
Displaying 1161-1170 of 28843 results.
Contentid: 1218
Content Type: 1
Title: Statement from Secretary Rod Paige in Response to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus en Español
Body: From: OELA Newsline PRESS RELEASES Statement from Secretary Rod Paige in Response to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus en Español FOR RELEASE: February 5, 2004 Contact: Susan Aspey (202) 401-1576 ( The following is a statement from U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige in response to a press release issued yesterday by the Congressional Hispanic Caucus: "It is regretful and inevitable that, in a campaign year, some groups will go to any length to distort the president's historic education reform. It is more disappointing to learn that such rhetoric should come from Hispanic members of the U.S. House of Representatives because the law specifically aims to help their constituents. "Hispanic American children have a great deal to gain from the educational reforms of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, the historic education reform law that passed Congress with strong bipartisan support, including all members of the Hispanic Caucus. For the first time in the history of public education, the federal government is demanding accountability for the billions of taxpayer dollars that are used to educate our children. Fifty years after the Brown v. Board of Education decision that desegregated schools and gave minorities the same access as their white peers, we finally have a law that goes beyond access and ensures that minority children receive a quality education. "I will not stand by to lose yet another generation of Hispanic American children to the soft bigotry of low expectations. "This law is funded at a level to get the job done. Never in the history of our country has the federal government invested so much money in the education of our children.................. Finish the article at: (
Inputdate: 2004-02-18 12:42:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-02-18 12:42:00
Active: 1
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Contentid: 1219
Content Type: 1
Title: Request for SPECTRUm Articles
Body: From: "coflt" Some members have noted that the latest Spectrum was short on articles in the "teaching ideas" category. Please do not be bashful, but let us share with your colleagues the experiences you have found helpful in the past, in response to the following announcement from Spectrum Editor Ray Verzasconi. Please reply directly to him, at the email or PO address indicated. Bob Willner Exec. Secretary February 13, 2004 MATERIALS NEEDED Do you have a teaching tip you’d like to share with colleagues? A language or culture unit? An idea or opinion about the language profession? A complaint? An announcement? SPECTRUM is your publication. As of today, I have not received any materials for the April issue. Will there be an April issue? Not unless I receive a sufficient number of submissions by April 10. If you don’t have time, consider spending a couple of hours during spring break. Don’t worry about length or style. If accepted for publication, either I or one of the editorial reviewers will help. Send as MS Word or Wordperfect for Windows attachments or in pdf.file format. Ray Verzasconi Spectrum editor <> or 2336 NE 12th Ave, Portland OR 97212
Source: COFLT
Inputdate: 2004-02-18 12:45:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-02-18 12:45:00
Expdate: 2004-04-22 00:00:00
Active: 1
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Contentid: 1220
Content Type: 1
Title: JNCL-NCLIS Legislative Alert
Body: From: "coflt" Forwarded for information of all COFLT members. Bob Willner & Ray Verzasconi The Senate recently passed the Homeland Security Federal Workforce Act (S.589). To download a copy of the bill, please visit the JNCL-NCLIS website at This bill is designed to strengthen national security by improving the federal government's recruitment and retention of employees with expertise in fields such as math, science, engineering, AND foreign languages. The bill targets the Departments of Defense, Homeland Security, State, Energy, Treasury, and Justice along with the National Security Agency and the Central Intelligence Agency. The bill creates two programs of interest to foreign language professionals. The first is a pilot program that would repay existing student loans for these who agree to service in national security positions in the federal government for at least three years. Under this plan, the employee would receive $10,000 in loan repayments each year, with a maximum set at $60,000. The second would create a fellowship program for graduate students to enter federal service and a National Security Service Corps. Students receiving the fellowships would be required to work for the federal government for a minimum of three years in a national security area. Twenty percent of the fellowships will be set aside for current federal employees who are working in national security positions so they can further their education and training. The National Security Service Corp would provide mid-level employees in national security positions the opportunity to broaden their knowledge through exposure to other agencies. Senator Daniel Akaka (D-HI) introduced S.589. Senator Akaka also co- sponsored a similar bill, S.1800, in the 107th Congress. A hearing was held highlighting the role that foreign language plays in national security and stressing the importance of building a federal workforce that meets the new demands of the 21st century. The Homeland Security Federal Workforce Act has been referred to the House Committee on Government Reform as well as the Education Committee. Please visit: for updates on this piece of legislation.
