Content Type: 1
Title: New Advisory Council on English Learners in Delaware
Gov. Carney creates Advisory Council on English Learners
By Sophia Schmidt
May 17, 2018
Gov. John Carney (D) signed an executive order this week creating the Advisory Council on English Learners. The group will track the state’s progress on the English Learner Strategic Plan released by the Carney Administration in December.
The plan says the number of English learners in Delaware has increased more than 400 percent in the last two decades, and identifies goals for improving educational outcomes for them.
Read or listen to the full article at
Source: Delaware Public Media
Inputdate: 2018-06-01 09:18:08
Lastmodifieddate: 2018-06-04 03:57:15
Publishdate: 2018-06-04 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2018-06-04 00:00:00
Active: 1
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Content Type: 1
Title: Podcast: Tips and Strategies for Supporting Language Learners
ESL and Spanish teacher Becky Morales hosts a podcast episode about supporting English language learners, in which she interviews Elisa Miranda, a Brazilian ESL teacher who works as learning support at an International School in Belgium.
Listen to this podcast at
Source: Kid World Citizen
Inputdate: 2018-06-01 09:18:59
Lastmodifieddate: 2018-06-04 03:57:15
Publishdate: 2018-06-04 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2018-06-04 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
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Content Type: 1
Title: Supporting English Language Learners Through Station Rotation
Here's a short article by Juliana Finegan and Nithi Thomas describing how you can set up learning stations to be of most benefit to English learners:
Source: ASCD
Inputdate: 2018-06-01 09:19:32
Lastmodifieddate: 2018-06-04 03:57:15
Publishdate: 2018-06-04 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2018-06-04 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
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Content Type: 1
Title: Working with Words off the Wall
Beth Skelton writes, "As the school year draws to a close, many teachers have to remove everything from the walls to move classrooms in the coming school year or for summer cleaning. In almost every K-8 classroom I visit, word walls occupy key real estate in the room. Even many high school teachers devote some wall space to key words from the unit. If you are taking words off your wall at the end of this school year, I encourage you to consider how you will use those words again next year."
Read the full post for ideas on how to use those words:
Source: Beth
Inputdate: 2018-06-01 09:20:13
Lastmodifieddate: 2018-06-04 03:57:15
Publishdate: 2018-06-04 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2018-06-04 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Content Type: 1
Title: Twenty Go-To Activities for Any Novel
In this blog post, Allison of the Mis Clases Locas blog shares twenty activities that can be adapted to any novel:
Source: Mis Clases Locas
Inputdate: 2018-06-01 09:20:37
Lastmodifieddate: 2018-06-04 03:57:15
Publishdate: 2018-06-04 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2018-06-04 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
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Content Type: 1
Title: Tiering Authentic Texts and Using Them to in Interpersonal Tasks
Last week we noted this blog post about adapting responses (or tasks) based on authentic texts to the proficiency level of students. This week, the series on using authentic texts continues.
First, learn how you can tier authentic texts to different proficiency levels; that is, how to select different but similar resources:
Next, learn how you can use authentic texts as a springboard for interpersonal tasks:
Source: passion4theprofession
Inputdate: 2018-06-01 09:21:40
Lastmodifieddate: 2018-06-04 03:57:15
Publishdate: 2018-06-04 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2018-06-04 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Content Type: 1
Title: Retrieval Practice and Brain Dumps in Language Class
In Linda Forrest's Topic of the Week article last fall, she stressed the importance of retrieval practice. Here is an excellent recent blog post by Maris Hawkins elaborating on several ways she incorporates retrieval practice into her language teaching:
Source: Maris Hawkins
Inputdate: 2018-06-01 09:22:37
Lastmodifieddate: 2018-06-04 03:57:15
Publishdate: 2018-06-04 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2018-06-04 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Content Type: 1
Title: Telling Time in the Target Language
When your InterCom editor started teaching Spanish twenty years ago, her students weren't very good at reading analog clocks. Anecdotally, the number of people with this skill continues to decrease. If you teach a target language that references "quarter to" or "half past," then you have an opportunity to teach a new skill (analog time-telling) using the target language as a vehicle. Get some ideas for how to do it in this blog post:
Source: Teaching in the Target Language
Inputdate: 2018-06-01 09:23:13
Lastmodifieddate: 2018-06-04 03:57:15
Publishdate: 2018-06-04 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2018-06-04 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
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Content Type: 1
Title: Kahoot, Fortnite, and Interpretive Tasks
Are your students talking non-stop about Fortnite? Your InterCom editor is terrible at the game but plays it about once a day, trying to get better. Timothy Chavez describes how he took advantage of student interest in this game to get his students working on their interpretive reading skills. He found a Spanish-language article about different "skins" that characters in the game can wear, and he found that his students were highly engaged, even though the reading was difficult. This sort of talk about the game is an example of what researchers call attendant discourse, and it served as the basis for a reading assessment.
Read the full blog post at
Source: Working Toward Proficiency
Inputdate: 2018-06-01 09:23:59
Lastmodifieddate: 2018-06-04 03:57:15
Publishdate: 2018-06-04 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2018-06-04 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
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Content Type: 1
Title: Podcasts for Language Teachers
In this blog post, Sara-Elizabeth Cottrell touches on resources for professional development, including #langchat on Twitter and her own excellent Black Box series of videos connecting research to practice. The meat of her post, however, is a discussion of podcasts of interest to language teachers. We at InterCom follow most of these and are grateful for a nice summary and a few new hot tips.
Read the post at
For more podcasts, Twitter chats, Facebook groups, and books to read, see this recent blog post:
Source: Musicuentos
Inputdate: 2018-06-01 09:24:40
Lastmodifieddate: 2018-06-04 03:57:15
Publishdate: 2018-06-04 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2018-06-04 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0