
Displaying 871-880 of 28843 results.
Contentid: 926
Content Type: 1
Title: Call for papers: ACTFL 2004 SNS SIG
Body: From: "sm167" CALL FOR PAPERS SPANISH FOR NATIVE SPEAKERS SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP (SIG) ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) 2004 NOVEMBER 19-21, Chicago, IL The Spanish for Native Speakers Special Interest Group seeks abstract submissions for the 38th ACTFL Convention to be held in Chicago, IL from November 19-21, 2004. The general conference theme for 2004 is "The Year of Languages: Celebrating Our International Spirit". The SNS SIG is soliciting proposals in Spanish or English for twenty minute presentations or for a poster session related to the specific linguistic and social characteristics of Spanish Native Speakers in the United States. This call encourages language educators from all levels to submit their proposals and to attend the convention. Please submit by e-mail a one-page-350 word-abstract including the title and the main focus of the presentation. At the end of the abstract include the following information: Poster or paper, your name, affiliation, address, phone and e-mail address. Abstracts must be received no later than January 10, 2004 to be considered. They should be sent to: Mara Spicer-Escalante, chair of SIG-SNS, at All abstracts will be read anonymously by a Committee, and authors will be notified by mid March if their presentations or posters have been accepted. Please include your abstract in the body of your e-mail message. Attachments cannot be accepted. Please note: if you are interested in presenting a 75-minute paper or a workshop, you should send a proposal directly to ACFTL [] for consideration. Deadline for proposals to ACTFL is December 19, 2003. Presenters must be members of ACTFL and of the SNS SIG and be registered for the conference. To join ACTFL, visit the website at Be sure to add the SNS SIG to your 'cart' before 'checking out'. Mara Spicer-Escalante, Ph.D. Asst. Prof. of Spanish Utah State University Department of Languages and Philosophy 0720 Old Main Hill Logan, UT 84322-0720 Telephone (435) 797-1209 Fax (435) 797-1329
Source: ACTFL
Inputdate: 2003-12-11 14:18:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-12-11 14:18:00
Expdate: 2004-01-10 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 927
Content Type: 1
Title: Call for Papers
Body: From: "sm167" Please note: if you are interested in presenting a 75-minute paper or a workshop, you should send a proposal directly to ACFTL [] for consideration. Deadline for proposals to ACTFL is December 19, 2003.
Source: ACTFL
Inputdate: 2003-12-11 14:20:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-12-11 14:20:00
Expdate: 2003-12-19 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 928
Content Type: 1
Title: En este boletín: Para adquirir las publicaciones des Libros de Guatemala
Body: From: "F&G Editores" Arquitectura | Ciencia y Tecnología | Derecho | Derecho Humanos | Estudios de Género Estudios Mayas | Filosofía | Historia | Lingüística | Literatura Medio Ambiente | Política | Psicología Social | Sociología | Teología Arquitectura Giesemann, Peter Seisarquitectos. Guatemala: Fundación G & T Continental, 2002, 1a. edición. 28.5 x 28.5 cms. ISBN: 958-8156-10-6. US$146.70 — Q780.00. Ciencia y Tecnología Villarreal Montoya, Beatriz (compiladora). Guatemala: El futuro que viene. Ciencia y tecnología. Guatemala: Oscar de León Palacios, 2002, 1a. reimpresión. 450 págs. 13.6 x 20.9 cms. US$16.90 — Q90.00. Derecho Alfaro Arellano, Rolando. Oratoria forense. Tomo II. Guatemala: Oscar De León Palacios, 2002, 1a. edición. 170 págs. 16.1 x 21 cms. US$11.30 — Q60.00. Derecho Humanos Ball, Patrick; Paul Kobrak y Herbert F. Spirer. Violencia institucional en Guatemala, 1960 a 1996: una reflexión cuantitativa. Guatemala: American Association for the Advancement of Science. 1999. 170 págs. 17.9 x 25.3 cms. ISBN: 0-87168-631-7. US$14.70 — Q78.00. Estudios de Género Barrios-Klée, Walda y Edda Gaviola Artigas. Mujeres mayas y cambio social. Guatemala: Flacso, 2001. 156 págs. 13.4 x 20.9 cms. ISBN: 99922-66-28-7. US$12.70 — Q45.00. Lagarde, Marcela Conferencias internacionales: Primer encuentro mesoamericano de estudios de género. Colección estudios de género No. 5. Guatemala: Flacso, 2001. 