
Displaying 6081-6090 of 28843 results.
Contentid: 6305
Content Type: 1
Title: New Book: Reconstructing Autonomy in Language Education
Body: From Reconstructing Autonomy in Language Education: Inquiry and Innovation by Andy Barfield and Steve Brown Publisher: Palgrave MacMillan Reconstructing Autonomy in Language Education: Inquiry and Innovation provides a critical reinterpretation of the contextual co-construction of autonomy in language education. Fifteen grounded research projects explore innovative self-reflexive approaches to autonomy in learner and teacher education, classroom practice, self-access and materials development. The book emphasizes the multi-voiced and contradictory complexity of pursuing autonomy in language education and includes commentary chapters to help readers engage with key issues emerging from the research. Visit the publisher’s website at .
Source: Palgrave MacMillan
Inputdate: 2007-06-10 10:23:15
Lastmodifieddate: 2007-06-10 10:23:15
Publishdate: 2007-06-11 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 6306
Content Type: 1
Title: Call for Proposals: Journal of English for Academic Purposes
Body: From The Journal of English for Academic Purposes is now soliciting manuscript proposals for a special issue on Critical English for Academic Purposes which will highlight the research of critical EAP teachers, that is, those who theorize power as a central concern in their classrooms, the institutions in which they work, and the societies in which they live. The articles will clearly connect theory and practice by demonstrating how critical theory has been enacted in EAP settings and how teachers theorized their practice. The special issue editor encourages contributors to discuss their findings in a self-reflexive manner, by problematizing their findings rather than reporting them as definitive results. The deadline for proposals is 15 July 2007. For more information, go to .
Source: LINGUIST List
Inputdate: 2007-06-10 10:24:21
Lastmodifieddate: 2007-06-10 10:24:21
Expdate: 2007-07-15 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2007-06-11 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 6307
Content Type: 1
Title: International Council on Education for Teaching 52nd World Assembly
Body: From The International Council on Education for Teaching (ICET) will host its 52nd World Assembly on July 16-19, 2007 at the University of San Diego in San Diego, California. The event, with the theme, "Borders, Boundaries, Barriers and Frontiers: Promoting Quality in Teacher Education," held in conjunction with the 7th Annual Border Pedagogy Conference, is aimed to provide opportunities for colleagues from around the world to examine the many kinds of boundaries we experience on a daily basis: geopolitical barriers; social, economic or educational barriers; boundaries that can separate but may also be permeable; and the expanding opportunities as we face the frontiers of our own knowledge. For more information, go to .
Source: OELA
Inputdate: 2007-06-10 10:25:38
Lastmodifieddate: 2007-06-10 10:25:38
Expdate: 2007-07-20 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2007-06-11 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 6308
Content Type: 1
Title: Seminar in Finland: Foreign Language-Medium Studies in Tertiary Education
Body: From Foreign Language-Medium Studies in Tertiary Education: Opportunity for Language Learning and Gateway to European Mobility Seminar at Vaasan ammattikorkeakoulu (VAMK), University of Applied Sciences, Vaasa, Finland September 10-11, 2007 Target group: Language teachers, all teachers involved in teaching through another language and administrative personnel The main themes covered in presentations and workshops include the following: * Language attainment in FL-medium environments in light of current research knowledge * Subject teacher’s and language teacher’s role in language development * Different models of FL-Medium Instruction * FL-medium modules and European funding Papers on any related topic – or other aspects – presenting practical examples, research projects, best practices etc. – are very welcome. If you do not wish to present a paper, participation in the workshops is also appreciated. The deadline for registration is August 15, 2007. For more information, go to the seminar website at .
Source: LINGUIST List
Inputdate: 2007-06-10 10:26:35
Lastmodifieddate: 2007-06-10 10:26:35
Expdate: 2007-09-12 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2007-06-11 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 6309
Content Type: 1
Title: 2007 NMELRC STARTALK Arabic Teacher Professional Development Workshop in Provo, Utah
Body: From Dates: August 7-9, 2007 Venue: Brigham Young University Director: Dr. Muhammad Eissa. This workshop will be conducted in conjunction with the BYU STARTALK Summer Intensive Arabic Camp ( The focus will be on the newly developed Arabic Standards, on developing a Standards-based curriculum, and on selecting, improving, and developing teaching materials. Participants will have the opportunity to observe and participate in the STARTALK Camp activities, as well as observing regular BYU intensive classes and doing some microteaching. Funding is available for hosting some and possibly all participants. Applications will be accepted until the program fills. For more information, go to . To download an application, go to .
