
Displaying 12131-12140 of 28843 results.
Contentid: 12379
Content Type: 1
Title: Summer Seminars Abroad for Spanish Teachers
Body: From The Center for Latin American Studies and the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at The Ohio State University announce this year's intensive Summer Seminars Abroad, a 16-day workshop in Spanish linguistics in Córdoba, Argentina. The purpose of the program is to provide selected students with an opportunity to analyze and practice the Spanish language in a natural linguistic and cultural context, and to receive university credit for that experience. The program, scheduled for July 26-August 11, 2011, is intended primarily for Spanish teachers. Application is open, however, to graduate students from Spanish and other disciplines who have a demonstrated ability in the use of the Spanish language and a need for this type of course. Both native and non-native speakers of Spanish are invited to apply. Learn more at
Source: Ohio State University
Inputdate: 2011-02-12 02:19:54
Lastmodifieddate: 2011-02-12 02:19:54
Expdate: 2011-09-14 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2011-02-14 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 12380
Content Type: 1
Title: 5th Summer Heritage Language Research Institute
Body: The deadline for applications for the 5th Summer Heritage Language Research Institute, “(Re)Learning the Heritage Language: Integrating Linguistics and Pedagogy,” is March 1. The Institute will take place from June 26-July 1 at UCLA; further details can be viewed at: Applications are invited from linguists, language instructors, post-doctoral fellows, and doctoral students currently involved in heritage teaching and research. Limited funding will be available for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows. The Institute is sponsored by the UCLA National Heritage Language Resource Center and aims to support the center's principal mission of developing the research base for heritage language education. This year’s institute focuses on current linguistic research and the implications for heritage language instruction. The application page can be found at:
Source: NCELA List
Inputdate: 2011-02-12 02:21:42
Lastmodifieddate: 2011-02-12 02:21:42
Expdate: 2011-07-01 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2011-02-14 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 12381
Content Type: 1
Title: ILTA Grant Funding for Workshops and Meetings
Body: ILTA GRANT FUNDING FOR WORKSHOPS AND MEETINGS - Call for Proposals ILTA aims to promote high standards of professionalism in language testing and assessment practice. One way of carrying out this mission is to encourage workshops and meetings where language testing experts educate and train teachers, test developers, and others, including policy makers, principals, and even test takers in key skills and knowledge in language testing/assessment. ILTA offers individual grants of up to US$ 3,000 for carrying out an approved workshop/meeting designed to help diffuse knowledge among a wider group in different parts of the world. The aim of a workshop/meeting should be to promote understanding, familiarity, and knowledge of language testing issues and practice among various groups of test users. It is expected that the award will be used as 'seed' money to organise such a workshop/meeting and, ideally, to establish a permanent local organisation that that will conduct further practical activities in language testing in the future, especially in places in need of language testing expertise. More than one award of US$ 3,000 may be made available in any one year, subject to sufficient funds being available. The procedures require that an award must be used within 15 months of awards (i.e. proposals approved in 2011 must be carried out by the June 30, 2012) CRITERIA FOR SUBMISSION: Those eligible to apply are individual language testers, teachers and others representing various types of institutions such as universities, research institutes, schools and testing organisations. Applicants must be ILTA members or, in the case of joint applications, at least one applicant must be an ILTA member. (In cases of extreme financial hardship the membership costs for ILTA may be included as part of the proposal, but a justification is needed in such a case.) APPLICATION PROCESS: Those interested can apply by sending a 3- to 5-page proposal which should include the following: 1. brief background regarding the state of language testing in the specific context (country, region, school system) 2. rationale for the meeting including specific reasons and needs for holding the meeting 3. description of target participant groups and their prior training/knowledge in language teaching and in language testing/assessment 4. plan for the meeting including specific themes to be covered 5. tentative list of speakers/workshop leaders plus information about their expertise 6. background of the organiser(s) in the area of language testing (the CV of at least one main organiser should be included to support this point) 7. duration and location of the workshop/meeting 8. intended audience for the workshop/meeting 9. amount of money needed and a specific description of how it will be used (including budget breakdown) 10. intended results of the workshop/meeting, specifically the short- and long-range impact the event is expected to have 11. a specific explanation of how the workshop/meeting will contribute to the mission and to the establishment of a permanent, local organisation 12. full contact details of the organiser(s) The application must include a written statement of a commitment to provide ILTA within 3 months of the workshop/meeting, with an evaluative report of the event. This will be posted on the ILTA website and may be distributed to ILTA members. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Applications should be sent by e-mail to the ILTA President John Read at at auckland dot ac dot nz by March 31 2011. No late applications will be accepted. SELECTION PROCESS: Each application for grant funding will be evaluated by a special committee of ILTA Executive Board members, which is chaired by the ILTA President and includes one or more of the current ILTA Members at Large. The committee may also call upon other relevant experts to input to the selection process. In light of this, the committee will determine the likely evaluation/wait time needed before a decision
Source: LTEST-L
Inputdate: 2011-02-12 02:43:30
Lastmodifieddate: 2011-02-12 02:43:30
Expdate: 2011-03-31 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2011-02-14 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 12382
Content Type: 1
Title: Job: Director of the Language Studies Resource Center, Iowa State University
Body: The Department of World Languages and Cultures is accepting applications for a continuous full-time Program Coordinator III who will serve as the Director of the Language Studies Resource Center (LSRC). The Director of the LSRC ensures the alignment of the long- and short-term priorities and goals for the LSRC with the university and department; develops and implements policies for LSRC operations; is involved in research-based initiatives to integrate technology and resources into the WLC curriculum; provides expertise and leadership in the infusion of new technologies into the curriculum; and provides technological and linguistic expertise in the development of instructional materials and resources for online and blended learning. The Director also assists faculty in the integration of technology in their courses through LSRC-lead faculty development initiatives; direct consultation; or collaborations to secure funding. Required Qualifications: Bachelor's degree and 5 years experience OR Master's degree and 3 years experience. Experience must be at a comparable level and directly related to this position. Preferred Qualifications: PhD in Educational/Instructional Technology, Foreign Language, Foreign Language Education, Second-language Acquisition, Applied Linguistics, Instructional Design, or related field. Supervisory experience. Experience with instructional design methods. For more details on this position, please visit Rodriguez, J. Job Announcement: Iowa State University. CALICO-L listserv (CALICO-L@LISTSERV.CALICO.ORG, 9 Feb 2011).
