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TitleBusiness German Texts
A recent request on the AATG listserv for recommended business German texts received the following replies.


Alan Lacy asked about texts for Business German. The Goethe-Institut has a page with links to several programs that may include textbook suggestions:

I've taught with Michael Hager's text before and really like the CD with dialogues about the American doing a practicum in Germany, but my students found the book confusing as a result of changes the publisher insisted on. I wish the CD were sold separately.

I also like the Kontakt Deutsch series very much for this level, although its numbers are outdated and the amounts are in DM. I think the videos that accompany the text could and should be used with any beginning Business German course. Here's the URL:>

For students who are majoring in German and business or economics, you could look at Langenscheidt's Kommunikation Wirtschaftdeutsch, but it's probably too difficult for the sixth semester unless the students have a business background.

Klett also has two levels of Unternehmen Deutsch, one for complete beginners and one that is more accessible, in my opinion, than the advanced Langenscheidt text.

Many people also like a text call Dialog Beruf, but I'm not personally familiar with it.

Barbara Patten at carries most of these texts and will let you order them, look at them, and then return them for a refund if you decide not to use them. She can also give you advice about what others are buying, which is a good indication of what works.

Leech, T. Re: [AATG-L] Business German texts. American Association of Teachers of German listserv. (30 Mar. 2006).


Gudrun Clay: Geschäftsdeutsch. An Introduction to Business German

Wenn auch das Material so langsam aber sicher alt wird, kann man immer noch sehr gut mit dem Text arbeiten, denn die Didaktik ist ausgezeichnet.

Wehage, F.J. Re: [AATG-L] Business German texts. American Association of Teachers of German listserv. (30 Mar. 2006).
Inputdate2006-04-13 20:02:00
Lastmodifieddate2006-04-13 20:02:00
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Publishdate2006-04-17 00:00:00
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