
Displaying 8811-8820 of 28843 results.
Contentid: 9050
Content Type: 1
Title: Summer Workshop in Slavic, East European and Central Asian Languages
Body: From Summer Workshop in Slavic, East European and Central Asian Languages at Indiana University June 19-August 14, 2009 The Summer Workshop provides up to 200 participants in Slavic, East European and Central Asian languages the opportunity to complete a full year of college language instruction during an eight-week summer session. Utilizing the resources of Indiana University's own specialists as well as native speakers from other universities and abroad, the Summer Workshop has developed and maintained a national program of the highest quality. Allowing all participants to pay in-state tuition fees, the program has as its goal the enhancement of speaking, reading, listening and writing skills through classroom instruction and a full range of extra-curricular activities. Fellowships and funding are available. Application Deadline: March 20, 2009; thereafter, rolling admissions. Deadline for consideration for Fellowships is also March 20, 2009. More information is available at .
Source: Indiana University
Inputdate: 2009-02-22 05:17:48
Lastmodifieddate: 2009-02-22 05:17:48
Expdate: 2009-08-14 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2009-02-23 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 9051
Content Type: 1
Title: Conventiculum Bostoniense 2009
Body: The Classics Department of UMass Boston offers: Conventiculum Bostoniense, Latin by the Sea (held on the campus of UMass Dartmouth) August 1 – August 9, 2009 The Conventiculum Bostoniense is a full-immersion residential experience, specifically designed for teachers in schools and universities, who want to gain some ability to communicate ex-tempore in correct Latin on a wide range of subjects. Learn more at .
Source: Latinteach
Inputdate: 2009-02-22 05:18:22
Lastmodifieddate: 2009-02-22 05:18:22
Expdate: 2009-08-09 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2009-02-23 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 9052
Content Type: 1
Title: Arizona State University Critical Languages Institute
Body: From In 2009, the Arizona State University Critical Languages Institute (CLI) will offer eight-week, eight-credit intensive language courses in: · Albanian (elementary, intermediate, and advanced) · Armenian (elementary and intermediate) · Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian (elementary and intermediate) · Macedonian (elementary and intermediate) · Polish (elementary) · Russian (elementary, intermediate, and advanced) · Tajik-Persian (elementary and intermediate) · Tatar (elementary and intermediate) · Uzbek (elementary) This year the CLI will be held June 8 - July 31, 2009 on the Tempe campus of Arizona State University. Classes meet Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 12:30 pm and cultural sessions are held in the afternoons. All classes are tuition-free. The only cost for the course is a $500 non-refundable registration processing fee. After the course in Tempe, students can continue their language and culture studies on special three-week study abroad programs. These programs will run from August 3-August 21, 2009. Students earn an additional two credits for these classes, tuition-free. The study abroad programs are open to eligible students who did not participate in the courses at ASU. For more information and to apply to the CLI, please visit
Source: Arizona State University
Inputdate: 2009-02-22 05:19:31
Lastmodifieddate: 2009-02-22 05:19:31
Expdate: 2009-08-21 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2009-02-23 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 9053
Content Type: 1
Title: Summer Institute: Language and Culture in Sync: Teaching the Pragmatics of a Second Language
Body: Language and Culture in Sync: Teaching the Pragmatics of a Second Language July 27-31, 2009, CARLA/University of Minnesota, Minneapolis A truly daunting challenge for second language learners is to adjust their language use so that it is appropriate for different socio-cultural contexts. How, for example, are learners supposed to address strangers, close friends, or people of higher social status in that culture? While acquiring discourse practices can take learners many years, research has shown that the process can be facilitated through explicit instruction. This institute provides practical insights for teachers on how to enhance the learning of pragmatics. Participants will have hands-on opportunities to develop activities and materials for the classroom. This institute is designed for K-16 ESL and foreign language teachers, material developers, curriculum coordinators, teacher educators, administrators, and researchers. More information about this institute is available on the CARLA website at Information about registration:
Source: CARLA
Inputdate: 2009-02-22 05:20:18
Lastmodifieddate: 2009-02-22 05:20:18
Expdate: 2009-07-31 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2009-02-23 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 9054
Content Type: 1
Title: International Travel Grant for Secondary Teachers
Body: From The Teaching Excellence and Achievement Program (TEA) program is funded by the U.S. Department of State. The TEA program is currently seeking U.S. secondary-level teachers of English or the social sciences to participate in a two-week professional exchange program in one of the following countries: Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Colombia, El Salvador, Georgia, Ghana, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Nicaragua, Senegal, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Ukraine. Eligible applicants must be: · Secondary-level (middle or high school), full-time teachers with five or more years of classroom experience in disciplines including English as a Foreign Language, English Language or Literature, and the Social Sciences (including social studies, civics, and history); · U.S. citizens; and · Able to travel in April, 2010. The program is fully funded and provides: visa support; round-trip domestic airfare, lodging and meals to attend the TEA U.S. Conference; round-trip airfare from the U.S. to the assigned country; emergency medical insurance; as well as lodging and a daily stipend in host country. Deadline: April 27, 2009 Learn more about this program at .
