Content Type: 4
Title: Exploring Your Environment
This week's Activity of the Week is designed to get learners exploring their environment, especially when they are out and about or away form classes for the summer. This activity highlights ways to explore both physical and digital environments. It can be espcially useful for extending learning beyond the classroom and finding examples of multilingualism all around us.
Each week, the activity is designed as an activity that can be added to your online course, parent email, or other digital delivery system AS IS. That means no modification, minimal extra time, and a way to mix things up while still balancing a whole new system. Each activity is focused on a language learning strategy, function, or interculturality standard and will work in any language. (Note: The activities are created in English but are designed for target language use in any language with adaptations for novice, intermediate, and advanced learners. This format enables remote access while still encouraging target language use.) Some ideas for using these activities include:
- A Weekly Challenge for your students that can be used to earn participation points or extra credit.
- An extension activity that requires reflection on the learning objectives of the course and critical thinking about how what they are learning relates to the world.
- An activity to send home to parents and guardians for them to do with their kids.
Source: CASLS
Inputdate: 2020-05-30 11:27:25
Lastmodifieddate: 2020-06-01 04:44:50
Publishdate: 2020-06-01 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2020-06-01 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Content Type: 3
Title: InterCom: June 8, 2020
By Julie Sykes, CASLS Director
As I sat down this week to compile resources and write for InterCom, I spent countless hours staring at a blank screen. In fact, the first 99 times I, instead, found myself reading through many new resources and returning to my inspirations in the field – Claire Kramsch, Steve Thorne, Leo VanLier. Each, in their own way, attempts to explore the fundamental complexities of a world in which people from different languages, culture(s), and backgrounds continually find themselves and, more often than not, find themselves on unsteady ground. Instead of offering abstracted solutions which focus on words and structures, they each call us to the challenges of engaging with culture at its most difficult, and, most often, through language. A power we have all witnessed first hand in the last weeks.
In a recent introduction to a special issue on culture, Kramsch and Hua (2020) offer,
“Culture today would better be seen as meaning making practices mediated by symbolic systems of various kinds across various social and historical contexts and through various communication technologies. Intercultural communication is no longer communication across national borders, but participation in fluctuating networks of individual experiences, memories, and fantasies, multiple allegiances and legitimations, that are expressed and shared mostly, though not exclusively, through language.” (pp. 1)
Thus, as people in the world, we are compelled to better the ways we participate in these cultures and systems while also learning all we can about the social and historical contexts under which they occur. That is our collective responsibility in response to the #BlackLivesMatter movement an underlying racism prevalent in many systems in our country. Furthermore, as we experience “fluctuating networks” in real time, we have the responsibility to make intentional choices and offer research-based insights into how those networks can be used to make positive change.
At CASLS, we remain committed to these endeavors and are proud to be part of a field that continues to learn and grow, advocate, and teach others. In this week’s issue, we affirm our support and share the voices from around the country in response to racial injustice and anti-racism. Furthermore, in the Activity of the Week section, we offer current resources for those wishing to learn more. At CASLS, we are proud to be able to share these statements and resources and remain committed to continual growth for better engagement in the world around us.
Kramsch, C. & Zhu, H. (2020). Translating Culture in Global Times: An Introduction, Applied Linguistics, Volume 41, Issue 1, pp. 1–9.
TESOL: Confronting Issues of Race and Class in the ESL Classroom:
University of Oregon Department of Linguistics Statement:
University of Oregon statement from the Office of The President:
MLA statement:
Source: CASLS
Inputdate: 2020-06-07 22:44:07
Lastmodifieddate: 2020-06-08 03:39:18
Publishdate: 2020-06-08 02:15:02
Displaydate: 2020-06-08 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Content Type: 4
Title: Resources for Teaching and Learning
Resources for Language Educators that Address Issues of Race, Diversity, and Social Justice
A special, open-access issue that complies Foreign Language Annals publications designed to provide resources to help world langaueg teachers address issues of race, diversity, and social justice in the classroom and across the profession.
Black Lives Matter: Instructional Library
This resources connects to children's books (read out loud) related to racism, advocacy, and activism.
15 Resources for Discussing Racism, Policing, and Protest
An EdWeek blog post with 15 classroom activities for discussion racism, policing, and protest in the classroom.