Source: CALICO’s CALL Discussion List
Inputdate: 2011-02-12 02:45:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2011-02-12 02:45:00
Expdate: 2012-02-12 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2011-02-14 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 12383
Content Type: 1
Title: Texas School District Backs Away from Arabic Studies Program
Body: From Mansfield school district backs away from Arabic program By Amanda Rogers February 8, 2011 The Mansfield school district has backed off plans for an Arabic studies program after almost 200 parents showed up with questions at a meeting at Cross Timbers Intermediate School on Monday night. "Nothing will be taught in the classroom until the curriculum is rolled out," district spokesman Richie Escovedo said. The Arabic studies program, funded by a five-year, $1.3 million Foreign Language Assistance Program federal grant, was to begin this semester at Cross Timbers, then spread to Davis Elementary and Howard Middle schools in the fall and to Summit High School by fall 2012. Arabic culture was to be integrated into the curriculum in elementary and intermediate schools, then offered as a language credit in middle and high schools. Davis, Cross Timbers and Howard are feeder schools to Summit. Parents at Monday's meeting ranged from supportive to upset, said Willie Wimbrey, assistant principal at Cross Timbers. Read more:
Source: Star-Telegram, Fort Worth
Inputdate: 2011-02-12 02:46:23
Lastmodifieddate: 2011-02-12 02:46:23
Publishdate: 2011-02-14 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 12384
Content Type: 1
Title: Valentine's Day in Japan
Body: From Read a short article about Valentines Day (and also “White Day” on March 14th) in Japan at
Inputdate: 2011-02-12 02:47:56
Lastmodifieddate: 2011-02-12 02:47:56
Publishdate: 2011-02-14 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 12385
Content Type: 1
Title: February 2011 Issue of SRAS Newsletter
Body: The February 2011 issue of the School of Russian and Asian Studies newsletter is available online at Learn about a revamped program to study in Russia’s Far East, read interviews about impressive accomplishments in Russian, and access the newsletter’s regular features (including a new MiniLesson (Banya!), popular music and movies in Russia).
Source: SRAS
Inputdate: 2011-02-12 02:49:12
Lastmodifieddate: 2011-02-12 02:49:12
Publishdate: 2011-02-14 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 12386
Content Type: 1
Title: Survey: Summer Programs for Russian, Slavic, and East European Languages
Body: From the SEELANGS listserv: For the past several years, CCPCR, the Committee on College and Pre-College Russian, has assisted college and university students by listing summer programs to be offered stateside in Russian, other Slavic, and East European languages. We are again soliciting such information for summer 2011. You can view last summer's list of programs at the following link to the CCPCR website: If your college or university plans to offer such coursework this summer, please share the information! To do so, just send the details to our e-mail address at ccpcr at american dot edu. The information we provide on this site can be viewed by visiting the summer program website page (select the link above). The listing includes dates, levels, contact info and link to any home page that gives further information about the summer program. You might also be interested in the results of the nationwide census of college/university Russian, other Slavic, and East European language programs for Fall 2010. This is available on the CCPCR website at Thus far, 79 programs have contributed their data. If your program is missing, we can still enter your information! We look forward to updating and sharing your information for 2011! John Schillinger Chair, CCPCR Emeritus Prof. of Russian American University Schillinger, J. [SEELANGS] Stateside Summer Programs, Fall Russian, other Slavic & EE census results. SEELANGS listserv (, 9 Feb 2011).
Inputdate: 2011-02-12 02:51:03
Lastmodifieddate: 2011-02-12 02:51:03
Expdate: 2011-09-12 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2011-02-14 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 12387
Content Type: 1
Title: German Information Center USA 6th Annual Essay Contest
Body: The purpose of the essay contest is to familiarize students with today’s Germany. In addition, the contest offers students and their teachers an opportunity to discuss traditional and modern German culture, language and society. There will be three grade groupings for the contest: Grades 3-5, Grades 6-8, and Grades 9-12. Winners will receive prizes and certificates; their essays will appear on the website, as well as the German Information Center USA’s newsletters. All entries must be submitted electronically by April 15, 2011. Detailed contest information such as rules, deadlines and the essay questions can be found at
Source: German Missions in the United States
Inputdate: 2011-02-12 02:52:47
Lastmodifieddate: 2011-02-12 02:52:47
Expdate: 2011-04-16 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2011-02-14 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 12388
Content Type: 1
Title: Site de Français Langue Etrangère
Body: Listening comprehension (including a cloze exercise based on the song “Je veux” by Zaz), reading comprehension, essays on French culture (read about Valentines Day at ), and more are available at this website:
Source: Web Pédagogique
Inputdate: 2011-02-12 02:54:01
Lastmodifieddate: 2011-02-12 02:54:01
Publishdate: 2011-02-14 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0