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TitleCall for Proposals: Social Justice in K-16 Language Classrooms


Submit an abstract for inclusion in the book "How We Take Action: Social Justice in K-16 Language Classrooms"

This edited volume seeks to contribute to current literature on social justice in language education in two ways:

1) K-16 articulation
While many individual teachers collaborate across levels, the lack of articulation and coherence across levels contributes to the perception that social justice is for some students and not for others, or that it looks radically different in some classes than in others. By presenting examples of successful classroom practices from a range of levels and ages (K-8, secondary, and post-secondary), this volume will construct a cohesive, articulated vision for social justice in language education.

2) Practical application
Much research focuses on conceptual and theoretical exploration at the expense of practical examples that teachers can apply immediately to their own teaching. The editors’ hope is that this volume will provide examples, guidance, and community-building around specific themes.

The editors hope to receive a variety of submissions that explore research and/or practice and that are representative of K-8, secondary, and post-secondary contexts and amplify the voices of diverse teachers doing this work at the classroom level. 

To propose an essay for inclusion in this edited collection, submit an abstract of 400 words or less by June 30, 2019.

View the full call for proposals and access the submission form at

SourceStacey Johnson
Inputdate2019-06-16 22:27:04
Lastmodifieddate2019-06-17 04:26:55
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2019-06-17 02:15:01
Displaydate2019-06-17 00:00:00