
Displaying 8971-8980 of 28843 results.
Contentid: 9210
Content Type: 1
Title: Article: Teacher Touts Latin to Aid Vocabulary, Critical Thinking
Body: From Teacher touts Latin to aid vocabulary, critical thinking By Jonathan Devin March 4, 2009 Like many high school students of Latin, Dawn LaFon was forced to take the subject by her mother, but the language of Cicero and Virgil quickly became her life's passion. In her efforts to relate Latin to her students' lives, LaFon has rewritten songs with Latin pronouns ("I don't know where I come up with these things," she laughed), employed the letters of Cicero for discussions on career choices, and drawn connections between ancient and current events. Read the entire article at .
Source:, Memphis
Inputdate: 2009-03-21 09:55:40
Lastmodifieddate: 2009-03-21 09:55:40
Publishdate: 2009-03-23 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 9211
Content Type: 1
Title: French Language and Culture Information
Body: From The LoveToKnow website’s French section includes the following categories: * French Culture * French Phrases * French Vocabulary and Translations * Learn French The currently highlighted article is a virtual tour of the French Countryside, available at . Explore the French section of LoveToKnow at .
Source: LoveToKnow
Inputdate: 2009-03-21 09:56:22
Lastmodifieddate: 2009-03-21 09:56:22
Publishdate: 2009-03-23 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 9212
Content Type: 1
Title: List of French Words and Phrases Used by English Speakers
Body: From Approximately 40% of English vocabulary is of French or Oïl language origin, most derived from, or transmitted by, the Anglo-Norman spoken by the upper classes in England for several hundred years after the Norman Conquest, before the language settled into what became Modern English. This article, however, covers words and phrases that generally entered the lexicon later, as through literature, the arts, diplomacy, and other cultural exchanges not involving conquests. Access the list of French used in English at .
Source: Wikipedia
Inputdate: 2009-03-21 09:57:09
Lastmodifieddate: 2009-03-21 09:57:09
Publishdate: 2009-03-23 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 9213
Content Type: 1
Title: Instituto de Verbología Hispánica
Body: From En puedes encontrar la página web del Instituto de Verbología Hispánica, de gran utilidad para el estudiante de español como lengua extranjera. La página en cuestión ofrece gratuitamente unas tablas con todos los modelos de conjugación de verbos en español. Además, en se puede consultar la conjugación de cualquier verbo, incluso dialectal, de España o América, etc. The Instituto de Verbología Hispánica website is available at .
Source: Cuadernos Cervantes
Inputdate: 2009-03-21 09:57:58
Lastmodifieddate: 2009-03-21 09:57:58
Publishdate: 2009-03-23 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 9214
Content Type: 1
Title: Spanish Software Overviews
Body: Descriptions of freeware and shareware for learning or practicing Spanish are available at . A comparison of commercial software products is available at .
Source: Various
Inputdate: 2009-03-21 09:58:29
Lastmodifieddate: 2009-03-21 09:58:29
Publishdate: 2009-03-23 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 9215
Content Type: 1
Title: Spanish Two-Way Immersion Website
Body: From The NFLRC at Iowa State University is conducting a four-year longitudinal research study on Spanish Two-way Immersion programs in kindergarten through third grade. Resources on the Spanish Two-Way Immersion website are organized into three categories: curriculum, professional development, and research. For curriculum, relevant books and vendors are listed that offer guidance regarding program structure and planning, teaching approaches, content and culture, authentic literature, and current materials and resources. For professional development, presentations from conferences and workshops are available, along with some informational brochures, resources, and websites for additional topics of interest to teachers and administrators. Research resources include bibliographies of research articles concerning a variety of topics related to two-way immersion programming and stakeholder attitudes regarding that programming. Other sources of information regarding research will also be included in the future. Visit the website and access the resources at .
Source: NFLRC
Inputdate: 2009-03-21 09:59:23
Lastmodifieddate: 2009-03-21 09:59:23
Publishdate: 2009-03-23 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 9216
Content Type: 1
Title: Raising Bilingual Children Digest Now Available in Spanish
Body: From CAL's bilingualism digest for parents and educators is now available in both English and Spanish: Raising Bilingual Children: Common Parental Concerns and Current Research Access the full digest, which is available online in html format or for download in pdf format, at . La crianza de niños bilingües: preocupaciones comunes de los padres y las investigaciones actuales Access the full digest, which is available online in html format or for download in pdf format, at .
Source: CAL
Inputdate: 2009-03-21 10:00:16
Lastmodifieddate: 2009-03-21 10:00:16
Publishdate: 2009-03-23 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 9217
Content Type: 1
Title: Article: Where Education and Assimilation Collide
Body: From Where Education and Assimilation Collide By GINGER THOMPSON March 14, 2009 In the last decade, record numbers of immigrants, both legal and illegal, have fueled the greatest growth in public schools since the baby boom. The influx has strained many districts’ budgets and resources and put classrooms on the front lines of America’s battles over whether and how to assimilate the newcomers and their children. Inside schools, which are required to enroll students regardless of their immigration status and are prohibited from even asking about it, the debate has turned to how best to educate them. Hylton High, where a reporter for The New York Times spent much of the past year, is a vivid laboratory. Like thousands of other schools across the country, it has responded to the surge of immigrants by channeling them into a school within a school. It is, in effect, a contemporary form of segregation that provides students learning English intensive support to meet rising academic standards — and it also helps keep the peace. Read the entire article at .
Source: New York Times
Inputdate: 2009-03-21 10:00:58
Lastmodifieddate: 2009-03-21 10:00:58
Publishdate: 2009-03-23 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 9218
Content Type: 1
Title: New Brief: Uses of Technology in the Instruction of Adult English Language Learners
Body: This brief discusses three ways of using technology with adults learning English—onsite, blended, and online—and briefly describes examples of specific technologies and programs for adults learning English. The brief concludes by identifying issues to consider when using technology and by offering suggestions for further research. Download this brief for free on the CAELA Network Web site at .
Source: CAL
Inputdate: 2009-03-21 10:01:40
Lastmodifieddate: 2009-03-21 10:01:40
Publishdate: 2009-03-23 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 9219
Content Type: 1
Title: Article: Have You Ever Taught A Class That Got “Out Of Control”?
Body: From Read Larry Ferlazzo’s article about techniques for managing a difficult class at . Mr. Ferlazzo teaches Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced English Language Learners (as well as native English speakers) at Luther Burbank High School in Sacramento, California.
Source: Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites Of The Day For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL
Inputdate: 2009-03-21 10:02:22
Lastmodifieddate: 2009-03-21 10:02:22
Publishdate: 2009-03-23 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1