180 págs. 13.4 x 20.9 cms. ISBN: 99922-66-38-4. US$10.10 — Q65.00. Thillet de Solórzano, Braulia. Mujeres y percepciones políticas. Guatemala: Flacso, 2001. 344 págs. 13.2 x 21 cms. ISBN: 99922-66-30-9. US$18.30 — Q65.00. Estudios Mayas De Paz Jaenike, F. Christian. Atitlán, los pueblos y el lago. Guatemala: Los gemelos, 1997, 1a. edición. 116 págs. 15.1 x 21 cms. US$7.10 — Q38.00. Doctolero, Jaime. Textos Ak'kutan No.22. La danza del venado. Guatemala: Editorial Ak'kutan, 2002. 60 págs. 13.2 x 21.1 cms. US$3.40 — Q18.00. Hatse, Inge, Patrick De Ceuster. Textos Ak'kutan No.19 Prácticas agrosilvestres Q'eqchi'es. Más allá de maíz y frijol. Guatemala: Editorial Ak'kutan, 2001. 222 págs. 14.7 X 22.1 cms. US$7.10 — Q38.00. Paoli, Antonio. Textos Ak'kutan No.14. Educación y solidaridad en la pequeña comunidad Tseltal. Guatemala: Editorial Ak'kutan, 1999. 76 págs. 14.7 X 22.1 cms. US$4.50 — Q24.00. Filosofía Gallo Armosino, Antonio. Ver de verdad. Guatemala: Universidad Rafael Landívar, 2002, 1a. edición. 460 págs. 16.5 x 21 cms. ISBN: 99922-67-26-7. US$25.40 — Q135.00. Historia Wer, Carlos Enrique. En Guatemala los héroes tienen quince años. Guatemala: Armar Editores, 2003, 3a. edición. 212 págs. 13.3 x 20.2 cms. ISBN: 999-22-41-05-9. US$14.70 — Q78.00. Lingüística De Sedat, Elizabeth R.V. Diccionario Poqomchii'- Castellano. Guatemala: Cholsamaj-Fondo de Desarrollo Indígena Guatemalteco, 2001. 886 págs. 16.2 x 21.1 cms. ISBN: 99922-56-20-6. US$19.90 — Q106.00. Literatura Acuña, Angelina. Las huellas heráldicas del Hermano Pedro de San José de Betancurt. Loanza lírica. Guatemala: Artemis Edinter, 2002. 84 págs. 13.8 x 21.2 cms. ISBN: 84-89766-96-7. US$7.00. — Q37.00. Canivell Arzú, María Odette. María Isabel. Guatemala: Palo de Hormigo, 1995, 1a. edición. 334 págs. 13.8 x 21.1 cms. US$13.50. — Q72.00. Condiciones del envío: Precios no incluyen gastos de manejo y envío. Los precios están indicados en dólares estadounidenses (US$) y quetzales (Q). Forma de pago: Tarjeta de crédito , CHEQUE en US$. Su cheque deberá ser emitido en dólares estadounidenses, contra un banco de EEUU a nombre de F&G EDITORES. Algunas publicaciones no se encuentran en Stock, para su adquisición trabajamos sobre pedido. Visite nuestro página:
Source: F&G Editores
Inputdate: 2003-12-11 14:26:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-12-11 14:26:00
Active: 1
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Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 929
Content Type: 1
Title: Mas Libros de Guatemala
Body: From: F&G Editores Literatura Cardoza y Aragón, Luis. Fascículos Cardocianos: No.1: La huelga de dolores. 28 págs. ISBN: 99922-59-85-X. No.2: El Popol Vuh. 32 págs. ISBN: 99922-59-88-4. No.3: La canción de las razas. 20 págs. ISBN: 99922-59-79-5. No.4: La solemnidad, cucaracha didáctica. 24 págs. ISBN: 99922-59-87-6. No.5: Rafael Landívar. 40 págs. ISBN: 99922-59-84-1. No.6: La poesía es la única prueba de la existencia del hombre. 48 págs. ISBN: 99922-59-86-8. Guatemala: Editorial Universitaria, 2002, edición única. 19 x 19 cms. Incluye 6 fascículos: US$4.20. — Q24.00. González, Otto-Raúl. Oír con los ojos. Guatemala: Editorial Universitaria, 2001. 102 págs. 18.9 x 18.9 cms. ISBN: 99922-59-56-6. US$7.40. — Q39.00. Randazzo Eisemann, Francesca. Compás de luz. Guatemala: Letra Negra, 2003. 44 págs. 13.8 x 21.2 cms. ISBN: 99922-42-24-2. US$5.10. — Q27.00. Villalobos, Carlos. Tribulaciones. Guatemala: Letra Negra, 2003. 72 págs. 14 x 21.6 cms. ISBN: 99922-42-21-3. US$5.60. — Q30.00. Medio Ambiente Alvarado Nisthal, Amílcar, Estudio de base y caracterización de la Sierra de Chinajá, Chisec, Alta Verapaz. Guatemala: CIDECA, 1998, 1a. edición. 140 págs. 16.6 x 20.9 cms. US$8.50. — Q45.00. Gellert, Gisela y Luis Gamarra. La trama y el drama de los riesgos a desastres. Dos estudios a diferente escala sobre la problemática en Guatemala. Guatemala: FLACSO, 2003, 1a. edición. 280 págs. 17.3 x 25.2 cms. ISBN: 99922-66-79-1. US$7.76. — Q75.00. Mejía Dávila, Marco Vinicio. Memorial del Golfo Dulce: Ecología política y enclaves en Guatemala. Guatemala: Editorial de La rial academia, 1997, 1a. edición: 192 págs. 13.5 x 21 cms. US$9.90. — Q53.00. Thillet, Braulia. Tierras municipales en Guatemala: un desafío para el desarrollo local sostenible. Guatemala: FLACSO, 2003, 1a. edición. 428 páginas. 