
Displaying 4281-4290 of 28843 results.
Contentid: 4448
Content Type: 1
Title: Business German Texts
Body: A recent request on the AATG listserv for recommended business German texts received the following replies. ---- Alan Lacy asked about texts for Business German. The Goethe-Institut has a page with links to several programs that may include textbook suggestions: I've taught with Michael Hager's text before and really like the CD with dialogues about the American doing a practicum in Germany, but my students found the book confusing as a result of changes the publisher insisted on. I wish the CD were sold separately. I also like the Kontakt Deutsch series very much for this level, although its numbers are outdated and the amounts are in DM. I think the videos that accompany the text could and should be used with any beginning Business German course. Here's the URL:> For students who are majoring in German and business or economics, you could look at Langenscheidt's Kommunikation Wirtschaftdeutsch, but it's probably too difficult for the sixth semester unless the students have a business background. Klett also has two levels of Unternehmen Deutsch, one for complete beginners and one that is more accessible, in my opinion, than the advanced Langenscheidt text. Many people also like a text call Dialog Beruf, but I'm not personally familiar with it. Barbara Patten at carries most of these texts and will let you order them, look at them, and then return them for a refund if you decide not to use them. She can also give you advice about what others are buying, which is a good indication of what works. Leech, T. Re: [AATG-L] Business German texts. American Association of Teachers of German listserv. (30 Mar. 2006). ---- Gudrun Clay: Geschäftsdeutsch. An Introduction to Business German Wenn auch das Material so langsam aber sicher alt wird, kann man immer noch sehr gut mit dem Text arbeiten, denn die Didaktik ist ausgezeichnet. Wehage, F.J. Re: [AATG-L] Business German texts. American Association of Teachers of German listserv. (30 Mar. 2006).
Source: AATG-L
Inputdate: 2006-04-13 20:02:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2006-04-13 20:02:00
Publishdate: 2006-04-17 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 4449
Content Type: 1
Title: Russian Site for Heritage Learners
Body: This site for heritage learners was created as a companion to the "Russian for Russians" text, from Slavica Publishers, Inc.
Source: Russian for Russians
Inputdate: 2006-04-14 14:19:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2006-04-14 14:19:00
Publishdate: 2006-04-17 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 4450
Content Type: 1
Title: 6th Annual Conference of the Japanese Second Language Association
Body: From J-SLA 2006 Building 3, Itabashi Campus, Daito-Bunka University 20th & 21st May, 2006 Plenary Speaker Antonella Sorace (The University of Edinburgh) "Optionality at the syntax-discourse interface in near-native L2 speakers" For more information, including program information and abstracts, visit .
Source: J-SLA
Inputdate: 2006-04-14 17:08:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2006-04-14 17:08:00
Expdate: 2006-05-22 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2006-04-17 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 4451
Content Type: 1
Title: Language-Enhanced Educational Technology
Body: From Workshop on Language-enabled Educational Technology August 28th, 2006 Riva del Garda, Italy Description Intelligent computer-based educational technology offers the possibility for large numbers of students to receive individualized instruction in school and university education as well as on-the-job training. Incorporating language technology in educational applications offers the promise of a more natural interaction with the learner, which many researchers believe will lead to higher levels of motivation and, ultimately, more effective learning experiences. Although there are conferences devoted to intelligent educational technology and natural language processing individually, no major European conference has brought these strands of research together explicitly, and it is difficult to gather a critical mass of researchers with expertise in the range of topics needed to address the research questions posed in this area . The purpose of this workshop is to bring researchers working on intelligent learning environments together with researchers working in natural language processing to build the community and foster new research in the area. We invite researchers developing learning environments who would like to explore adding language capability to them, researchers in natural language processing who are or would like to apply their theories or technology to educational applications, and researchers developing ontologies, reasoning systems, or knowledge acquisition platforms that could be exploited by intelligent, individualized instructional systems. Topics of interest for the workshop include, but are not strictly limited to: - Interpretation of students' natural language input - Generation of individualized natural language feedback - Representation and reasoning to support NL-enabled learning systems - Integrating natural language into existing educational applications - Detecting affect in student utterances or generating affective feedback - Integration of language with other modalities (e.g., pointing) in educational contexts - Natural language interaction with open/inspectable learner models - Authoring tools for intelligent language enabled learning sysems - Evaluating the impact of natural language capabilities in educational applications For more information, visit .
