
Displaying 26801-26810 of 28843 results.
Contentid: 27115
Content Type: 1
Title: Book: Technology-Supported Learning In and Out of the Japanese Language Classroom


Technology-Supported Learning In and Out of the Japanese Language Classroom: Advances in Pedagogy, Teaching and Research
Edited by Erica Zimmerman and Abigail McMeekin

This book addresses several pressing concerns of teachers and researchers who are looking for ways to integrate technology use in and out of their classrooms and assess its usefulness in the learning process. It provides an up-to-date examination of technology-supported pedagogy and language acquisition in a variety of Japanese as a foreign or second language contexts. It equips readers with practical pedagogical information, including methods of implementation and learning assessment, and ideas for how technology can be applied to achieve a wide range of learning objectives. The topics examined include cultural learning, identity construction, speaking, reading, writing, pronunciation, collaborative online learning, digital and 3D virtual reality games, online text analysis, and participation in online communities. In addition, different e-learning configurations such as flipped, online, and distance learning classrooms are explored. Studies examine various current technologies (e.g. blogs, synchronous/asynchronous telecollaboration, corpus analysis software, modern pronunciation tools) and will have both direct and indirect consequences for teaching and learning a second/foreign language with technology across all languages.

Visit the publisher's website at

Source: Multilingual Matters
Inputdate: 2019-06-16 22:26:17
Lastmodifieddate: 2019-06-17 04:26:55
Publishdate: 2019-06-17 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2019-06-17 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 27116
Content Type: 1
Title: Call for Proposals: Social Justice in K-16 Language Classrooms


Submit an abstract for inclusion in the book "How We Take Action: Social Justice in K-16 Language Classrooms"

This edited volume seeks to contribute to current literature on social justice in language education in two ways:

1) K-16 articulation
While many individual teachers collaborate across levels, the lack of articulation and coherence across levels contributes to the perception that social justice is for some students and not for others, or that it looks radically different in some classes than in others. By presenting examples of successful classroom practices from a range of levels and ages (K-8, secondary, and post-secondary), this volume will construct a cohesive, articulated vision for social justice in language education.

2) Practical application
Much research focuses on conceptual and theoretical exploration at the expense of practical examples that teachers can apply immediately to their own teaching. The editors’ hope is that this volume will provide examples, guidance, and community-building around specific themes.

The editors hope to receive a variety of submissions that explore research and/or practice and that are representative of K-8, secondary, and post-secondary contexts and amplify the voices of diverse teachers doing this work at the classroom level. 

To propose an essay for inclusion in this edited collection, submit an abstract of 400 words or less by June 30, 2019.

View the full call for proposals and access the submission form at

Source: Stacey Johnson
Inputdate: 2019-06-16 22:27:04
Lastmodifieddate: 2019-06-17 04:26:55
Publishdate: 2019-06-17 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2019-06-17 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 27117
Content Type: 1
Title: 2019 International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching


Eighth International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching 
August 19-21, 2019

Under the auspices of the International Association for Task-Based Language Teaching, the 2019 TBLT Conference will bring together scholars and educators to the beautiful campus of Carleton University, located in Canada’s capital.

Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) is an educational framework for the theory and practice of teaching second or foreign languages. Based on empirical research, TBLT adopts meaning-based, communicative tasks as the central unit for defining language learning needs, determining curriculum goals, designing activity in the (language) classroom, and assessing language competencies.

With the “TBLT: Insight, Instruction, Outcomes” theme, the conference aims to broaden the current perspectives on TBLT by focusing on the learner, teaching, and evaluation of learning by asking “what lies ahead?” 

Visit the conference website at

Source: Carleton University
Inputdate: 2019-06-16 22:27:55
Lastmodifieddate: 2019-06-17 04:26:55
Expdate: 2019-08-21 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2019-06-17 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2019-06-17 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 27118
Content Type: 1
Title: Fifth World Congress on Extensive Reading


Fifth World Congress on Extensive Reading
Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan
August 9-13, 2019
Entering the Gates of Fluency

For full details, go to

Source: ER Foundation
Inputdate: 2019-06-16 22:28:31
Lastmodifieddate: 2019-06-17 04:26:55
Expdate: 2019-08-13 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2019-06-17 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2019-06-17 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 27119
Content Type: 1
Title: XVII International Dostoevsky Society Symposium


The North American Dostoevsky Society is delighted to be hosting the XVII International Dostoevsky Society Symposium at Boston University, 15-19 July, 2019, with the participation of Harvard University, Suffolk University, Wellesley College, Brown University, and the Harriman Institute (Columbia University). 