13.5 x 21.0 cms. ISBN: 99922-66-75-9. US$7.76. — Q50.00. Tíu López, Romeo y Pedro García Hierro. Los bosques comunales de Totonicapán: Historia, situación jurídica y derechos indígenas. Dinámicas agrarias, tomo 4. Guatemala: FLACSO-MINUGUA-CONTIERRA, 2003, 1a. edición. 264 págs. 16 x 21 cms. ISBN: 99922-66-60-0. US$7.76. — Q50.00. Política Estrada, Claudia Textos Ak'kutan No.17. Reconciliación y cultura. Guatemala: Editorial Ak'kutan, 2000. 100 págs. 14.7 X 22.1 cms. US$5.10. — Q27.00. Mendoza, Carlos y Edelberto Torres-Rivas. Linchamientos: ¿Barbarie o "justicia popular"? Guatemala: FLACSO, 2003, 1a. edición. 332 págs. 13.5 x 20.8 cms. ISBN: 99922-66-77-5. US$7.76. — Q50.00. Ruano Barrientos, Héctor René. El Ejército de Guatemala y sus relaciones con el imperio. Aquí se dice lo que otros ocultan. Guatemala: Oscar de León Palacios, 2003. 330 págs. 13.1 x 20.8 cms. US$15.80. — Q84.00. Torres-Rivas, Edelberto y Bernardo Arévalo de León. Del conflicto al diálogo: El WSP en Guatemala. Guatemala: UNRISD-FLACSO, 1999. 346 págs. 15 x 22.9 cms. ISBN: 84-89876-10-X. US$8.50. — Q45.00. Condiciones del envío: Precios no incluyen gastos de manejo y envío. Los precios están indicados en dólares estadounidenses (US$) y quetzales (Q). Forma de pago: Tarjeta de crédito , CHEQUE en US$. Su cheque deberá ser emitido en dólares estadounidenses, contra un banco de EEUU a nombre de F&G EDITORES. Algunas publicaciones no se encuentran en Stock, para su adquisición trabajamos sobre pedido. Visite nuestro página:
Source: F & G Editores
Inputdate: 2003-12-11 14:29:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-12-11 14:29:00
Active: 1
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Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 930
Content Type: 1
Title: Mas Libros de Guatemala
Body: From: F&G Editores Psicología Social Equipo de Estudios Comunitarios y Acción Psicosocial (ECAP) (Compilador). Psicología social y violencia política. Guatemala: ECAP, 2003, 1a. edición. 382 págs. 16.3 x 21.2 cms. US$14.10. — Q75.00. Equipo de Estudios Comunitarios y Acción Psicosocial (Compilador). Mantengamos viva la esperanza. Primer Seminario: Reparación psicosocial, dignidad y justicia. Guatemala: ECAP, ODHA, CONADEHGUA, 2001 2a. edición, Primera reimpresión. 174 págs. 17.5 x 21 cms. US$11.30. — Q60.00. Equipo de Estudios Comunitarios y Acción Psicosocial (ECAP) (Compilador). Curso de especialización en psicología social y violencia política. Guatemala: ECAP, 2001, 2a. edición. 240 págs. 17 x 20.2 cms. US$11.30. — Q60.00. Sociología Álvarez Aragón, Virgilio (compilador). El rostro indígena de la pobreza. Guatemala: FLACSO, 2003, 1a. edición. 286 págs. 13.8 x 21.0 cms. ISBN: 99922-66-73-2. US$8.53. — Q55.00. Teología Centro Ak'kutan. Textos Ak'kutan No. 23. A los diez años. Guatemala: Editorial Ak'kutan, 2002. 86 págs. 13.2 x 21.1 cms. US$3.40. — Q18.00. Fernández Quevedo, José A. Textos Ak'kutan No. 16. Pentecostales en Centroamérica. Guatemala: Editorial Ak'kutan, 2000. 170 págs. 14.7 X 22.1 cms. US$7.10. — Q38.00. Lobo, Manuel. El Hermano Pedro, un santo para hoy. Guatemala: Artemis Edinter, 2002. 108 págs. 13.7 x 21.1 cms. ISBN: 84-89766-95-9. US$7.60. — Q41.00. Copyright © 2000-2003 F&G Editores. Todos los derechos reservados. Para pedidos comuníquese a ; Condiciones del envío: Precios no incluyen gastos de manejo y envío. Los precios están indicados en dólares estadounidenses (US$) y quetzales (Q). Forma de pago: Tarjeta de crédito , CHEQUE en US$. Su cheque deberá ser emitido en dólares estadounidenses, contra un banco de EEUU a nombre de F&G EDITORES. Algunas publicaciones no se encuentran en Stock, para su adquisición trabajamos sobre pedido. Visite nuestro página:
Source: F&G Editores
Inputdate: 2003-12-11 14:45:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-12-11 14:45:00
Active: 1
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Contentid: 931
Content Type: 1
Title: Downtown College Preparatory Charter High School
