
Displaying 681-690 of 28843 results.
Contentid: 734
Content Type: 1
Title: Autonomy and Language Learning: Maintaining Control'
Body: From: "Keiko Schneider thru Spinn" 'Autonomy and Language Learning: Maintaining Control' conference in Hong Kong and Hangzhou (China) from 14-18 June 2004
Source: Language Center - Hong Kong and School for International Studies - Hangzhou, China
Inputdate: 2003-10-23 20:54:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-10-23 20:54:00
Expdate: 2004-06-18 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 735
Content Type: 1
Title: School Survey
Body: From: "Maki Watanabe" Dear Teachers of Japanese, Please allow me to remind you of the 2003 Overseas Japanese-language Education Survey, which The Japan Foundation is currently conducting. As this survey is the only nationwide, comprehensive survey on the status of Japanese-language programs, it is crucial to the development and proliferation of Japanese-language programs in the United States. If the numbers of Japanese-language programs and students enrolled in those programs artificially appear to be low due to lack of cooperation in this survey, education policies towards the Japanese-language can be adversely affected. In contrast, a positive increase in enrollment and development of these programs shown through cooperation in this survey can increase the positive influence Japanese has in education policies in the US. In addition, the information gathered in this survey for our database can bring prospective students to institutions across the nation more effectively, which directly affects everyone who participates in this survey. By now you should have received either a hardcopy of our survey, or both a hardcopy and an email with a link to fill out the survey online. For those of you who wish to fill out the hardcopy, please do so and use the self-addressed, stamped envelope we provided for you to return the filled out papers to us. For those of you who wish to fill out the survey online, please use the below link and input the username and password provided for you in the hardcopy you have been sent. If for any reason you do not have a hardcopy of the survey, please contact us at for your user ID and password. URL for survey: or If you have any questions, please contact Maki Watanabe at (213) 621-2267 ext. 106, or Rimi Yang at (213) 621-621-2267 ext. 109. Or you can reach us at Please accept our warmest thanks for your cooperation. Maki Watanabe Academic Specialist The Japan Foundation, Los Angeles (213) 621-2267 ext. 106
Source: The Japan Foundation, Los Angeles
Inputdate: 2003-10-23 21:01:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-10-23 21:01:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 736
Content Type: 1
Title: Program Advisor-English Language Learners (ELL) - Position # 3
Body: From: "Anselmo Villanueva" The Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory (NWREL) improves educational results for children, youth, and adults by providing research and development assistance in delivering equitable, high-quality educational programs. NWREL is a private, nonprofit corporation which has served the Northwest region since 1966 as its Regional Educational Laboratory under contract with the U. S. Department of Education, as well as other federal, state, and local agencies and organizations. The ELL Program Advisor will be part of a team to provide training and technical assistance, particularly in support of state, district, and school efforts to meet the requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act. NWREL's Federal Assistance Program works with state departments of education, intermediate educational service agencies, local school districts, and other agencies in Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming to ensure that every child in the region has equal access to the highest quality education and an opportunity to meet challenging content and performance standards. The Federal Assistance Program is part of NWREL's Center for Classroom Teaching and Learning. Duties The ELL Program Advisor will be responsible to the Federal Assistance Program Director and will: - Participate with the training team effort to design, develop and implement training materials and programs - Develop and disseminate information, reports, and publications to schools, educators, parents, and policymakers on improving academic achievement, closing achievement gaps, and encouraging and sustaining school improvement - Work with state departments of education and agencies to identify needs and coordinate technical assistance services - Provide assistance to states, districts, and schools in the administration and implementation of programs under the No Child Left Behind Act - Contribute to the development of funding proposals - Complete other tasks as assigned Qualifications - Masters degree in education, Doctorate preferred, with specialty in bilingual education or ELL preferred - At least five years recent (within the last ten years) K-12 teaching experience - Knowledge of second language acquisition research and theoretical frameworks - Knowledge of valid and effective teaching methods and assessment tools for use by teachers and administrators in core academic subjects (math, science, reading, language arts) with English language learners - Knowledge and understanding of the No Child Left Behind Act and its implications for the teaching of English language learners - At least three years experience in designing and providing effective professional development for educators - Ability to work effectively as a member of a team; excellent oral and written communication skills - Experience working with diverse communities - Ability to travel by air or car and spend periods of time in the field with clients Compensation Starting salary range: $38,377 - $50,773 per annum, plus a benefits package that includes vacation, generous employer paid retirement, medical, dental, life insurance, transportation benefit, and opportunities for ongoing professional development. Applications Please submit your résumé and letter of application to the NWREL Human Resources Office. Interviews will be conducted after internal screening. In letter of application, please reference Position #3 and how skills match the specific qualifications listed above. Applications may also be submitted by electronic mail to: Submit résumé in text format within the body of the e-mail. Do not submit résumé as an attached word processing file. Attachments will be deleted. Human Resources Office Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory 101 S.W. Main Street, Suite 500 Portland, Oregon 97204 FAX: (503) 275-0660