Visit the symposium website at

Source: North American Dostoevsky Society
Inputdate: 2019-06-16 22:29:46
Lastmodifieddate: 2019-06-17 04:26:55
Expdate: 2019-07-19 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2019-06-17 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2019-06-17 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 27120
Content Type: 1
Title: Professional Learning Online Network Space for Foreign Languages, Multiliteracies, and the Literary
The word plons in Dutch describes the noise made by something splashing into a surface and is thus an apt name for the Professional Learning Online Network Spaces, which are designed to create a ripple effect, by fostering linkages between language teaching, research and practice, and shared ideas and resources between educators.
Intended for foreign language educators in middle school, high school and college institutions.
Foreign Languages, Multiliteracies, and the Literary
This Professional Learning Online Network Space focuses on the use of literary texts and modes of reading in the development of literacy in a new language. In response to calls from the field, including from professional organizations such as ACTFL, to better integrate literacy and meaningful engagements with authentic texts into the language classroom, this group will focus on the particular role that literary reading can play in the development of linguistic and intercultural awareness. Literary reading here includes interpreting and responding to texts that are classified as works of literature AND work with non-literary texts ranging from advertising to journalism, from blogs to book reviews that emphasizes the creative, playful elements of these everyday literacy practices.
Participants will…
• work together to share and develop a curriculum project or set of materials with peer and facilitator input; 
• share resources and engage in discussions on how to integrate literary reading into language teaching and learning;
• be eligible to apply for financial support to present their lessons and materials at professional meetings, such as the annual convention of the American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages;
• have the option to publish a short vignette about the project in the format of their choice and / or publish their lesson online as part of the Foreign Languages and the Literary and the Everyday (FLLITE) Project (
Applications are due August 1, 2019.

Source: CERCLL
Inputdate: 2019-06-16 22:31:47
Lastmodifieddate: 2019-06-17 04:26:55
Expdate: 2023-12-31 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2019-06-17 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2019-06-17 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 27121
Content Type: 1
Title: Listening Resources for Levantine Arabic


This post describes ten different listening resources for learners of Levantine Arabic, including podcasts and video series:

Source: Talk in Arabic
Inputdate: 2019-06-16 22:32:21
Lastmodifieddate: 2019-06-17 04:26:55
Publishdate: 2019-06-17 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2019-06-17 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 27122
Content Type: 1
Title: More Lessons on Japanese Counters: 発 (はつ) and 基 (き)


Tofugu continues its detailed lessons about different Japanese counters with two new installments. 

The first, about counter 基 (き) (used to count big, hard-to-move installments—anything from fireplaces and statues to industrial machinery and even tombs and pyramids) is available at

The second, about counter 発 (はつ) (for shots, hits, punches, and many more) is available at

Source: Tofugu
Inputdate: 2019-06-16 22:33:10
Lastmodifieddate: 2019-06-17 04:26:55
Publishdate: 2019-06-17 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2019-06-17 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 27123
Content Type: 1
Title: Go Cornish: Cornish Language Learning Resources


Funded by Cornwall Council’s Cornish Language Learning and Communication Fund, together with commercial sponsorship from First Kernow, Go Cornish is a platform for Cornish language learning materials. Find stories in Cornish, an online dictionary, teaching resources, and more at

Source: Go Cornish
Inputdate: 2019-06-16 22:33:48
Lastmodifieddate: 2019-06-17 04:26:55
Publishdate: 2019-06-17 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2019-06-17 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 27124
Content Type: 1
Title: Interactive Map of the Odyssey

Gisèle Mounzer has created an interactive "story map" of Odysseus' voyage. The map features fourteen key scenes superimposed on the modern-day map.

Access the map at
Read more about this resource and others related to the Odyssey and the Classics at

Source: The Odyssey Map
Inputdate: 2019-06-16 22:34:29
Lastmodifieddate: 2019-06-17 04:26:55
Publishdate: 2019-06-17 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2019-06-17 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0