Source: CASLS
Inputdate: 2020-06-07 23:00:52
Lastmodifieddate: 2020-06-08 03:39:18
Publishdate: 2020-06-08 02:15:02
Displaydate: 2020-06-08 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Content Type: 3
Title: InterCom: June 15, 2020
Thank you for your input!
We cannot thank you all enough for your feedback on InterCom over the past few weeks. As you can imagine, your opinions vary widely with lots of excitement and also some trepidation about the changes we started a few months ago in response to Covid-19 closures and immediate needs. We are currently looking at a variety of options to meet as many of your needs as possible and cannot wait to share them with you over the summer. In June, we will continue the current format. Then, in July, as is tradition, we will focus on self-care and rejuvenation. Finally, starting in August, you will start seeing a combination of the old InterCom mixed with the new. As the world changes around us, we adapt and innovate. We thank you for joining us on the journey.
Join Us Every Monday for InterComLive!
InterComLive! Join us, the CASLS team, via Facebook Live at 11:00am Pacific Time each Monday. We will be talking remote/online language learning, exploring digital tools to mix things up, offering support for teachers, students, and families, and answering all of YOUR questions. Can’t join us live? We will also save the recording for later.
Thank you, as always, for your support of CASLS and InterCom, and we look forward to seeing you online!
Recap: Why does InterCom look different than what I am used to?
Since its inception is 2005, InterCom has served as a resource of information for teachers in language learning and teaching, bringing together relevant content for educators worldwide. Based on the needs of teachers and their students, this resource has evolved overtime with shifts from disseminating content to creating it and offering additional means to customize the information you get. Our current situation also requires a nimble response to meet the needs of those we are meant to support.
In that spirit, in March 2020 we began shifting our weekly digest away from what you are used to seeing toward two immediate needs of the field – time saving with engaging online/remote materials and support for questions and collegial collaboration.
Source: CASLS
Inputdate: 2020-06-14 22:42:56
Lastmodifieddate: 2020-06-15 04:23:17
Publishdate: 2020-06-15 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2020-06-15 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Content Type: 4
Title: Using Mobile Apps for Language Learning
This week's Activity of the Week helps learners get the most out of off-the-shelf mobile apps for language learning. The activity offers five tips to enhance learning while using mobile devices. This is an especially useful activity for highly motivated learners or those who need additional support when working with off-the-shelf mobile apps.
Each week, the activity is designed as an activity that can be added to your online course, parent email, or other digital delivery system AS IS. That means no modification, minimal extra time, and a way to mix things up while still balancing a whole new system. Each activity is focused on a language learning strategy, function, or interculturality standard and will work in any language. (Note: The activities are created in English but are designed for target language use in any language with adaptations for novice, intermediate, and advanced learners. This format enables remote access while still encouraging target language use.) Some ideas for using these activities include:
- A Weekly Challenge for your students that can be used to earn participation points or extra credit.
- An extension activity that requires reflection on the learning objectives of the course and critical thinking about how what they are learning relates to the world.
- An activity to send home to parents and guardians for them to do with their kids.
Source: CASLS
Inputdate: 2020-06-14 22:52:26
Lastmodifieddate: 2020-06-21 22:16:45
Publishdate: 2020-06-15 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2020-06-15 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Content Type: 4
Title: A Dictionary Scavenger Hunt
This week's Activity of the Week is designed to help learners explore their dictionaries and consider all of the ways dictionaries can be useful (and not useful) throughout their language learning journey. Using a scavenger hunt, they are tasked with finding specific cultural references, synonyms, antonyms, and/or words with mutliple meanings. To extend this activity, you can then have learners create their own scavenger hunts for their classmates, friends, or family.
Each week, the activity is designed as an activity that can be added to your online course, parent email, or other digital delivery system AS IS. That means no modification, minimal extra time, and a way to mix things up while still balancing a whole new system. Each activity is focused on a language learning strategy, function, or interculturality standard and will work in any language. (Note: The activities are created in English but are designed for target language use in any language with adaptations for novice, intermediate, and advanced learners. This format enables remote access while still encouraging target language use.) Some ideas for using these activities include:
- A Weekly Challenge for your students that can be used to earn participation points or extra credit.
- An extension activity that requires reflection on the learning objectives of the course and critical thinking about how what they are learning relates to the world.
- An activity to send home to parents and guardians for them to do with their kids.