Source: LEET
Inputdate: 2006-04-14 17:14:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2006-04-14 17:14:00
Expdate: 2006-08-29 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2006-04-17 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 4452
Content Type: 1
Title: Interactive Japanese Culture Quiz
Body: This quiz might be useful for beginners to the Japanese language and culture, especially those preparing for a visit to the country. Designed for soccer fans headed to Japan for the World Cup, it covers useful survival Japanese, such as apologies, introductions, public signs, and eating and drinking etiquette.
Inputdate: 2006-04-14 17:31:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2006-04-14 17:31:00
Publishdate: 2006-04-17 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 4453
Content Type: 1
Title: Second Call for Papers: Heritage Language Journal Special Issue on Korean
Body: The Heritage Language Journal announces a special issue on Korean Heritage Language Development. This issue seeks papers that address linguistic, affective, social, and educational issues surrounding Korean language development in families, heritage language (HL) schools, university language programs, and communities. We invite submissions that analyze theories, attitudes, practices, and challenges that shape HL learning in Korean immigrant communities worldwide. HLJ is an on-line, blind-refereed journal published by the UCLA Center for World Languages and the UC Consortium on Language Learning and Teaching. It can be found at: Submission Procedures: Manuscripts should be submitted by June 1, 2006, for anticipated publication in the Spring of 2007. All articles must be original work that has not been published elsewhere. The manuscript should follow APA guidelines and should not exceed 7,000 words including references. The title page should include the primary author's contact information, a 200-word abstract, and the total number of words of the article. All manuscripts considered for publication will be submitted to blind peer review. Please send all inquiries and manuscripts in an electronic Word file to the guest editors: Jin Sook Lee University of California, Santa Barbara 2215 Phelps Hall Gevirtz Graduate School of Education Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9490, USA Sarah J. Shin University of Maryland, Baltimore County Department of Education 1000 Hilltop Circle Baltimore, MD 21250, USA McGinnis, S. [HERITAGE-LIST] CFP (reminder): HERITAGE LANGUAGE JOURNAL (special issue on Korean) - DEADLINE 1 JUNE 2006. Heritage List. (14 Apr. 2006).
Source: Heritage List
Inputdate: 2006-04-17 12:42:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2006-04-17 12:42:00
Expdate: 2006-06-02 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2006-04-24 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 4454
Content Type: 1
Title: Songs about Immigration
Body: If the current debate about U.S. immigration policy has reached your classroom, these songs might be useful for representing the voice of the immigrants. ---- A special thanks to Bethanie Carlson, Marcela Summerville, Kesi Thomas, Kelly Scheetz, Paul Conley, Ruth Kunstadter, and gringalatina88 who helped me expand the list of songs which deal with immigration. Mojado (Ricard Arjona) Si el norte fuera sur (Ricardo Arjona) Extranjero (Franco De Vita) Latino (Franco De Vita) Enigma del arbol (Carlos Varela) Pobre Juan (Mana) Adonde voy? (recorded by Linda Ronstadt, written by Tish Hinajosa) El bracero fracasado (Lila Downs) Clandestino (Manu Chao) El viento (Manu Chao) Visa para un sueño (Juan Luis Guerra) Mi tierra (Gloria Estefan) Emigrantes (Orishas) La casa por la ventana (Joaquin Sabina) Somos mas americanos (Los Tigres del Norte) El otro mexicano (Los Tigres del Norte) Santo de los mojados (Los Tigres del Norte) Mujeres de Juarez (Los Tigres del Norte) Cuando sali de Cuba (Celia Cruz) Siguen llorado (Willie Chirino) Sangre Americana (Bacilos) Crónica (Bacilos) Frijolero (Molatov) Ojo! Explicit lyrics! Que viva la musica latina! Watson, G. Expanded list of songs of immigration (Spanish). Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (14 Apr. 2006).