Body: From: "Anselmo Villanueva" Downtown College Preparatory 355 West San Fernando San Jose, CA 95110 Tel (408) 271-1730 Fax (408) 271-1734 Jennifer Andaluz, Executive Director The overall educational attainment of Latinos in California is among the lowest of all ethnic groups. This problem becomes more acute when we consider the relationship between current Latino performance trends--test scores and graduation rates--and California's growing Latino population. Downtown College Preparatory (DCP) tackles the achievement gap by creating a small school focused explicitly on college success. The school is driven by student achievement data and fueled by a shared expectation that Latino students can achieve academically. DCP researches and implements the best practices of schools with the most impact on urban minority student success. Downtown College Preparatory is the first charter high school in Silicon Valley, and the only school that explicitly prepares underachieving students for college success. DCP targets low-achieving urban minority students who will be the first in their family to go to college. DCP is a small (400 students), academic school characterized by high standards, a rigorous curriculum, a strict code of conduct, and a commitment to college success for all students. As a charter school, DCP has the independence to break away from the large, comprehensive urban school model to implement a rigorous college-prep program unlike any currently available to the students of downtown San Jose. DCP reflects the spirit of innovation and competition that drives Silicon Valley. DCP is positioned to be a model for excellence in public education, affecting not only San Jose students but high schools throughout Silicon Valley and California. DCP will graduate its first class of students in 2004.
Source: Downtown College Preparatory, San Jose, CA
Inputdate: 2003-12-12 11:14:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-12-12 11:14:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 932
Content Type: 1
Body: From: "Anselmo Villanueva" Now seeking ambassadors of the heart, voyagers of the soul. Destination: a collection of memoir essays written by high school and college-aged Latinos and Latinas. Join us on a voyage to gather original, unpublished works that reflect actual life experiences of the authors. These accounts will offer insights and reflections to an audience of other young adults. We are seeking essays rich with resonant, physical detail and firmly rooted in a sense of both place and time. Use your words to illustrate an important life story and become part of the new generation of Latino voices in America. We are looking for writers who can talk in tongues -- speaking the languages of experience, dreams, disappointments, successes -- to be published in a ground-breaking anthology telling how it is today in the post-Chicano Movement era. For further clarification of the term "memoir," please peruse Judith Barrington's excellent book, Writing the Memoir (Eighth Mountain Press, ISBN 0-933377-50-9). Basic Information Related to Your Submission Your submission should be: * previously unpublished * mailed to: Sarah Cortez, P.O. Box 980579, Houston, TX 77098-0579, U.S.A. * postmarked by February 28, 2004 * in standard literary format: typed, double-spaced with 1" inch margins on all sides, and an approximate word count on page one. No electronic submissions or simultaneous submissions. Do not mail your only copy of a work. Please include the following information about yourself: complete name, snail mail address, email address, daytime phone and/or night phone, cell phone. Include a one-paragraph bio. All submissions must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE) for reply. Your essay/s will not be returned unless your envelope has enough postage to pay for its mailing back to you. However, every submission will receive a letter informing the author of whether or not the essay/s has been selected for inclusion in the anthology. If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Cortez at the above address or by email at . About the Editor Sarah Cortez is a professional writer and creative writing teacher at the University of Houston, where her popular classes are filled each semester. She is the winner of various awards and honors including the 1999 PEN Texas Literary Award in Poetry and inclusion in the Poetry Society of America's Program entitled Poetry In Motion. Her work has been published in numerous literary journals and anthologies. Her debut volume of poetry was published in September 2000 by Arte Público Press, the world's largest international publisher of Hispanic authors.
