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TitleLanguage-Enhanced Educational Technology

Workshop on Language-enabled Educational Technology
August 28th, 2006 Riva del Garda, Italy

Intelligent computer-based educational technology offers the possibility for large numbers of students to receive individualized instruction in school and university education as well as on-the-job training. Incorporating language technology in educational applications offers the promise of a more natural interaction with the learner, which many researchers believe will lead to higher levels of motivation and, ultimately, more effective learning experiences.

Although there are conferences devoted to intelligent educational technology and natural language processing individually, no major European conference has brought these strands of research together explicitly, and it is difficult to gather a critical mass of researchers with expertise in the range of topics needed to address the research questions posed in this area . The purpose of this workshop is to bring researchers working on intelligent learning environments together with researchers working in natural language processing to build the community and foster new research in the area.

We invite researchers developing learning environments who would like to explore adding language capability to them, researchers in natural language processing who are or would like to apply their theories or technology to educational applications, and researchers developing ontologies, reasoning systems, or knowledge acquisition platforms that could be exploited by intelligent, individualized instructional systems.

Topics of interest for the workshop include, but are not strictly limited to:
- Interpretation of students' natural language input
- Generation of individualized natural language feedback
- Representation and reasoning to support NL-enabled learning systems
- Integrating natural language into existing educational applications
- Detecting affect in student utterances or generating affective feedback
- Integration of language with other modalities (e.g., pointing) in educational contexts
- Natural language interaction with open/inspectable learner models
- Authoring tools for intelligent language enabled learning sysems
- Evaluating the impact of natural language capabilities in educational applications

For more information, visit .
Inputdate2006-04-14 17:14:00
Lastmodifieddate2006-04-14 17:14:00
Expdate2006-08-29 00:00:00
Publishdate2006-04-17 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set