Source: NW Regional Educational Laboratory
Inputdate: 2003-10-27 13:01:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-10-27 13:01:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 737
Content Type: 1
Body: From: Marie Watteau Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund 1717 K St., NW, Suite 311 Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) 293-2828, (202) 293-2849 FAX Press Release October 24, 2003 CONTACTS: Marie Watteau (202) 293- 2828, ext. 16 Jim Ferg-Cadima (202) 293-2828, ext. 11 J.C. Flores (213) 629-2512, ext. 124 MALDEF ENCOURAGED BY BI-PARTISAN EFFORT TO MOVE FORWARD THE DREAM ACT Officials are pleased with the Senate bill in current form but will work for children of immigrants to gain access to federal grants (WASHINGTON, D.C.) MALDEF, the nation's premier Latino civil rights organization, applauds the efforts of Senators Grassley (R-IA) and Feinstein (D-CA), in the Judiciary Committee, who yesterday led the way to pass the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act (DREAM Act), S. 1545, without many objectionable measures, and MALDEF officials are encouraged with the bill's movement. However, they vowed to take the lead to reintroduce a provision that would allow the affected students to access federal Pell grants, which would allow them to afford the cost of college. The DREAM Act, which would make it easier for immigrant students to obtain lower in-state tuition rates for higher education, was passed out of the committee on a vote of 16-to-3 and will go the to floor for full Senate consideration. MALDEF worked to defeat nearly 30 anti-immigrant amendments that were proposed and rejected - ranging from making DREAM Act students turn in their parents for deportation to qualify for a green card to weakening states' rights. The more moderate Grassley/Feinstein amendment, although somewhat objectionable to MALDEF, paved the way for the bill's passage. Adopted by an 18-to-1 vote, the Grassley/Feinstein amendment: (1) removed the community service option for a DREAM Act conditional green card holder to convert to permanent resident status after six years, (2) made DREAM Act students eligible to be tracked under Department of Homeland Security's Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS), and (3) made DREAM Act students eligible for federal financial aid (loans and work study) but excluded them from grants. For the last two congresses, MALDEF has steadfastly supported the various bi-partisan versions of the DREAM Act, sponsored by Senators Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Richard Durbin (D-IL), a bill that if passed, would create a reasonable path to citizenship and college for undocumented students who have long lived in the United States. "We believe the Senate Judiciary Committee's bi-partisan decision was a significant step in the right direction for making the dream of college come true for some of the best and brightest in our community," said Jim Ferg-Cadima, MALDEF Legislative Staff Attorney. "However, MALDEF remains concerned that Pell grants will not be available to DREAM Act students. Federal grants like Pell often make or break the reality of college for many Latinos; MALDEF will work to assure that Pell grants are reintroduced in the final bill." Founded in 1968, MALDEF, a national nonprofit organization, promotes and protects the rights of Latinos through advocacy, community education and outreach, leadership development, higher education scholarships and when necessary, through the legal system. Marie Watteau Public Affairs/Policy Analyst MALDEF (Mexican American Legal Defense & Educational Fund) 1717 K St., NW, Suite 311 Washington, DC 20036 202-293-2828 ext. 16 202-293-2849 fax
Source: MALDEF
Inputdate: 2003-10-27 13:15:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-10-27 13:15:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 738
Content Type: 1
Title: DREAM Changes - Still More to Come
Body: From: "Patricia Loera" DREAM Markup Summary The Senate Judiciary Committee voted to support the DREAM Act by a 16-3 margin but not before agreeing to significant changes. The changes were included in an amendment sponsored by Senators Dianne Feinstein and Charles Grassley. The amendment passed on an 18-1 vote. The following is the substance of the Grassley-Feinstein amendment agreed to by the Committee. The amendment changed the DREAM Act in the following ways: (1) Deleted the community service option to qualify for Lawful Permanent Resident status, so that the only two options for removing conditional status are college attendance or military service; (2) Required DREAM beneficiaries to register in SEVIS, the system for tracking students who are in the U.S. and attending college or university with a student visa; (3) Made DREAM Act beneficiaries ineligible for federal financial aid grants, including Pell Grants and Federal Special Educational Opportunity Grants, while retaining eligibility for federal loans and work study; (4) Modified the "retroactivity" provision so that DREAM beneficiaries who have already