View Content #9056

Content Type1
TitleEdu~Nile New TESL Job Listing Portal Launched
Edu~Nile announces its new Edu~Nile TESL and teaching job list. The purpose of this job list is to provide language teachers, educators, professionals, and recruiters the opportunity to network together and provide job opportunities worldwide. Posting job ads is completely FREE and could be done in a minute.

Please remember not to post the same job ad more than once within the same 24 hours. Their platform is mainly an educational ad-free, pop-up-free.

To post a new job ad, follow these steps:
1. go to the main index list:
2. Click on "post new" or click here:;md=form;id=0
3. Enter a user name, email, and job details for that post (you may edit your profile later by clicking my profile on the top).
4. click post and that's it!

Horn, E. FW: Edu~Nile New TESL Job Listing Portal Launched. CALICO Discussion List (CALICO-L@mail.MODLANG.TXSTATE.EDU, 7 Feb 2009).
SourceCALICO Discussion List
Inputdate2009-02-22 05:26:32
Lastmodifieddate2009-02-22 05:26:32
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2009-02-23 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set