
Displaying 4921-4930 of 28843 results.
Contentid: 5099
Content Type: 1
Title: Funding Opportunity: Japan Studies Dissertation Workshop
Body: From The annual Social Science Research Council Japan Studies Dissertation Workshop seeks to create a sustained network of advanced graduate students and faculty by providing the opportunity to give and receive critical feedback on dissertations in progress. The annual workshop draws participants from all fields in the social sciences and humanities and from institutions throughout the U.S. The program is funded by the Japan Foundation. Application Deadline: October 1, 2006 For more information, visit .
Source: SSRC
Inputdate: 2006-09-21 19:25:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2006-09-21 19:25:00
Expdate: 2006-10-02 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2006-09-25 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 5100
Content Type: 1
Title: 11th English in South East Asia Conference
Body: From 11th English in South East Asia Conference 12-14 December 2006 Conference theme English in Asia: Asia in English Conference sub-themes Multicultural perspectives on language teaching, English and its sociolinguistic contexts, academic English and critical literacies, language and new technology, language and gender, critical pedagogy. Keynote speakers are Jo Lo Bianco and Kate Burridge. Jo Lo Bianco is professor of language and literacy education at Melbourne University and has published numerous scholarly papers, reports and books. Kate Burridge is professor of linguistics at Monash University and is a regular presenter on ABC radio on language matters. For more information, visit .
Source: Curtin University of Technology
Inputdate: 2006-09-21 19:34:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2006-09-21 19:34:00
Expdate: 2006-12-15 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2006-09-25 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 5101
Content Type: 1
Title: French Geography Links
Body: The maps, WebQuests, games, and other resources on these sites may be useful when teaching about the geography of France. AM-Pédagogie: Situation de structuration: Les régions françaises (PDF format) Central Kitsap High School - Allons en France! - Explorons les régions de la France! - Bienvenue à Paris! Paris en Tête: un jeu à la dècouverte de la capitale cartographie Epreuve de repérage de géographie au brevet: la France
Source: Various
Inputdate: 2006-09-21 20:00:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2006-09-21 20:00:00
Publishdate: 2006-09-25 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 5102
Content Type: 1
Title: French Songs for Beginners
Body: My students adore the songs by Ilona and Pigloo. You can see the videos, cartoons, at . Olafson, A. Re: French songs for beginners. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (17 Sept. 2006). ---- My French I students from last year loved "Papa Pingouin". It came out right after I taught them faire and jouer expressions, so after we watched the video (available on TF1's website) and did a cloze activity with the words from the song, I had them write 5 sentences telling me what the penguins did during the video. BTW, the kids figured out the little dance that they did during the video and would perform it for days. Doerner, J. Re: French songs for beginners. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (18 Sept. 2006). ---- I use "Hoogie Boogie" by BeauSoleil with great success. I start out with the song with the ABCs and counting; after playing it each day for a week they know the alphabet, are familiar with counting, and can even sing "Je peux epeler et conter; dites-moi ce que vous en pensez". This sticks in their heads and they have already begun to use complex structures, and love it. Other songs include a zydeco rap, which they love, and which I use to explain Louisiana culture, French migration and the presence of African influences in the music, food, language, etc. I play them when they come in, and it sets a great fun and lively tone. Using "Danse Macabre" by Camille Saint-Saens helps them see how French culture is present in their own, and they didn't realize it. I play it at Hallowe'en. I also use pieces by Debussy and Satie during thinking times, test-taking, bell-ringers, and whenever I can. Pontius, J. Re: French songs for beginners. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv. FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU (17 Sept. 2006).
Inputdate: 2006-09-21 21:17:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2006-09-21 21:17:00
Publishdate: 2006-09-25 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 5103
Content Type: 1
Title: Chinese Language Teachers Association - 2006 Meeting
Body: From 2006 CLTA Annual Meeting November 17-19, 2006 Nashville, TN The Annual Meeting of CLTA is held in conjunction with that of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), which hosts the largest gathering of foreign language educators in the U.S. each year. For more information, visit .
