View Content #1463

Content Type1
TitleEditor's Note
Greetings from your InterCom Editor.

In a continuing effort to improve our service to InterCom subscribers, the
editorial staff has generated the following policy regarding InterCom postings
that are routinely copied from other listservs:

In order to conform with academic research models, InterCom will provide a
bibliographic citation for emails copied from other listservs. This citation is
intended to give credit to the author of postings. We at the Center for Applied
Second Language Studies wish to protect the privacy of those whom we
credit, and for that reason, we will not publish authors' email addresses
unless the content of the message implies that the author wishes to be

If you would like to comment on this policy, or any other aspect of the
InterCom service, please contact the editor at:

We would be especially interested in hearing from you if you administer a
listserv. Thank you.
SourceGreg Hopper-Moore, InterCom Editor
Inputdate2004-04-15 13:13:00
Lastmodifieddate2004-04-15 13:13:00
ExpdateNot set
PublishdateNot set
DisplaydateNot set