
Displaying 1391-1400 of 28843 results.
Contentid: 1454
Content Type: 1
Title: Integrating Foreign Languages and Art, Cleveland Museum of Art, April 24
Body: Please join us at the Cleveland Museum of Art on Saturday morning April 24th for: "Integrating Foreign Languages and Art"! Invitations available at: or on the website: (PDF format) Please feel free to contact me if you have further questions! Bob White CORE-FL Northeast
Source: Core FL Northeast
Inputdate: 2004-04-08 20:35:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-04-08 20:35:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 1455
Content Type: 1
Title: Job Postings: MS and HS Spanish and French positions, NY
Body: North Colonie Central Schools, Latham, New York (suburb of Albany) anticipates openings in Spanish and French in the high school and middle school. You can call for an application and gather more information at 518-785-5511 Ext 3384
Source: North Colonie Central Schools, Latham, NY
Inputdate: 2004-04-08 20:43:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-04-08 20:43:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 1456
Content Type: 1
Title: Job Posting: HS Spanish Teacher, GA
Body: McIntosh HS in Peachtree City, GA is interviewing for a full-time Spanish Teacher for next year, 2004-2005. Peachtree City is located just south of Atlanta, in Fayette County. It is known for its excellent schools and golf courses...along with the essential golf cart paths! We even have a golf cart parking lot at the school! McIntosh has approximately 1500 students, offering four languages: French, German, Latin and Spanish. With the exception of Latin (which was a new program this year), all foreign languages have offerings through levels 4/5. Next year, we will offer Spanish Language AP. Students can begin their Spanish language study in 8th grade, at Booth Middle School. If you are interested, please check out two sites: the Fayette County Board of Education website at: (where you can also apply on-line) and also our school/department website at: If you would like any other information or have any questions that I might answer, please e-mail me... Kathy Porto Dept Chair, Foreign Languages McIntosh HS 201 Walt Banks Rd. Peachtree City, GA 30269 home: school:
Source: McIntosh HS, Peachtree City, GA
Inputdate: 2004-04-08 20:48:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-04-08 20:48:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 1457
Content Type: 1
Title: Job Posting: HS French and German Teacher, SD
Body: Sturgis High School in Sturgis, South Dakota has a fall opening for a German and French teacher. If there are no applicants soon the program will be discontinued. Please help us find an interested teacher! Yes, this is the home of the world-famous motorcycle rally (but that is only one week a year). Interested parties should contact Kathie Flagstad at
Source: Sturgis High School, Sturgis, SD
Inputdate: 2004-04-08 20:59:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-04-08 20:59:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 1458
Content Type: 1
Title: Preschoolers Study Foreign Tongues
Body: Article address: 28Language.h23&keywords= Preschoolers%20Study%20Foreign%20Tongues If this does not work, from the address, go to "Search Archives" and search for the article title: Preschoolers Study Foreign Tongues Note: Education Week requires a free registration to access their articles. Once you register, you may only be able to log on to the site using Explorer. Excerpt from the article's introduction: Interest in foreign-language instruction in preschool is growing, both among parents and early-childhood educators trying to meet the demand. The interest, though, comes at a time when some districts are scaling back on such programs in the elementary grades in order to spend more time on reading and mathematics—the subjects currently tested to comply with the federal No Child Left Behind Act. "On one hand, we have parents clamoring for this," said Nancy Rhodes, the director of foreign-language instruction at the Center for Applied Linguistics, a Washington-based nonprofit organization that conducts research and provides training and information on language-related issues. "But on the other hand, we have No Child Left Behind emphasizing reading and math. We are feeling that pull."
Source: Linda Jacobson, Education Week
Inputdate: 2004-04-09 12:39:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-04-09 12:39:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 1459
Content Type: 1
Title: 2004 "My Teacher is the Best" Essay Contest, May 31 deadline
Body: Complete contest rules are posted at: Have you ever had a teacher who changed your life? We'd like to know what you think makes a good teacher and why. Tell us about your favorite teacher and why he or she is so special and you can win two new laptop computers--one for you and one for your favorite teacher! Prizes: * First Prize - the student who writes the winning essay and the teacher who is the subject of his or her essay will each receive a new laptop computer. * Honorable Mention - a number of students will be chosen to receive honorable mentions. Prizes to be announced at a later date.