Source: Sarah Cortez
Inputdate: 2003-12-12 11:18:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-12-12 11:18:00
Expdate: 2004-02-28 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 933
Content Type: 1
Title: NAME Conferences
Body: From: "Anselmo Villanueva" National Association for Multicutural Education SAVE THE DATES!!! Plan to be with us and participate in these exceptional conferences! The Call for Proposals for the 2004 NAME Conference will be available in late January 2004. NAME members will automatically receive the Call for Proposals and it will be posted on the NAME website ( Anyone else on the NAME Listserv who would like to receive a print copy of the Call for Proposals, should send their snail mail address to: Here are the DATES TO SAVE: NAME 2004 International Conference Hyatt Regency Crown Plaza - Kansas City October 27-31, 2004 NAME 2005 International Conference Hyatt Regency Atlanta November 9-13, 2005
Source: NAME
Inputdate: 2003-12-12 11:22:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-12-12 11:22:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 934
Content Type: 1
Title: "Culture and Power in the Classroom"
Body: From: "Anselmo Villanueva" The Bilingual Teacher Pathway Program Lecture Series in Emerging Issues in a Pluralistic Society "Culture and Power in the Classroom" Featuring Dr. Antonia Darder University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Author of Culture and Power in the Classroom Wednesday, January 14, 2004 7 - 9 p.m. Portland State University Lincoln Performance Hall Free and open to the public Thursday, January 16, 2003 7 - 9 p.m. Portland State University Smith Center Ballroom, Room 355 Free and open to the public For more information call 503-725-4704 Sponsored by The Bilingual Teacher Pathway Program and The Department of Curriculum and Instruction Antonia Darder is associate professor in the Department of Educational Policy Studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. Professor Darder was formerly professor of Education and Cultural Studies at Claremont Graduate University and the Director of the Institute for Cultural Studies in Education. Prior to coming to Claremont, Dr. Darder taught at Pacific Oaks College and developed the first graduate program in Bicultural Development. She has also taught at California Polytechnic University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and served as a Distinguished Professor at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. Her current work focuses on comparative studies of racism, class and society. Her teaching examines cultural issues in education with an emphasis on identity, language, and popular culture, as well as the foundations of critical pedagogy, Latino studies, and social justice theory. Dr. Darder is the author of the highly-acclaimed book, Culture and Power in the Classroom and has edited several books related to Latino studies and critical pedagogy. She is a former scholar of the Tomas Rivera Policy Institute and past recipient of a Kellogg National Fellowship.
Source: Dr. Antonia Darder
Inputdate: 2003-12-12 11:24:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-12-12 11:24:00
Expdate: 2004-01-16 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 935
Content Type: 1
Title: 2004 G. Richard Tucker Fellowship
Body: From: "Anselmo Villanueva" The Center for Applied Linguistics invites applications for the 2004 G. Richard Tucker Fellowship. During the period of June 2004 through May 2005, including a four-week residency at CAL in Washington, DC, the Fellow will interact with senior staff members on one of CAL's existing research projects or on a suitable project suggested by the Fellow. The fellowship pays a stipend plus travel expenses. Priority will be given to proposals that focus on all types of language education and testing or on language issues related to minorities in the United States or Canada. The competition is open to candidates for a master's or doctoral degree in any field that is concerned with the study of language. Minorities are especially encouraged to apply. Applicants must be currently enrolled in a degree program in the United States or Canada and must have completed the equivalent of at least one year of full-time graduate study. Applications must be received on or before April 16, 2004. For further information contact: Grace S. Burkart Center for Applied Linguistics 4646 40th Street, NW. Washington, DC 20016 Telephone: (202) 362-0700 Email:
Source: Center for Applied Linguistics
Inputdate: 2003-12-12 11:28:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-12-12 11:28:00
Expdate: 2004-04-16 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1