satisfied the education or military service options before the date of enactment of the act would be required to wait at 3 years in conditional status before qualifying for full LPR status; (5) Clarified that the high school graduation requirement must be satisfied by graduation from a US High School; (6) Added a new requirement for DREAM beneficiaries to list all secondary education institutions attended in the US on the petition to lift their conditional status. VOTING RECORD VOTING YES Joseph Biden (D-DE) 202-224-0139 (fax) Larry Craig (R-ID) 202-228-1067 (fax) Mike DeWine (R-OH) 202-224-6519 (fax) Richard Durbin (D-IL) 202-228-0400 (fax) Russ Feingold (D-WI) 202-224-2725 (fax) John Edwards (D-NC) 202-228-1374 (fax) Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) 202-228-3954 (fax) Charles Grassley (R-IA) 202-224-6020 (fax) Orrin Hatch (R-UT) 202-224-6331 (fax) Edward Kennedy (D-MA) 202-224-2417 (fax) Herbert Kohl (D-WI) 202-224-9787 (fax) Patrick Leahy (D-VT) 202-224-3479 (fax) Charles Schumer (D-NY) 202-228-3027 (fax) Arlen Specter (R-PA) 202-228-1229 (fax John Cornyn (R-TX) 202-228-2856 (fax) John Kyl (R-AZ) 202-224-2207 (fax) VOTING NO Sessions (AL) Graham (R-SC) Chambliss (R-GA)
Source: MALDEF
Inputdate: 2003-10-27 13:20:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-10-27 13:20:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 739
Content Type: 1
Title: The Fall IFLTA 2003 Conference
Body: From: Indiana Foreign Language Teachers Association Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis 425 University Boulevard Indianapolis, Indiana 46202 The Fall IFLTA 2003 Conference, Measuring Our Growth, will be held November 6-8, at the Airport Holiday Inn Select, in Indianapolis. The IFLTA 2003 Conference program will be sent to you early September. We have an exceptional conference planned for you, with some 72 presentations dealing with a great variety of foreign language education topics and issues. We will be welcoming Neil Witikko as our keynote speaker. Neil was the keynote speaker at the Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages this past March. He promises to make you feel good about the work you do on a daily basis. We have also entered the digital world. You can now pay your membership fees on-line, and register for the conference on-line by going to
Source: Indiana Foreign Language Teachers Association
Inputdate: 2003-10-27 13:32:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-10-27 13:32:00
Expdate: 2003-11-07 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 740
Content Type: 1
Title: OELA 2003 Summit Dates Extended
Body: OELA 2003 Summit Registration Open and Hotel Reservations Cut-Off Date Extended Online registration for the OELA Summit: Celebrate Our Rising Stars II, December 2-4, 2003, is now open at: November 10, 2003 is the new cut-off date for the special Summit II hotel registration rate: Hilton Washington and Towers 1919 Connecticut Avenue NW Washington, DC 20009 (202) 483-3000 General Summit II Information is available at: You can download an official Summit flier to give to colleagues and others at:
Source: OELA
Inputdate: 2003-10-30 19:39:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-10-30 19:39:00
Expdate: 2003-11-11 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 741
Content Type: 1
Title: US Department of Education Letter to All Educators Working with English Language Learners
Body: From: María Hernández Ferrier, Ed.D. October 30, 2003 Dear Colleague: In September you were sent details of our annual Celebrate Our Rising Stars Summit which will take place in Washington D.C., December 2-4, 2003. If you have not yet registered, we encourage you to do so now at: This year's Summit will feature presentations on Standards and Assessment, Professional Development, Research, Best Practices, Grants Management, and special sessions for parents, administrators, teachers and teacher educators on building effective home/school partnerships. We encourage schools to bring parents to participate in Summit sessions and activities, including sessions specifically designed to assist them in their parental involvement role. Further details on this strand, and the others, are available on the website noted above. The Summit will be held at the Hilton Washington Hotel located at 1919 Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20009, (ph) (202) 483-3000, and hotel registration has been extended to November 10, 2003, to enable you to be located directly at the Summit hotel. Hotel registration details are also available at the URL above. The theme of this year's Summit is "Success in School: Everyone's Responsibility, Every Child's Right". I strongly encourage you to make participation in this year's Summit a priority. Sincerely, Maria María Hernández Ferrier, Ed.D. Deputy Undersecretary and Director Office of English Language Acquisition U.S. Department of Education
Source: OELA
Inputdate: 2003-10-30 19:43:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-10-30 19:43:00
Expdate: 2003-12-04 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 742
Content Type: 1
Title: National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy (NCSALL) Report #24
Body: From: NCSALL Living with It: Federal Policy Implementation in Adult Basic Education
Source: Alisa Belzer
Inputdate: 2003-10-30 19:58:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-10-30 19:58:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 743
Content Type: 1
Title: Establishing an Evidence-based Adult Education System
Body: From: NCSALL This paper proposes a way to establish an evidence-based adult education system and calls for support to implement such a system effectively. Available at:
Source: John P. Comings
Inputdate: 2003-10-30 20:12:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-10-30 20:12:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1