
Displaying 22801-22810 of 28843 results.
Contentid: 23105
Content Type: 1
Title: ELTbase: Resources for English Language Teachers


ELT base is a resource database for teachers of English as a foreign / second language. Teaching resources are catalogued against an index of language points allowing users to access the database in a variety of ways:

• By browsing or searching for specific language points. For example, a grammar point such as 'present perfect', a function such as 'suggestions', or a skills topic such as 'food'.

• By browsing the different types of resources available - printed materials, online quizzes, matching activities, picture sets and so on.

• By starting with the unit of the book for which you want materials and following the links to the language points covered.

ELTbase is available at

Source: ELTbase
Inputdate: 2017-04-27 15:10:46
Lastmodifieddate: 2017-05-01 04:14:42
Publishdate: 2017-05-01 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2017-05-01 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 23106
Content Type: 1
Title: Article: What ELLs Taught Our School in A Week-Long Empathy Project


Pam Buric writes, “A few weeks ago, my EL students were given the opportunity to share their stories with the ‘mainstream’ students at our school. The idea was dropped in my lap by administration as a means to promote empathy, our school social-emotional learning focus for the month of March. I was slightly annoyed by the short turn-around time, the fact that my seniors would have to postpone their work on senior projects, and that it was a great idea that wasn’t mine. I took a deep breath, adjusted my attitude and embarked on one of the highlights of my teaching career.”

Read how the project went at

Source: Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…
Inputdate: 2017-04-27 15:11:29
Lastmodifieddate: 2017-05-01 04:14:42
Publishdate: 2017-05-01 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2017-05-01 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 23107
Content Type: 1
Title: Teaching Pronunciation


Trish Pashby of the University of Oregon’s Language Teaching Specialization program has written a detailed blog post about teaching pronunciation. She writes, “If you are a current or future language instructor who feels nervous about teaching pronunciation, I strongly encourage you to dabble and play with the following. Parts may lead to ways for you to build your confidence, and maybe even fall in love.”

Read on at

Source: University of Oregon
Inputdate: 2017-04-27 15:12:10
Lastmodifieddate: 2017-05-01 04:14:42
Publishdate: 2017-05-01 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2017-05-01 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 23108
Content Type: 1
Title: Immersion Strategies Observation Checklist

From our sister LRC, the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition:

The Immersion Teaching Strategies Observation Checklist was initially developed in 2000 during a CARLA summer institute facilitated by Tara Fortune at the University of Minnesota. "Effective Immersion Pedagogy" institute participants included immersion researchers, teachers, curriculum specialists, and administrators.

This collaborative institute document was intended to support pre-service and practicing teachers with their ongoing professional development goals. It can be also used to inform and focus classroom observation for program leaders.

Tara Fortune revised the checklist in 2014 to include recent research findings and practitioner feedback. The most current version of the checklist is now available for free download at

Source: CARLA
Inputdate: 2017-04-27 15:12:40
Lastmodifieddate: 2017-05-01 04:14:42
Publishdate: 2017-05-01 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2017-05-01 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 23109
Content Type: 1
Title: Tips for Using Target Language in Class

Here’s an excerpt from Steven Smith and Gianfranco Conti’s book The Language Teacher Toolkit, a list of tips for creating a climate that fosters target language use in your classroom:

Source: Language Teacher Toolkit
Inputdate: 2017-04-27 15:13:14
Lastmodifieddate: 2017-05-01 04:14:42
Publishdate: 2017-05-01 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2017-05-01 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 23110
Content Type: 1
Title: Recent #Langchat Summaries


Language teachers get together on Twitter each Thursday night for a moderated discussion around a pre-selected topic using the hashtag #langchat. Here are summaries of the two most recent discussions.

World Language Classroom Projects with Purpose:

Motivating Low-Engaged Students Using Input:

Learn how you can join #langchat at

Source: Calico Spanish
Inputdate: 2017-04-27 15:14:15
Lastmodifieddate: 2017-05-01 04:14:42
Publishdate: 2017-05-01 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2017-05-01 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 23111
Content Type: 1
Title: Seesaw Activity: Casting Call Selfies

PBL in the TL


Seesaw ( is an online platform where students create digital portfolios to showcase their work. In this recent blog post, Laura K. Sexton describes a Seesaw-based activity in which students “audition” for roles in stories that they have studied (this could either be a fictional story or a historical event) using selfies altered to fit the character and audio recordings:

Here is an older post by Maris Hawkins describing how she has used Seesaw:

Source: PBL in the TL
Inputdate: 2017-04-27 15:15:09
Lastmodifieddate: 2018-11-29 07:51:42
Publishdate: 2017-05-01 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2017-05-01 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 23112
Content Type: 1
Title: Stepping Stones to Interpretive Reading


In this helpful blog post, Maris Hawkins describes her journey as a teacher in improving students’ interpretive reading skills, suggesting activities for different stages of the reading process:

Source: path to proficiency
Inputdate: 2017-04-27 15:15:43
Lastmodifieddate: 2017-05-01 04:14:42
Publishdate: 2017-05-01 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2017-05-01 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 23113
Content Type: 1
Title: Peer Editing Writing Stations


Carolina Seiden describes her use of learning stations to facilitate peer editing among her students in this helpful blog post:

Source: path to proficiency
Inputdate: 2017-04-27 15:16:19
Lastmodifieddate: 2017-05-01 04:14:42
Publishdate: 2017-05-01 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2017-05-01 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 23114
Content Type: 1

Our sister LRC, the Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning, is making a set of videos to explain what open educational resources (OER) are and why they are valuable. Watch the first video in the series at

Source: COERLL
Inputdate: 2017-04-27 15:16:50
Lastmodifieddate: 2017-05-01 04:14:42
Publishdate: 2017-05-01 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2017-05-01 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0