taught languages (LCTLs) available to learners at the post-secondary level. This requires collaboration among the nation’s universities in deciding what LCTLs to offer, at what levels, when and where, in what formats, and what new learning materials will be required. These are the tasks of the e-LCTL Initiative. For more information on the project, visit:
Source: LCTL
Inputdate: 2005-03-05 18:45:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2005-03-05 18:45:00
Publishdate: 2005-03-07 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 2760
Content Type: 1
Title: Beginning French Practice for Children Online
Body: The BBC Web site provides simple, colorful, interactive beginning French activities for children, covering topics such as greetings, numbers, and spelling.
Inputdate: 2005-03-06 17:45:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2005-03-06 17:45:00
Publishdate: 2005-03-07 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 2761
Content Type: 1
Title: Online French Listening Practice: L'Anniversaire de Tintin
Body:'s French language site this week added to its collection of listening exercises a discussion of the creation of Tintin, the world-famous Belgian comic strip. As usual, the activity includes an MP3 file, a study guide, a quiz, a transcript, and a translation.
Inputdate: 2005-03-06 17:56:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2005-03-06 17:56:00
Publishdate: 2005-03-07 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1