Inputdate: 2004-04-09 12:46:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-04-09 12:46:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 1460
Content Type: 1
Title: Imagining Multilingual Schools: An International Symposium on Language in Education, Sept 30-Oct 2, 2004, NYC
Body: Conference Location: Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City, NY For further information, visit: Educators and policy makers from around the world will be at Columbia University's Teachers College to share their visions and designs for multilingual schools in the 21st century. All twenty-five speakers for the international symposium, Imagining Multilingual Schools, have been invited to participate. The audience will be limited to 125 to ensure active dialogue among participants. Among the scholars invited to this symposium are Hugo Baetens-Beardsmore (Belgium), Jasone Cenoz (Basque Country, Spain), Jim Cummins (Canada), Viv Edwards (United Kingdom), Fred Genesee (Canada), Nancy Hornberger (US), Luis Enrique Lopez-Hurtado (Bolivia), Teresa McCarty (US), Ajit Mohanty (India), Tope Omoniyi (Nigeria and UK), Robert Phillipson (Denmark), Richard Ruiz (US), Elana Shohamy (Israel), Josefina Tinajero (US), Tove Skutnabb-Kangas (Denmark and Finland), Guadalupe Valdés (Stanford University), Li Wei (United Kingdom). Some of the questions to be addressed include: * What role does school play in developing students' multilingualism and multilingual literacies? * How do school systems throughout the world organize themselves to ensure the development of students' multilingualism? * What are the differences and commonalities in the multilingual schooling of immigrant students, indigenous peoples, traditional minorities, and majority populations? * What issues arise as schools develop multilingual educational programs and how do teachers and parents support the development of multilingualism? * How can we move education for multilingual competence higher up on policy agendas? There will also be special panels and cultural events. In addition, New York City offers its multilingual energy and creativity as the backdrop to the symposium. The symposium is being co-chaired by Professors Ofelia García and María Torres-Guzmán of Columbia University´s Teachers College. It is organized by the Bilingual Education Program and the new Center for Multiple Languages and Literacies (CMLL) of Teachers College, Columbia University. The Center for Applied Linguistics and the National Association for Bilingual Education are co-sponsoring the event with Teachers College. Multilingual Matters is offering support.
Source: Columbia University's Teachers College
Inputdate: 2004-04-09 12:54:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-04-09 12:54:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 1461
Content Type: 1
Title: Editor's Picks from OELA Newsline, April 6, 2004
Body: The latest OELA Newsline, April 6, 2004, can be viewed online at: If you have never checked out the OELA Newsline, put out by the National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition & Language Instruction Educational Programs, now might be the time. In coming weeks, I will highlight titles of interesting articles, though there may be many more things that I do not include in my Editor's Choice. This week's picks: Bilingual Education Grows in Popularity Despite Opposition Key to English Success: Parents Study Finds Year-Round Schooling Benefits Bilingual Students New Jersey Readies Online Second Language Skills Test for Students Fourth-Grade Spanish FLES Program Study $94 Million in Reading Grants Available from U.S. Department of Education
Source: OELA Newsline
Inputdate: 2004-04-09 13:10:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-04-09 13:10:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 1462
Content Type: 1
Title: Editor's Picks from The Language Resource, April, 2004
Body: This is another excellent resouce for FL educators. April's online edition can be found at: My picks from this month's edition include: * The Council for Basic Education (CBE) has completed the first significant study of how the No Child Left Behind Act is influencing instructional time and professional development in key subject areas. * The Virtual Assessment Center (VAC) provides teachers with many practical resources on developing second language assessments linked to key information on standards and pedagogy. * AROUND THE WORLD IN A CYBER SECOND: Resources from Embassies * U.S. Department of Education Awards $34.6 Million Contract to Develop and Operate World's Largest Education Database * PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT, CONFERENCES AND FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES
Source: National Capital Language Resource Center
Inputdate: 2004-04-09 13:24:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-04-09 13:24:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 1463
Content Type: 1
Title: Editor's Note
Body: Greetings from your InterCom Editor. In a continuing effort to improve our service to InterCom subscribers, the editorial staff has generated the following policy regarding InterCom postings that are routinely copied from other listservs: In order to conform with academic research models, InterCom will provide a bibliographic citation for emails copied from other listservs. This citation is intended to give credit to the author of postings. We at the Center for Applied Second Language Studies wish to protect the privacy of those whom we credit, and for that reason, we will not publish authors' email addresses unless the content of the message implies that the author wishes to be contacted. If you would like to comment on this policy, or any other aspect of the InterCom service, please contact the editor at: We would be especially interested in hearing from you if you administer a listserv. Thank you.
Source: Greg Hopper-Moore, InterCom Editor
Inputdate: 2004-04-15 13:13:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-04-15 13:13:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1