
Displaying 891-900 of 28843 results.
Contentid: 946
Content Type: 1
Title: GED Courses in ESL Program Help Man Learn to Read
Body: From: OELA Newsline GED Courses in ESL Program Help Man Learn to Read Liz Mineo writes in the Metro West Daily News about Mike Langevin, age 50, the only American student taking GED classes at the Framingham Adult English as a Second Language program. Mr. Langevin explains that he is attending the course because he did not finish high school due to a learning disability. According to officials, he is not the first U.S.-born student to take a GED class at the ESL program, but, after four years of attendance, "he has been the most long-standing one." When he began taking the ESL GED classes four years ago, it was an error: school officials had given him the wrong phone number. Although he immediately realized officials had made a mistake, he decided to stay because he enjoyed it so much. Attending the program has allowed him to learn subjects in which he didn't do well at in school, such as social studies, math, and science. According to Mr. Langevin, most importantly, he has learned to read. To read more about the life and struggles of Mr. Langevin, visit: http://
Source: OELA Newsline
Inputdate: 2003-12-12 13:35:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-12-12 13:35:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 947
Content Type: 1
Title: Immigrant Parents Empowered by Course on ESL Cultural Literacy
Body: From:OELA Newsline Immigrant Parents Empowered by Course on ESL Cultural Literacy Daniela Altimari writes in The Hartford Courant about a program to help parents understand the education system. Each week immigrant parents meet at a local school and discuss topics such as technology in the classroom, the Connecticut Mastery Tests, and assisting their children with homework. Parents also learn about recreation and park programs,the public library, and other resources in the community. While parents talk, their children are busy listening to a story or working on an art project. The class increases the confidence of parents and results in greater involvement on their part. For example, a Peruvian immigrant "was so emboldened by what she learned that she decided to become co-president of her local PTA." To read the entire article, visit:,1,433713.story?coll=hc-headlines-local
Source: OELA Newsline
Inputdate: 2003-12-12 13:37:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-12-12 13:37:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 948
Content Type: 1
Title: Migrant Children Make Film About Their Lives
Body: From: OELA Newsline Migrant Children Make Film About Their Lives Ginelle G. Torres reports in The Miami Herald on a group of children in South Miami-Dade County who have the rare opportunity to make something of their own?a movie about their lives as the children of migrant workers. With the assistance of a local director, the children plan on directing, producing, writing, editing, and acting in the movie. The tentative title is "My Culture, My History," and the focus of the story will be on three or four characters. As if to preview the movie, the author of the article has three of the children talk about growing up with migrant workers for parents. To read the entire article, visit:
Source: OELA Newsline
Inputdate: 2003-12-12 13:42:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-12-12 13:42:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 949
Content Type: 1
Title: All Info About Spanish! Web Site
Body: From: OELA Newsline All Info About Spanish! Web Site All Info About Spanish! is a Web site that offers students, teachers, and lovers of the Spanish language free resources. Sections include resources/tools, lessons/features, fun stuff, sound files, quizzes, and a special section just for beginners. Each week the site features a new lesson. The featured lesson this week is ?Spanish in English? (, which gives a list of English terms that are the same in Spanish and their literal meaning. There is also a forum ( where students can practice Spanish by chatting with others or taking mini-tests, ask language questions, and meet other Spanish lovers from around the world. To view the site, visit:
Source: NCELA
Inputdate: 2003-12-12 13:44:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-12-12 13:44:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 950
Content Type: 1
Title: "Using Scientifically Based Research in CSR."
