
Displaying 14211-14220 of 28843 results.
Contentid: 14459
Content Type: 1
Title: U.S. May Require College English Language Programs to Get Special Accreditation
Body: From U.S. May Require College Language Programs to Get Special Accreditation By Karin Fischer May 20, 2012 University-run English-language programs fear that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security may require them to apply for separate specialized accreditation or lose their ability to enroll students from abroad. In a bulletin recently sent to colleges and language schools, and in communications with individual institutions, the Student and Exchange Visitor Program, or SEVP, has said that both stand-alone and college language programs must produce evidence of their accreditation during certification reviews, or risk being booted from the system. Under a 2010 law, independent language schools are now required to have, or to show they are in the process of applying for, accreditation in order to be approved to admit foreign students. But campus programs believe they are exempt from the spot accreditation checks that verify the schools' compliance; they say they qualify to be part of the visa system because they are units of institutions with regional or national accreditation. While two groups, the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training and the Commission on English Language Program Accreditation, specifically evaluate and approve language programs, many university-run intensive English programs are not individually accredited but are certified through institutional accreditation. International-education groups, many of which supported the 2010 law as a way to bring greater oversight to bad-actor language schools, contend that SEVP is misinterpreting the measure. They're taken aback, they say, to suddenly be asked to produce evidence of accreditation when they are part of institutions in good standing. Read the full article at
Source: Chronicle of Higher Education
Inputdate: 2012-05-27 12:45:42
Lastmodifieddate: 2012-05-27 12:45:42
Publishdate: 2012-05-28 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 14460
Content Type: 1
Title: New York State TESOL Awards
Body: From Nominate a colleague for an award from NYS TESOL. Outstanding Teacher Award: to reward an outstanding teacher in English language teaching James A. Lydon Distinguished Service Award: to honor a NYS TESOL member with a distinguished service record. Recognition Award: to reward and support friends of TESOL James E. Weaver Memorial Award: a monetary award, used to partially defray conference expenses, given to an undergraduate or graduate student not yet in the profession or who has less than two years of teaching service in ESOL Lifetime Achievement Award: to honor a member of NYS TESOL who has shown dedication to the profession of NYS TESOL and the advancement of English Language Learners Special Awards: special awards are given as the occasion warrants All submissions are due by October 5, 2012. For full details and evaluation rubrics, go to
Inputdate: 2012-05-27 12:46:45
Lastmodifieddate: 2012-05-27 12:46:45
Expdate: 2012-10-05 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2012-05-28 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 14461
Content Type: 1
Title: More Resources for Teaching with the Olympics
Body: The Guardian has an annotated list of helpful online resources for teaching your students about the 2012 Olympic games available at
Source: The Guardian
Inputdate: 2012-05-27 12:53:39
Lastmodifieddate: 2012-05-27 12:53:39
Publishdate: 2012-05-28 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 14462
Content Type: 1
Title: Let’s Have Fun with English: Teacher’s Website Full of Resources
Body: From Let’s Have Fun with English is the website of Mrs. Haquet, who teaches English in France. Her website includes games that students can play, interactive books, a fairly large collection of videos, and vocabulary activities. Also there is a spot where native English speakers can use Audio Dropbox to record short clips that English learners can use. The website is available at Read a recent review of part of the site at
Source: Let’s Have Fun with English
Inputdate: 2012-05-27 12:55:24
Lastmodifieddate: 2012-05-27 12:55:24
Publishdate: 2012-05-28 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 14463
Content Type: 1
Title: Film Story: Database of Films Organized by Country, Historical Era, and Type
Body: Film Story is a database of films organized by region they were produced or portray, historical era, subject matter, and type of film. The home page features a map of the world; you can click on a country to see either what films were produced in that country or what films deal with that country. The films themselves aren’t linked to the database; you will need to track down the actual films yourself. However, if you’re looking for ideas for films to show about a particular place and time, this website will help:
Source: Film Story
Inputdate: 2012-05-27 12:56:25