Source: CLTA
Inputdate: 2006-09-22 13:05:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2006-09-22 13:05:00
Expdate: 2006-11-20 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2006-09-25 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 5104
Content Type: 1
Title: Call for Papers: Middle East Studies Association 2006 Meeting
Body: From MESA 2006 Annual Meeting November 18-21 Boston Marriott Copley Place Boston, MA Submit your paper by October 15, 2006. For more information, visit .
Source: MESA
Inputdate: 2006-09-22 13:11:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2006-09-22 13:11:00
Expdate: 2006-11-22 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2006-09-25 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 5105
Content Type: 1
Title: Beginning Japanese Practice Online
Body: The Languageplus Japanese site should prove useful for beginning Japanese learners of a wide range of ages. Students can practice vocabulary for a variety of topics, such as animals, countries, numbers, and days of the week, using fun, interactive games like hangman, crosswords, and sentence completion. Try a 20-day free trial before subscribing as an individual or a teacher, with affordable rates of only a few dollars per student.
Inputdate: 2006-09-22 14:36:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2006-09-22 14:36:00
Publishdate: 2006-09-25 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 5106
Content Type: 1
Title: Free Resources for Teachers and Learners of English
Body: From Welcome to English Club, a site to help you learn English or teach English as a second language. Access to all pages is free. You'll find everything from lessons for students to jobs for teachers, including interactive pages such as forums, games, quizzes, chat, help and penpals. Access this free online resource at .
Inputdate: 2006-09-22 15:18:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2006-09-22 15:18:00
Publishdate: 2006-09-25 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 5107
Content Type: 1
Title: American Association for Applied Linguistics 2007 Conference
Body: From AAAL 2007 Annual Conference Hilton Hotel Costa Mesa, California April 21-24, 2007 The AAAL 2007 Annual Conference will be held in Costa Mesa, California. The conference will be held at the Hilton Costa Mesa Hotel from Saturday April 21 to Tuesday April 24, 2007. Costa Mesa, originally named by a local schoolteacher in 1920, sits comfortably on the foothills of the San Andreas Mountain Range in beautiful Orange County, California. The Hilton Costa Mesa is located just minutes from the Orange County/John Wayne Airport, near one of the largest shopping centers in the country, and just minutes from local beaches and attractions. Nationally and internationally, the annual AAAL conference has a reputation as one of the most comprehensive and exciting language conferences! At each conference new ideas are generated, disciplinary boundaries are crossed, and research is shared about the role of language in all aspects of cognition and social action, including language learning and teaching. The AAAL conference is known for its in-depth symposia and focused workshops on key issues in applied linguistics; sessions on a wide range of research studies, in progress or completed; its stimulating and often provocative plenaries; and access to the latest publications via the book exhibit. Last but not least, the AAAL conference is the place for networking, for established and new professionals, and for graduate students. For more information, visit .
Source: AAAL
Inputdate: 2006-09-28 19:29:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2006-09-28 19:29:00
Expdate: 2007-04-25 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2006-10-02 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 5108
Content Type: 1
Title: Call for Papers: 2007 (9th) International Conference and Workshop on TEFL and Applied Linguistics
Body: From Call for Abstracts 9th International Conference and Workshop on TEFL and Applied Linguistics Department of Applied English, Ming Chuan University Theme: Integrating English and Applied Linguistics into an Interdisciplinary Area - Interdisciplinary Approaches in TEFL - Interdisciplinary Approaches in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language - CALL and Web in Language Teaching - Corpus, Corpora and Language Teaching - Discourse Analysis for Spoken Language, Reading , and Written Language - Idioms and Formulaic Language: Teaching, Learning & Testing - Issues in ESP - Language Testing and Assessment - Literature, Culture, and Language Teaching - Second Language Acquisition - Vocabulary: Teaching, Learning & Testing - Other relevant topics are also welcome Abstract due: October 25th, 2006 (submission via email: ) For more information, visit .
Source: Ming Chuan University
Inputdate: 2006-09-28 19:30:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2006-09-28 19:30:00
Expdate: 2006-10-26 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2006-10-02 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1