
Displaying 1341-1350 of 28843 results.
Contentid: 1403
Content Type: 1
Title: March Edition of the "The Language Resource" - NCLRC
Body: From: Editor's Note: I am posting this to all interest categories, languages, and levels of instruction. If you haven't visited the NCLRC website before, you might be surprised at the diversity of articles and resources, from Elementary Immersion Strategies, to Russian language learning resources. Also posted are the NCLRC Summer Institutes and an article on Portfolio Assessment! Enjoy!
Source: National Capital Language Resource Center
Inputdate: 2004-03-26 13:10:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-03-26 13:10:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 1404
Content Type: 1
Title: French Language Program Coordinator, Penn State University
Body: The Department of French seeks an instructor of French with an excellent teaching record to fill a multi-year fixed-term position as coordinator for the basic language courses. The Department houses a large and growing undergraduate program, offers opportunities to participate in and benefit from its Ph.D. program in Applied Linguistics, and plays an active role in innovative research projects at the Center for Language Acquisition, an interdepartmental unit housed in the College of the Liberal Arts. Experience in language program coordination required, Ph.D. preferred for this position. Send cover letter, c.v., and the names and contact information of three references by mail to Thomas A. Hale, Head, Department of French, 211 Burrowes Building, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, or by e-mail to, by March 31, 2004; however, all applications will be considered until the position is filled. Penn State is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity and the diversity of its workforce.
Source: Penn State
Inputdate: 2004-03-26 13:17:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-03-26 13:17:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 1405
Content Type: 1
Title: Report on Kansas TESOL/BE Conference
Body: Something very memorable happened at Fort Hays State University, in Hays, Kansas, this weekend. We had 300 people attend our KATESOL/BE 2004 Conference, and we enjoyed interacting all day Saturday with: Jacqueline Boyd (Haskell Indian Nations University), Rebecca Kopriva (C-SAVE, University of Maryland), Stephen Krashen (University of Southern California), Joy Reid (University of Wyoming) and Bill VanPatten (University of Illinois- Chicago). It's hard not to notice that three of these keynote speakers were originally interviewed as part of the online ESL MiniConference project: Steve Krashen, Joy Reid, Bill VanPatten. You can read those interviews in our Achievement Profiles, using the index found at . Now I understand what Carol Gillespie, of Washington State TESOL, meant when she wrote to me about the overwhelming experience she had when, based on the ESL MiniConference interview with Betty Azar, she found the courage to contact Betty Azar and was able to bring her to WATESOL as a keynote speaker. I believe that with KATESOL/BE 2004 I have been able to achieve one goal-- forming a grassroots network of ESL professionals in Kansas--and at the same time move forward with a "bricks" version of the "clicks" project--ESL MiniConference Online. I'm going to let the ESL MiniConference hibernate for a while. The domain name is paid up; I'll keep the Web hosting going, so that this resource remains available to prospective as well as practicing ESL/EFL professionals. And, in a year or two, I will reactivate the monthly e-mail newsletters.
Source: Kansas TESOL/BE
Inputdate: 2004-03-26 13:22:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-03-26 13:22:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 1406
Content Type: 1
Title: InterCom - more than just an email digest
Body: Thank you for subscribing to InterCom! As the Editor of InterCom, I hope that you are satisfied with the information that you receive each week. In addition to the email service you receive each Friday, InterCom archives every article in a searchable database. If you want to find out what has been posted to a particular Content Area, Language, and/or Level of Instruction, visit the website for the Center for Applied Second Language Studies on the University of Oregon campus: and go to "Search for Articles."