Lastmodifieddate: 2012-05-27 12:56:25
Publishdate: 2012-05-28 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 14464
Content Type: 1
Title: Poster Project Idea
Body: From As the academic year winds down for many of us, students may crave novelty in their classwork. Here is a motivating blog post about having English students do a poster project, with video clips from the class where it was implemented:
Source: One Year in the Life of an English Teacher Blog
Inputdate: 2012-05-27 12:57:21
Lastmodifieddate: 2012-05-27 12:57:21
Publishdate: 2012-05-28 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 14465
Content Type: 1
Title: Hindi Urdu Flagship Publishes Digital Edition of Popular Braj Bhasha Reader
Body: From The Hindi Urdu Flagship has just published a free digital version of Rupert Snell’s classic introduction to Braj Bhasha, the wonderful medieval ancestor of modern Hindi. The book is available both online and as a downloadable PDF. Access the book at
Source: Hindi Urdu Flagship
Inputdate: 2012-06-02 12:12:14
Lastmodifieddate: 2012-06-02 12:12:14
Publishdate: 2012-06-04 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 14466
Content Type: 1
Title: Book: Telling Stories in the Face of Danger
Body: From Telling Stories in the Face of Danger: Language Renewal in Native American Communities By Paul V. Kroskrity Published by the University of Oklahoma Press Description: Stories are important in all human societies, and especially in those whose languages are threatened with extinction. “They aren’t just entertainment,” writes Laguna Pueblo novelist Leslie Marmon Silko in Ceremony. “They are all we have . . . to fight off illness and death. You don’t have anything if you don’t have the stories.” The contributors to this volume, all linguists and linguistic anthropologists concerned with the revitalization of indigenous languages, draw on that understanding as they explore Native American storytelling both as a response to and a symptom of language endangerment. Edited by Paul V. Kroskrity, the essays show how traditional stories, and their nontraditional written descendants, such as poetry and graphic novels, help to maintain Native cultures and languages. Highlighting language renewal programs, Telling Stories in the Face of Danger presents case studies from various North American communities that show tribal stories as vehicles of moral development, healing, and the construction of identity. Several essays presented here describe successful efforts to maintain, revitalize, and renew narrative traditions or to adapt them to new institutions, such as schools. Others consider less successful efforts, noting conflicts among older and younger tribal members or differences between academic and traditional language expertise or between insiders and outsiders. Visit the publisher’s website at Read a review of this book at
Source: University of Oklahoma Press
Inputdate: 2012-06-02 12:13:23
Lastmodifieddate: 2012-06-02 12:13:23
Publishdate: 2012-06-04 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 14467
Content Type: 1
Title: Book: Language Teaching Research and Language Pedagogy
Body: From Language Teaching Research and Language Pedagogy By Rod Ellis Published by Wiley Description: This book examines current research centered on the second language classroom and the implications of this research for both the teaching and learning of foreign languages. It offers illuminating insights into the important relationship between research and teaching, and the inherent complexities of the teaching and learning of foreign languages in classroom settings. Visit the publisher’s website at
Source: Wiley
Inputdate: 2012-06-02 12:15:09
Lastmodifieddate: 2012-06-02 12:15:09
Publishdate: 2012-06-04 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 14468
Content Type: 1
Title: New Issue of the IALLT Journal for Language Learning Technologies
Body: The latest issue of the IALLT Journal for Language Learning Technologies is now available. You can download articles at In this issue: Bridging the Gap: Online Modules for Less Commonly Taught Languages Sociocultural Theory-Guided College-Level Mandarin Chinese Hybrid Course Design Using Web 2.0 to Learn the Spanish Pretérito and Imperfecto Collaboration through Wiki and Paper Compositions in Foreign Language Classes The Electronic Portfolio as Assessment Tool and More: The Drake University Model Computer Assisted Instruction & the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines A Web-Based Tutorial for the Instruction of Spanish Pragmatics Realizing the Potential of Mobile Phone Technology for Language Learning Assessing Student Oral Language Proficiency: Cost-Conscious Tools, Practices & Outcomes The Stanford Non-Native Rapper Contest: Fostering Transcultural Competences Using Social Media Language Learning Technology Review LLTI Highlights Legal Issues & Language Learning Technology
Source: IALLT
Inputdate: 2012-06-02 12:18:41
Lastmodifieddate: 2012-06-02 12:18:41
Publishdate: 2012-06-04 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0