
Displaying 771-780 of 28843 results.
Contentid: 825
Content Type: 1
Title: Tigard High School Spanish Teacher Named Oregon Teacher of the Year
Body: From: "Anselmo Villanueva" November 5, 2003 Tigard High School Spanish Teacher Named Oregon Teacher of the Year SALEM - State Schools Superintendent Susan Castillo announced today that Catie Thurber-Brown, a Spanish teacher at Tigard High School, has been selected as the 2004 Oregon Teacher of the Year. Steve Wyborney of Nyssa Elementary School in Nyssa was a finalist for the honor. Thurber-Brown has been an Oregon language teacher for 22-years and has been at Tigard High School for 12 years. Wyborney has been at Nyssa for all of his 9 years in teaching. "The Oregon Teacher of the Year award honors a representative of all the fabulous teachers in Oregon," Castillo said. "Catie Thurber-Brown is a model of leadership and innovation in her classroom, and the students and families of Tigard are lucky to have a teacher like her." "I am proud to be an educator and proud to be doing this important work," Thurber-Brown said. "I'm honored to be counted among my colleagues who are bright, dedicated professionals deeply invested and committed to our nation's future generation." In his letter of recommendation, Tigard High School Principal Mark Kubiaczyk cited Thurber-Brown's dedication, training, interest in alternative and performance assessments, and her long-standing commitment to the Confederation in Oregon for Language Teaching (COFLT). Applicants from schools throughout Oregon submitted extensive packets of information that included testimonials and letters of support from their principals, superintendents, and colleagues. From the written material, applicants were judged on leadership, instructional expertise, understanding of educational issues, professional development and vision. Finalists were selected for face-to-face interviews conducted by representatives of the State Schools Superintendent's office. Thurber-Brown is scheduled to speak at the Oregon School Boards Association annual convention November 15 in Portland. As Oregon's Teacher of the Year, she will attend the national Teacher of the Year forum in Washington, D.C.where she will meet President George W. Bush and Secretary of Education Rod Paige. The Council of Chief State School Officers and Scholastic, Inc. sponsor the Oregon Teacher of the Year program. Salem Trophy provides the Oregon Teacher of the Year plaque. _____________________ Susan Castillo, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Gene Evans, Communications Director, Telephone (503) 378-3600, ext. 2216
Source: ODE
Inputdate: 2003-11-14 11:32:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-11-14 11:32:00
Active: 1
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Contentid: 826
Content Type: 1
Title: Cultural Proficiency: A Manual for School Leaders
Body: From: "Anselmo Villanueva" Cultural Proficiency: A Manual for School Leaders Second Edition c2003 Authored by: Randall B. Lindsey, Kikanza Nuri Robins, Raymond D. Terrell Publisher: Corwin Press, Thousand Oaks, CA Hardcover: 0761946438 $79.95 Paperback: 0761946446 $39.95 Description: "In Cultural Proficiency, there is clarity about the values and common sense underpinning the need for cultural proficiency, and about how to develop that proficiency in a way that will serve us all. Marlin Foxworth, Superintendent Milpitas Unified School District, Hayward, CA "The book is appropriate for educational leaders in almost any setting, since it raises issues that face us all as we seek to move beyond being merely competent to becoming proficient in understanding the complex connections between culture and schooling." Carol Bartell, Dean School of Education, California Lutheran University "Cultural Proficiency, Second Edition asks individuals and organizations to come to a deep understanding of their own culture and how it affects others. Each chapter contains crucial insights, cogent discussion, and activities that that delve deeply into who we are, the impact of culture, and how organizations can understand and integrate the dynamics of difference." Kirk P. Perucca, President/CEO Project Equality, Inc. "This book is an essential and invaluable guide for those brave enough to venture into unchartered waters. It gave me hope that cultural competency is attainable." Marsha Jacobs, Former Executive/Clinical Director Southern California Counseling Center Time and time again, proof has been shown that, given a high quality of teaching and nurturing, all children may succeed regardless of IQ, socioeconomic status, neighborhood, and ethnicity. Simply put, teachers and leaders who are well prepared, motivated, and culturally proficient produce high-achieving students. Learn to develop positive, productive responses to the diverse populations in your school and community. The benefits are wide-reaching and impressive: enhanced student ability to learn and teacher ability to teach, students prepared to find their own places in the global community, positive school-community relations, and students prepared for outstanding citizenship. Cultural Proficiency, Second Edition, incorporates suggestions and feedback from the authors' colleagues, readers, clients, and students, resulting in an easier-to-use format and updated features, including 39 structured activities for developing cultural proficiency. With this invaluable resource, you will add the tools of cultural proficiency to your leadership toolkit, as you, your staff, and your students can learn how to: - Avoid unintentional cultural or ethnic slights - Understand how historical distrust affects present-day interactions - Accept that each culture finds some values and behaviors more important than others - Use the diversity of your school community as an educational resource The authors have also taught many organizations how to use the tools of cultural proficiency, including hospitals, government agencies, and not-for-profit organizations. Moving far beyond an "educational trend," cultural proficiency has proven to be an effective approach for society at large.