Source: Greg Hopper-Moore, InterCom Editor
Inputdate: 2004-03-31 15:45:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-03-31 15:45:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 1407
Content Type: 1
Title: US Education Department Issues New Policy for Calculating Participation Rates Under No Child Left Behind
Body: In an effort to help states implement the No Child Left Behind Act , the U.S. Department of Education recently announced new policies for calculating participation rates -- the percentage of enrolled students who participate in an assessment program. The announcement was made at the National School Boards Association’s 64th annual conference in Orlando, Fla. States will be able to average participation rates over a three-year period. In addition, students who are unable to take the test during the testing and make-up windows because of a unique, significant medical emergency will not count against the school’s participation rate. To read the complete press release, visit:
Source: US Department of Education
Inputdate: 2004-04-01 10:18:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-04-01 10:18:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 1408
Content Type: 1
Title: Paige Renews Commitment to Hispanic Colleges and Universities
Body: U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige today (March 30) renewed the department's commitment to expanding educational opportunities for Hispanic students by signing an agreement with the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU). The announcement was made at HACU's annual Capital Forum in Washington, D.C. "We must open the door to postsecondary education for more Hispanic students and take steps to ensure that they have the skills, confidence and resources to complete their studies," Secretary Paige said. "Today, I am pleased to sign an agreement that will strengthen our partnership with HACU to fulfill our shared goal of increasing educational attainment for Hispanic youngsters and preparing them for the demands of the 21st century." Read the entire article at:
Source: US Department of Education
Inputdate: 2004-04-01 10:23:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-04-01 10:23:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 1409
Content Type: 1
Title: County Schools Work to Meet Needs of Latino Learners, NC
Body: There is a growing population of English language learners in Jackson Country Schools in North Carolina. The small numbers make it unfeasible for schools to provide sheltered instruction or bilingual education. Instead, students attend either "pull-out" programs at the elementary school level or an English-as-a-second-language class in high school. According to Alesha McCauley (misspelled in the article as Cauley), North Carolina differs from other states by providing local education agencies the option of structuring their own programs, so that each can meet the needs of their unique situation. All students, though, whose native language is not English must be tested for English language fluency upon enrollment into the North Carolina school system and then again at least once a year to assess their progress. Recently, two meetings for the families of English language learners were held that were deemed a success, thus, in the near future, Paul Strop, the ESL coordinator and migrant recruiter is planning on holding a "community-wide Fiesta Latina." To read the entire article, visit: county_schools_work_to_meet_ne.html
Source: Carey King of The Sylvia Herald
Inputdate: 2004-04-01 10:31:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-04-01 10:31:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 1410
Content Type: 1
Title: Hobsons and HACU Join Forces to Prepare Hispanic Students for College
Body: Global education information provider Hobsons and the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) recently announced plans to publish and distribute free regional college guides for Hispanic students. The first three guides will be released in fall 2004 and will highlight institutions serving Hispanics in California, Texas, and the Southwestern states. "With the Hispanic population continuing to be the fastest- growing and youngest group in the U.S., it is obvious that there is a need for resources and education on college choices specific to this demographic group," said HACU President and CEO Antonio Flores. "The regional editions of The Hobsons Guide for College- Bound Hispanic Students will help connect Hispanic students in California, Texas, and the Southwest with institutions that are committed to their success." For more information about HACU, visit: For more information about Hobsons, visit: To read the complete press release, visit: hobsons_and_hacu_join_forces_to_prepare_hispanic_students_for_college 105_xml
Source: OELA Newsline, March 30
Inputdate: 2004-04-01 10:37:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-04-01 10:37:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
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Contentid: 1411
Content Type: 1
Title: New PBS Show Dramatizes Latino Family's Pursuit of the American Dream
Body: The National Council of La Raza (NCLR) is participating in a national outreach campaign focused on health issues in conjunction with the premiere of the new season of the acclaimed public television dramatic series, American Family. The new season of American Family, "Journey of Dreams," chronicles the multigenerational saga of one family's pursuit of the American Dream. It begins airing on the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) April 4. This year's American Family traces the history of the Gonzalez family from the Mexican Revolution to today. Award-winning writer/director Gregory Nava is the creator and executive producer of American Family which has gathered one of the most remarkable casts of Latino actors in television history including Edward James Olmos, Constance Marie, Raquel Welch, Sonia Braga, Esai Morales, Yancey Arias, Jesse Borrego, Patricia Velasquez, and Kate del Castillo. The American Family Web site includes Web pages on health, teachers' guides, and other Web resources. For more information, visit: For more information about NCLR, visit:
Source: OELA Newsline, March 30
Inputdate: 2004-04-01 10:41:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-04-01 10:41:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 1412
Content Type: 1
Title: Software Program Aims to HELP Latinos Learn the Language of Mathematics, CO
Body: Suzie C. Romig reports in the Glenwood Springs Post Independent on new software known as the Help with English Language Proficiency (HELP) program developed by Digital Directions International of Carbondale and Boulder, along with the Roaring Fork School District. This software is meant to assist English language learners with learning concepts and vocabulary in mathematics. According to William J. Moloney, Commissioner of the Colorado Department of Education, the program addresses an important area that is neglected. Particularly of interest, he added, is "HELP's ability to create an online, multi- sensory program, which is fully aligned to Colorado math standards, benchmarks and assessments." Though initially being tested only in Colorado, the distributors hope one day to make it a national program. For more information, contact: Barbara Freeman (303) 704-1017 Email: John Ramo (303) 704-1465 (click on the helping hand logo on the left-hand side at the bottom of the page) To read the complete article, visit: VALLEYNEWS/40313010
Source: Suzie C. Romig of the Glenwood Springs Post Independent
Inputdate: 2004-04-01 10:49:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-04-01 10:49:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1