Source: CASLS
Inputdate: 2020-06-21 22:16:05
Lastmodifieddate: 2020-06-22 04:24:09
Publishdate: 2020-06-22 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2020-06-22 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Content Type: 3
Title: Intercom: June 22, 2020
InterComLive! Join us, the CASLS team, via Facebook Live at 11:00am Pacific Time each Monday. We will be talking remote/online language learning, exploring digital tools to mix things up, offering support for teachers, students, and families, and answering all of YOUR questions. Can’t join us live? We will also save the recording for later.
Thank you, as always, for your support of CASLS and InterCom, and we look forward to seeing you online!
CASLS 30-Day Language Learning Challenge Summer 2020
Did you miss the Spring 2020 30-Day Language Learning Challegne? Now is your chance! CASLS 30-Day Language Learning Challenge is available through July 31, 2020. Share it with your students and your friends and family. You can even complete it yourself! Anyone who submits their completed challenge by July 31, 2020 will get a prize from us in the mail.
Recap: Why does InterCom look different than what I am used to?
Since its inception is 2005, InterCom has served as a resource of information for teachers in language learning and teaching, bringing together relevant content for educators worldwide. Based on the needs of teachers and their students, this resource has evolved overtime with shifts from disseminating content to creating it and offering additional means to customize the information you get. Our current situation also requires a nimble response to meet the needs of those we are meant to support.
In that spirit, in March 2020 we began shifting our weekly digest away from what you are used to seeing toward two immediate needs of the field – time saving with engaging online/remote materials and support for questions and collegial collaboration.
Source: CASLS
Inputdate: 2020-06-21 22:25:16
Lastmodifieddate: 2020-06-28 21:54:07
Publishdate: 2020-06-22 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2020-06-22 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Content Type: 4
Title: Memes for Language Learning
This week's Activity of the Week walks viewers through ways to use memes for language learning. It describes memes and then gives learners ideas for exploring them in the target language. Extension activities include having learners create their own memes, explore and analyze the associated cultural references, and/or compare the same meme across languages and dialects.
Each week, the activity is designed as an activity that can be added to your online course, parent email, or other digital delivery system AS IS. That means no modification, minimal extra time, and a way to mix things up while still balancing a whole new system. Each activity is focused on a language learning strategy, function, or interculturality standard and will work in any language. (Note: The activities are created in English but are designed for target language use in any language with adaptations for novice, intermediate, and advanced learners. This format enables remote access while still encouraging target language use.) Some ideas for using these activities include:
- A Weekly Challenge for your students that can be used to earn participation points or extra credit.
- An extension activity that requires reflection on the learning objectives of the course and critical thinking about how what they are learning relates to the world.
- An activity to send home to parents and guardians for them to do with their kids.
Source: CASLS
Inputdate: 2020-06-28 21:47:06
Lastmodifieddate: 2020-06-29 04:19:02
Publishdate: 2020-06-29 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2020-06-29 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Content Type: 3
Title: InterCom: June 29, 2020
InterComLive! Join us, the CASLS team, via Facebook Live at 11:00am Pacific Time each Monday. We will be talking remote/online language learning, exploring digital tools to mix things up, offering support for teachers, students, and families, and answering all of YOUR questions. Can’t join us live? We will also save the recording for later.
Thank you, as always, for your support of CASLS and InterCom, and we look forward to seeing you online!
Last Reminder: CASLS 30-Day Language Learning Challenge Summer 2020
Did you miss the Spring 2020 30-Day Language Learning Challegne? Now is your chance! CASLS 30-Day Language Learning Challenge is available through July 31, 2020. Share it with your students and your friends and family. You can even complete it yourself! Anyone who submits their completed challenge by July 31, 2020 will get a prize from us in the mail.
Source: CASLS
Inputdate: 2020-06-28 21:50:38
Lastmodifieddate: 2020-06-29 04:19:02
Publishdate: 2020-06-29 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2020-06-29 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Content Type: 4
Title: Catalyst: Goal Setting and Professional Collaboration
As is tradition at InterCom, this week's Activity of the Week shifts away from activities for students towards materials that support teachers' own professional development and growth. The activity introduces, Catalyst, a free online portfolio and networking tool designed for language teachers. We encourage you to take advantage of this tool and connect with others around the country doing the same.
Source: CASLS
Inputdate: 2020-07-05 20:25:24
Lastmodifieddate: 2020-07-06 04:27:51
Publishdate: 2020-07-06 02:15:02
Displaydate: 2020-07-06 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0