Source: Randall B. Lindsey, Kikanza Nuri Robins, Raymond D. Terrell
Inputdate: 2003-11-14 11:35:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-11-14 11:35:00
Active: 1
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Contentid: 827
Content Type: 1
Title: Japanese Children Books suitable for beginners of Japanese
Body: From: "Anna Elkington" Here are a few websites that I use. This is not an easy-easy site but a few of my students like visiting it for the graphics and pick up vocabulary and some grammar patterns. This site needs shockwave. This is a multi-level site and there are all sorts of reading activities from very easy to senior secondary. The grammar pdf files are no longer active. This is a shockwave site This is basically shows postions but has hiragana, roomaji and English. This site needs shockwave It has Japanese very easy mukashibanashi it needs shockwave. There are samples to look at but a lot of the stories are for sale only. I have only found this site recently and haven't looked at it too much. There seems to be some relatively easy stuff but it is all in plain form. Hope these help. Cheers Anna
Source: Anna Elkington
Inputdate: 2003-11-14 12:11:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-11-14 12:11:00
Active: 1
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Contentid: 828
Content Type: 1
Title: Benkyoukai Opportunity
Body: From: Please mark your calendar on 11/21 Dear Japanese teachers in southern california, I know many teachers will move to the east coast on November 21, but don't feel left-out, here is a local but great benkyoukai opportunity at Southwestern College in Chula Vista, San Diego. I spoke about my involvement with e-community activities at the annual TJSC conference under the title of "Enhancing learning via virtual and actual foreign excursions and cultural exploration" yesterday. At the benkyoukai, i would like to speak about what i did not get to cover due to time constraints. We will also discuss rubrics lead by Uyesugi sensei. We also plan to discuss how to deal with students with writing difficulty using Genki. Please see the details at Fumiko Tachibana
Source: Southwestern College in Chula Vista, San Diego
Inputdate: 2003-11-14 12:15:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-11-14 12:15:00
Expdate: 2003-11-21 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
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Contentid: 829
Content Type: 1
Title: 38th Benkyoukai (Study Forum) Junko Lowry "Non-judgmental Teaching: Exploring Classroom Management"
Body: From: "Keiko Schneider" Info Page: SenseiOnline presents 38th Benkyoukai (Study Forum) Junko Lowry "Non-judgmental Teaching: Exploring Classroom Management" November 14-15, 2003 November 14th (Friday), 2003 at 2pm Hawaii time November 14th (Friday) 4pm PST, 6pm CST, 7pm EST November 15th (Saturday) midnight London/GMT, 9am Japan, 11am Sydney, 1pm New Zealand, if this calculation is correct. To be sure, please go to Timezone Converter () How long? For about 50 minutes Whos is the invited speaker? Junko Lowry Junko Lowry teaches Japanese at Kamehameha Schools to high school students of Hawaiian ancestry. Recipient of the first Hawaii Association of Language Teachers Outstanding Teacher Award and co-author of "Ikiteiru Nihongo", a 12-volume textbook series for high school students, she has been keenly interested in creating an engaging communicative classroom for 32 years. After a decade of serving languages organizations and languages students, she turned her attention to a bigger picture of education. Stepping back and including the understanding of the heart and the mind, she has offered Clinic for Tired Teachers to dissolve blocks which prevent us from growing and which drain us of energy. Her website includes a more expanded picture of "Non-judgmental Teaching." Short description of the presentation When we can stand at a distance we can see everything in better perspective: the students, the administrators, the parents, the curriculum, the management of time and resources.... In this presentation we will explore the elements which support to create an engaging learning-centered classroom by striving to be a non-judgmental teacher. True classroom management creates conditions for each student to prosper and be at their creative best. Non-judgmental teaching works to uncover learning blocks and support the students to move forward. There is an element of freedom, an element of ease, and at the same time the goal of instruction is crystal clear to both the instructor and the students. This kind of management involves knowledge of how our minds work. It is also a matter of the heart, the practice of holding the highest vision of each student. What is going to happen? Misa sensei's paper is at So read the paper above and go to TAPPED IN with the new interface. There, you will be able to discuss this topic with Junko sensei and others from around the world. TAPPED IN is open to everybody and the presentation will be done in English. Where? TAPPED IN is letting us use their space. Please go to for detailed Guest log in info. No sign up necessary. Please log in a few minutes early to get used to the environment or do practice before the actual session. Can I use Japanese? TAPPED IN can't yet show Japanese even if user computer is Japanese capable. If I can't attend? If I am too sleepy? The log of the event will be available in PDF format after several days after the event. Please visit: Please send any question to the Manager of senseiOnline at I look forward to seeing you all! Sincerely yours, Keiko Schneider