Source: NMELRC
Inputdate: 2007-06-10 10:27:34
Lastmodifieddate: 2007-06-10 10:27:34
Expdate: 2007-08-10 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2007-06-11 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 6310
Content Type: 1
Title: AP Spanish Language Course
Body: There still is time to register for the AP Spanish Language course to be held at the Rensselaerville Institute near Albany, NY. The dates are July 31-Aug 3. For more information, contact Patti Bertino Bertino, P. AP spanish summer institute space available. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 6 Jun 2007).
Inputdate: 2007-06-10 10:28:24
Lastmodifieddate: 2007-06-10 10:28:24
Expdate: 2007-08-05 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2007-06-11 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 6311
Content Type: 1
Title: Language Flagship Funding Opportunity for Institutions
Body: From The Language Flagship is dedicated to promoting opportunities for U.S. institutions of higher education to develop advanced programs in languages that are important to the future of the United States. Through partnerships with current Flagship institutions The Language Flagship has helped create twelve innovative programs at leading U.S. universities to teach less commonly taught languages. The Language Flagship announces new institutional grants program "Promoting Diffusion of Innovation." Deadline for submission - June 22, 2007. For more information, go to .
Source: The Language Flagship
Inputdate: 2007-06-10 10:29:17
Lastmodifieddate: 2007-06-10 10:29:17
Expdate: 2007-06-24 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2007-06-11 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 6312
Content Type: 1
Title: Article: Accent Reduction Companies
Body: From Accents on the Wrong Syl-LA-ble By MICHAEL T. LUONGO Published: June 5, 2007 Sergei Petukhov is one of many educated non-native English speakers working in the United States who take voice training and accent reduction to improve presentations, workshops and everyday conversations with their American-born co-workers. Mr. Petukhov’s accent coach, Jennifer Pawlitschek, said that from her experience in New York, the field is growing. “Here it’s hot, and I think it’s because it’s an international crossroads,” she said, both because the United Nations is in the city and because of New York’s role in global financial markets. Often trained as actors, some coaches use techniques they learned to reduce regional American accents or to affect foreign accents. Ms. Pawlitschek teaches clients jaw exercises and muscle relaxation to reduce “a tightness in the jaw that nasalizes the sound.” Her exercises focus on mouth muscles, and her clients listen to themselves from recordings and practice speaking in front of mirrors. Read the entire article at .
Source: New York Times
Inputdate: 2007-06-10 10:30:23
Lastmodifieddate: 2007-06-10 10:30:23
Publishdate: 2007-06-11 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 6313
Content Type: 1
Title: New Language Museum Planned in Denmark
Body: AN INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE MUSEUM IN DENMARK In August 2006 the initiative was taken to build a language museum, or rather a modern interactive language exploration activity center, in Denmark's second largest city, Aarhus. The vision is to erect a modern museum presenting all sides of the phenomenon of language in a variety of ways that are appealing, engrossing and educational to the general public, child and adult. State-of-the-art advanced interactive set-ups are envisaged with multiple hands-on exhibitions. Top-notch technology will involve visitors with each other, providing an unusual meeting place with people speaking other languages. Denmark's International Language Museum does not only deal with the Danish language. The museum will furnish a portal for the phenomenon of language in its many diverse forms and functions. It will provide insights into the diversity of the world's more than 6000 languages, and a voyage of discovery into the realm of the ultimate essence of humanity. For more information about the planned museum, go to .
Source: Endangered Languages List
Inputdate: 2007-06-10 10:31:12
Lastmodifieddate: 2007-06-10 10:31:12
Publishdate: 2007-06-11 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 6314
Content Type: 1
Title: Lesson Plan: Traditions and Languages of Three Native Cultures: Tlingit, Lakota, & Cherokee
Body: In this lesson, students will learn about three distinct tribes and discover the importance of preserving their legacies. An opening activity in Lesson 1 will introduce the concept of traditions. In the second lesson, students will learn about the environment and lifestyle of the Tlingit of the Pacific Northwest. In the third lesson, students will learn about the Lakota of the Great Plains and hear a story about this native culture. The fourth lesson focuses upon the Cherokee of the Southeast Woodlands. In the final lesson, the students will compare the three native cultures they have studied and discuss why it is important to maintain their traditions and languages. View the five-lesson series at .
Source: EdSiteMent
Inputdate: 2007-06-10 10:42:11
Lastmodifieddate: 2007-06-10 10:42:11
Publishdate: 2007-06-11 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1