Source: IREX
Inputdate: 2009-02-22 05:24:37
Lastmodifieddate: 2009-02-22 05:24:37
Expdate: 2009-04-27 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2009-02-23 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 9055
Content Type: 1
Title: Endangered Languages Documentation Programme
Body: From The Endangered Languages Documentation Programme (ELDP) at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London announces two cycles of grant funding in 2009. Full details, including application forms and guidelines, will be available from 1 March 2009 at: .
Source: LINGUIST List
Inputdate: 2009-02-22 05:25:24
Lastmodifieddate: 2009-02-22 05:25:24
Expdate: 2010-02-22 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2009-02-23 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 9056
Content Type: 1
Title: Edu~Nile New TESL Job Listing Portal Launched
Body: Edu~Nile announces its new Edu~Nile TESL and teaching job list. The purpose of this job list is to provide language teachers, educators, professionals, and recruiters the opportunity to network together and provide job opportunities worldwide. Posting job ads is completely FREE and could be done in a minute. Please remember not to post the same job ad more than once within the same 24 hours. Their platform is mainly an educational ad-free, pop-up-free. To post a new job ad, follow these steps: 1. go to the main index list: 2. Click on "post new" or click here:;md=form;id=0 3. Enter a user name, email, and job details for that post (you may edit your profile later by clicking my profile on the top). 4. click post and that's it! Horn, E. FW: Edu~Nile New TESL Job Listing Portal Launched. CALICO Discussion List (CALICO-L@mail.MODLANG.TXSTATE.EDU, 7 Feb 2009).
Source: CALICO Discussion List
Inputdate: 2009-02-22 05:26:32
Lastmodifieddate: 2009-02-22 05:26:32
Publishdate: 2009-02-23 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 9057
Content Type: 1
Title: Teaching Job Search Websites
Body: Two websites that list teaching jobs (in all content areas, not just second language) are SchoolSpring at and USREAP at .
Source: Various
Inputdate: 2009-02-22 05:27:05
Lastmodifieddate: 2009-02-22 05:27:05
Publishdate: 2009-02-23 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 9058
Content Type: 1
Title: Article: Early Launch for Language
Body: From Early Launch for Language Young Children Have Advantage, but Linguists Say Lessons Benefit All By Valerie Strauss February 16, 2009 Although new brain research is revealing secrets about how people acquire language, complex questions remain about what constitutes effective teaching. In the No Child Left Behind era, which has focused on basic reading and math skills, some educators say time for teaching foreign languages is scarce. That means aiming for a goal short of fluency. Read the entire article at .
Source: Washington Post
Inputdate: 2009-02-22 05:27:41
Lastmodifieddate: 2009-02-22 05:27:41
Publishdate: 2009-02-23 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 9059
Content Type: 1
Title: Patriotic Multilingualism: National Language Service Corps
Body: From The government continues to introduce initiatives that highlight the importance of foreign language programs among teachers, students and the U.S. population as a whole. In 2006, the National Security Education Program (NSEP) created the congressionally mandated pilot program-- the National Language Service Corps (NLSC) in an effort to gauge the interest of multi-lingual Americans willing to serve language communities and the government in times of national need. The National Language Service Corps is a group of individuals united by the fundamental belief that language has a tremendous impact on who we are; who we can be; and what we can do together. In addition to making a significant and worthwhile contribution to the nation and its language communities, Members will become part of a unique language network of service-minded individuals. All Members must be U.S. Citizens who are at least 18 years or older, possessing language expertise and a genuine desire to help their fellow language communities. Read the entire article at . Visit the National Language Service Corps website at .
Source: NCLRC
Inputdate: 2009-02-22 05:28:18
Lastmodifieddate: 2009-02-22 05:28:18
Publishdate: 2009-02-23 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1