Source: SenseiOnline
Inputdate: 2003-11-14 12:22:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-11-14 12:22:00
Active: 1
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Contentid: 830
Content Type: 1
Title: CALL for Papers for Special Issue of System
Body: From: "Keiko Schneider" CALL for Papers for Special Issue of System Theme: Incorporating Multimedia Capability in the reporting of applied linguistics research.
Source: System
Inputdate: 2003-11-14 12:24:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-11-14 12:24:00
Expdate: 2008-01-21 00:00:00
Active: 1
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Contentid: 831
Content Type: 1
Title: SEATJ '04
Body: From: "Toshiko Kishimoto" SEATJ '04 Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to announce a call for papers/presentations for the Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Association of Teachers of Japanese. The meeting will be held at Clemson University, South Carolina, on March 13th and 14th, 2004. This year our keynote speaker will be Dr. Yasuhiko Tohsaku of the University of California, San Diego, the author of the textbook series, Yookoso. We have also invited Dr. Kazuko Nakajima of Nagoya University of Foreign Studies ( a former professor of Toronto University in Canada ) will conduct a workshop on bilingual issues for speakers of Japanese and English. We welcome proposals for 20-minute papers or presentations on Japanese linguistics, literature, pedagogy, technology, K-12 issues, Heritage Japanese language, and integrating culture into the language classroom. Please email 1-page proposals (double-spaced) in Japanese or English, to : Toshiko Kishimoto; 705 Strode Tower, Department of Languages, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina 296535-0535, Please include a request for AV or other equipment required for your presentation. The deadline for submissions is January 10, 2004. Proposals should include your affiliation, position, and contact information (email/mailing addresses, phone and FAX numbers). Limited funding will be available this year to offset the costs of travel and lodging for participants; preference will be given to K-12 teachers from the SEATJ area, that is the southeastern United States. Please note that the conference schedule will be posted at the following website. We welcome you to pass this announcement along to your colleagues; we are looking forward to receiving your proposals. Sincerely, Toshiko Kishimoto and Leslie Williams Clemson University
Source: Clemson University, SC
Inputdate: 2003-11-14 12:31:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-11-14 12:31:00
Expdate: 2004-01-10 00:00:00
Active: 1
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Contentid: 832
Content Type: 1
Title: Lecturer II position in Japanese
Body: From: "Witteveen, Guven P" University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Department of Asian Languages and Cultures Seeks candidates for Japanese Language Lecturer The Department of Asian Languages and Cultures at the University of Michigan invites applications for a Lecturer II position in Japanese Language for the academic year of 2004-2005. This is a one-year appointment with the possibility of renewal. Applicants should have an M.A. in Japanese language pedagogy, linguistics, foreign language Education, or TESOL/TESL. Native or near-native fluency in Japanese and excellent command of English are required. Candidates with experience teaching Japanese to English-speaking students at the university level are especially welcome. We seek energetic, collaborative candidates with innovative ideas about teaching language in a large university setting. Interested candidates should send a letter of application, CV, evidence of teaching excellence, and three letters of recommendation by January 15th, 2004 to: Search Committee, Japanese Language Program, Asian Languages and Cultures, University of Michigan, 3070 Frieze Bldg., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1285. For each of the three professional references, please include the e-mail address and telephone numbers at which they can most conveniently be reached. The University of Michigan is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employee.