Inputdate: 2006-04-17 12:52:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2006-04-17 12:52:00
Publishdate: 2006-04-24 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 4455
Content Type: 1
Title: 88th Annual AATSP Conference
Body: From AATSP Invites You To Participate in the 88th Annual Conference at the Palacio de Congresos, Salamanca, Spain 28 JUNE - 2 JULY 2006 28 JUNE....Full-day excursions to cities and sites near Salamanca 29 JUNE....Welcome Reception 30 JUNE....Chapter Delegate Assembly from 9 AM to 12 PM 1 JULY....Awards Luncheon 29, 30 JUNE & 1, 2 JULY....Workshops (Half and Full day) and Sessions HALF-DAY WORKSHOPS: ($30.00 USD) - Teatro, Puro Teatro y Otras Actividades Interdisciplinarias - El bailar para los adolescentes - An Integrated Approach to Standards-Based Curriculum Design - Developing Intercultural Competence: Preparing Students for the Study Abroad Experience - Literatura infantil y juvenil hispana: actualidad y perspectivas - How to Develop Business Language and Cross-Cultural Communication - From Teacher-Centered to Learner-Centered Instruction: Making the Transition - Performance and Second Language Acquisition - El desarrollo y la enseñanza de un curso en línea de nivel intermedio o avanzado - Community-Enhanced Language Learning: Creating Opportunities to Engage Students Locally and Abroad - Sin pelos en la lengua: Cómo usar canciones para abordar temas delicados - Cultura fonológica: Topics, Notions, and Activities for Practicing Pronunciation FULL-DAY WORKSHOP - Want to Learn Catalan?/Vols Aprendre Català? (Fee $60.00 USD) For more information, visit .
Source: AATSP
Inputdate: 2006-04-19 14:17:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2006-04-19 14:17:00
Expdate: 2006-06-30 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2006-04-24 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 4456
Content Type: 1
Title: AP Spanish Summer Programs for Teachers & Students
Body: From MundoLengua has partnered with Mr. Ken Stewart of Chapel Hill High School in Chapel Hill, NC to organize the program. Mr. Stewart is the Spanish content editor for AP Central and has been an AP reader, table leader, and a College Board consultant for 14 years. He has conducted over 60 AP workshops and summer institutes since 1992 and has been named Teacher of the Year on several occasions by different language associations. Unlike other programs that only provide general practice in the Spanish language with courses taught by native Spaniards not trained in the specific functioning of the AP exams, MundoLengua’s program is the result of a unique partnership between a nationally recognized College Board consultant with ample experience in the specifics of the AP exam and a private Spanish school with native professors and broad experience carrying out similar language immersion programs in Spain. Students with an advanced level of Spanish who are preparing for the AP Spanish Language and AP Spanish Literature exams can expect to gain a solid understanding of the exams while perfecting their overall Spanish skills and enjoying Spanish culture. Teachers who accompany groups of 12 students will receive the AP Professional Development Workshop during July gratis (with full room and board in a Spanish family, individual room). Teachers will also receive a travel stipend of $800. Program dates: June 11-24 and July 2-15, 2006 For more information, visit .
Source: MundoLengua
Inputdate: 2006-04-19 14:38:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2006-04-19 14:38:00
Expdate: 2006-07-16 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2006-04-24 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 4457
Content Type: 1
Title: Middlebury College Summer Immersion Programs
Body: From . Every summer for the past 91 years, Middlebury has created a unique linguistic environment, one that provides students with unlimited opportunities to speak their target language. Students in Middlebury’s summer Language Schools use their target language exclusively—Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian or Spanish—in classes, dining halls, dormitories, and co-curricular activities. Middlebury’s summer programs are the international standard for excellence in language instruction. Most students gain a year or more of college-level language learning in one intensive summer session. Five of our summer schools—French, German, Italian, Russian, and Spanish—also offer graduate programs, six weeks in length, leading to the Master of Arts or to Middlebury's unique Doctor of Modern Languages. A summer at Middlebury can also prepare students for study abroad, by improving language skills, deepening cultural understanding, and strengthening confidence and learning strategies. For more information, visit .
Source: Middlebury College
Inputdate: 2006-04-19 14:44:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2006-04-19 14:44:00
Expdate: 2006-09-01 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2006-04-24 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1