Body: From: OELA Newsline The topic for this month's Bookmark from the National Clearinghouse for Comprehensive School Reform (NCCSR) is "Using Scientifically Based Research in CSR." This issue includes features on: 1. Bookmark Series: No Child Left Behind and CSR ( 2. Making Critical Choices ( 3. NCCSR Resources for Using Scientifically Based Research in CSR ( 1. A CSR Practitioner's Guide to Scientifically Based Research - NCCSR 2. Research Database on School Reform Models - NCCSR 3. Scientifically Based Research Workshop - NCCSR 4. Step by Step - NCCSR 4. Additional Resources for Understanding Standards-Based Assessments ( 1. Comprehensive School Reform and Student Achievement: A Meta-Analysis 2. Teaching Every Child to Read (2002) 5. NCCSR Working for You: Noteworthy Projects and Products in Process ( 1. Resources for "The District Role in Developing Capacity to Improve Learning for All Students Systemwide" - NCCSR 6. On The Road: NCCSR's Upcoming Availability at Conferences ( To read Bookmark, visit:
Source: NCCSR
Inputdate: 2003-12-12 14:15:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-12-12 14:15:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 951
Content Type: 1
Title: Lulu's Games and More in Both French and English
Body: From: Lulu's Games and More in Both French and English Lulu's Games, a French/English Web site, offers a great deal of materials to practice the French language. There are games for children starting at 4 years of age and for those 7 and older, also puzzles,rhymes, and much more. The games are organized by themes, such as "Logic, strategy" and "About mathematics." To view the Web site in English, visit: To view the Web site in French, visit:
Source: OELA Newsline
Inputdate: 2003-12-12 14:20:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-12-12 14:20:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 952
Content Type: 1
Title: PBS Web Site Offers Materials in Spanish and English
Body: From: OELA Newsline PBS Web Site Offers Materials in Spanish and English The PBS Web site offers materials in Spanish and English for children and parents. The Web site includes sections on "Talking With Children," "Reading to Children," "Other Questions Parents Ask" and "Resources for Multilingual Families." The first three sections answer questions parents might have when raising children in more than one language. To view this site in English, visit: To view this site in Spanish, visit: literacyupdates/multifamilies/spanish/spmain.html
Source: OELA Newsline
Inputdate: 2003-12-12 14:23:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-12-12 14:23:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 953
Content Type: 1
Title: Web Site for Teachers of Spanish as a Second Language
Body: Web Site for Teachers of Spanish as a Second Language Teachers of Spanish as a Second Language might want to visit the Cervantes Center Web site. The site includes sections for adults, teens,and children on the Spanish language in its various forms: graphic, musical, and written. There are other interesting sections as well. To view the site, visit:
Source: OELA Newsline
Inputdate: 2003-12-12 14:24:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-12-12 14:24:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 954
Content Type: 1
Title: Excellence in Language Instruction: Conversation with the Experts
Body: Excellence in Language Instruction: Conversation with the Experts The Bank Street College 4th Language Series' "Excellence in Language Instruction: Conversation with the Experts" will be held January 24, February 28, and April 24 from 9:00 am to 1:00 PM and will feature: Myriam Met, National Foreign Language Center; Helena Curtain, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; and David and Yvonne Freeman, University of Texas at Pan American. This year's topic is: "Planning for the Academic Success of Second Language Learners: Making Content Accessible." The Series will focus on supporting teachers as they integrate content and language goals to enrich their curriculum planning. Through lesson planning, teachers will be able to create and use scaffolding strategies that will make intellectually demanding content accessible to second language learners. The ultimate goals of the series are: * To support the professional growth of dual language, ESL, and mainstream educators. * To facilitate an in-depth discussion of second language teaching principles, assessment, and methodology in mainstream and dual language classrooms. * To foster the exchange of ideas and to provide opportunities for networking among teachers and leaders across schools. The fee is $130 for the entire series. For more information or to email subscription information, contact: Maritza I. Parchment Email: Tel: (212) 875-4461
Source: The Bank Street College 4th Language Series'
Inputdate: 2003-12-12 14:28:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-12-12 14:28:00
Expdate: 2004-04-25 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 955
Content Type: 1
Title: Call for Prose, Poetry, and Short Plays
Body: Call for Prose, Poetry, and Short Plays "The International Journal for Teachers of English Writing Skills" (IJTEWS) is making its annual call for prose, poetry, and short plays for its August 2004, Special Literary Edition. There is a Young People's Section (ages 10-17) and Senior Writers' Section (ages 18 and older). Work is anonymously refereed by an international jury. No specific subject is required. The aim is to encourage good writers of all ages to share their talent with no constraints. Beginning with the 2003 Special Literary Edition, interpretative readings of some of the poems are on a CD that accompanies the literary edition. As in the past, the cover reflects the top winner in each section as determined by the referees. Deadline for submissions: February 15, 2004 Word limit: 1000 Preferred method of submission is via e-mail to: It must be submitted via Microsoft Word 6.0 or higher For more details, i.e., names of associate editors (referees), more information about the journal, please view go to: For more information, contact: Fairy C. Hayes-Scott, Ph.D. Professor of English Humanities Division Mott Community College Flint, MI 48503 Email:
Source: OELA Newsline
Inputdate: 2003-12-12 14:30:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-12-12 14:30:00
Expdate: 2004-02-15 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1