Source: University of Michigan
Inputdate: 2003-11-14 12:33:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-11-14 12:33:00
Expdate: 2004-01-15 00:00:00
Active: 1
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Contentid: 833
Content Type: 1
Body: From: "Anselmo Villanueva" TRUE TALES FROM ANOTHER MEXICO: The Lynch Mob, the Popsicle Kings, Chalino and the Bronx by Sam Quinones One of the best new books on Mexico is TRUE TALES FROM ANOTHER MEXICO: The Lynch Mob, the Popsicle Kings, Chalino and the Bronx. The author is Sam Quinones, a journalist based in Mexico City. The books is a collection of non-fiction stories about contemporary Mexico, several of which deal with immigration and the border. One story is about the Michael Jordan of Oaxacan basketball and how Oaxacan immigrants, Indians mostly, use basketball to maintain community in the United States. Another story is about the houses of a small town in Guanajuato built by immigrants living in the United States. This phenomenon, house-building, is one of the most common among Mexican immigrants, who intend initially to stay a short time in the United States. Teachers who have Mexican and Mexican-American kids in their classes should know about the character in the book's lead chapter, Chalino Sanchez, a singer murdered in 1992, who has become a legend among these kids and within the Mexican immigrant community across the United States. A long chapter deals with the case of the women who've been dying in Ciudad Juarez. Moreover, the book, because it deals with Mexican culture and society, will help educators understand the cultural and social context their Mexican students come from. The book has been quite favorably reviewed in the LA Times, San Francisco Chronicle, San Diego Union-Tribune, the Economist, Library Journal and elsewhere. You can find out more about the book at the author's website, The book is available through or through the University of New Mexico Press: 1-800-249-7737 Paperback ISBN is: 0-8263-2296-4 Available from Amazon at
Source: Sam Quinones
Inputdate: 2003-11-17 12:47:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-11-17 12:47:00
Active: 1
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Contentid: 834
Content Type: 1
Title: I Speak Arabic
Body: From: I Speak Arabic By Diana Scalera Please visit the film's web site at for more specific information. The following is a description from the web site: I speak arabic is an opportunity to enter into the world of Arabic speakers in the United States—their linguistic talents, difficulties and hopes for the future. This is a film about the relationship that Arab Americans have with their language. These immigrants share the same challenges that all immigrant families face—how to balance the new with the old and come out whole. The film presents the experiences of young Arab Americans between the ages of 15 and 25, their parents and teachers. It is a dialogue about what helps and what discourages immigrant children from being successful and proficient in their heritage language. It was filmed in the homes, schools and neighborhoods of Arab Americans in the New York/New Jersey metropolitan area and features the music of the award-winning Lebanese composer Marcel Khalife.
Source: Diana Scalera
Inputdate: 2003-11-17 13:57:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-11-17 13:57:00
Active: 1
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