Inputdate: 2004-02-18 12:50:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-02-18 12:50:00
Active: 1
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Contentid: 1221
Content Type: 1
Title: 1st Russian Conference on Cognitive Science
Body: From: "Andrej Kibrik" FIRST RUSSIAN CONFERENCE ON COGNITIVE SCIENCE October 9-12, 2004, Kazan Second Call for Papers The goal of the conference is to create a joint forum for representatives from various disciplines exploring cognition and its evolution, intellect, thinking, perception, consciousness, knowledge representation and acquisition, language as a means of cognition and communication, brain mechanisms of cognition, emotion and higher forms of behavior. Psychologists, linguists, neurophysiologists, specialists in artificial intelligence and neuroinformatics, computer scientists, philosophers, anthropologists, as well as other scientists interested in interdisciplinary issues in cognitive studies, are invited to take part in the conference. The organizers believe it is important for specialists from all these kinds of background to develop a common interdisciplinary language. Among the invited speakers will be: Konstantin V. Anokhin (Moscow) "The language genes" and the "Korsakoff mouse": What can we learn about cognition from transgenic animals? Wallace Chafe (Santa Barbara, California) The roles of observation, experimentation, and introspection in understanding the mind Tatiana V. Chernigovskaya (Saint-Petersburg) To be announced Sandro V. Kodzasov (Moscow) Intonation as the marker of an utterance's informational environment Michael Posner (Eugene, Oregon) The development of neural network related to attention and self regulation Helge Ritter (Bielefeld) Artificial attention as a basis for cognitive robots Michael Tomasello (Leipzig and Atlanta, Georgia) The cultural origins of human cognition Boris M. Velichkovsky (Dresden and Moscow) Cognitive science applied The working languages of the conference will be Russian and English. Decisions on the acceptance of proposed papers will be made on the basis of the abstracts that must arrive no later than March 15, 2004. Please submit the abstract of your paper, in Russian or in English, by e-mail to the address as a MS Word or LaTeX file attached to an e-mail message. Please don't include more than one abstract in one message. The maximal size of an abstract is 2 pages (single-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 type sizem, 2 cm margins on all sides), including illustrations and references. At the beginning of an abstract please indicate the following pieces of information: * the title of the paper (in caps) * the author's (authors') initials and last name(s), followed by affiliation in parentheses * e-mail address * 3 to 5 keywords The message to which an abstract is attached is supposed to contain exclusively the following information: 1. the title of the paper 2a. full name (including last name, first name, and middle name/patronymic, if applicable) of the author (or the first author, in the case of a group of authors) 3a. affiliation of the author (or the first author) 4a. educational status or degree (undergraduate student, graduate student, Ph.D., etc.) of the author (or the first author) 2b. full name (including last name, first name, and middle name/patronymic, if applicable) of the second author 3b. affiliation of the second author 4b. educational status or degree (undergraduate student, graduate student, Ph.D., etc.) of the second author 5. postal address at which the author(s) can be reached 6. phone number at which the author(s) can be reached 7. email address at which the author(s) can be reached 8. the preferred form of presentation (oral or poster) Please follow the given format, the order and numbering of items. The program committee will inform the authors of its decisions on the acceptance of proposals by June 15, 2004. Additional information on the conference is available at, in particular in the text of the First Call for Papers, or by e-mail at:
Source: Kazan State University, Russia
Inputdate: 2004-02-19 12:11:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-02-19 12:11:00
Expdate: 2004-03-15 00:00:00
Active: 1
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Contentid: 1222
Content Type: 1
Body: From: "Anselmo Villanueva" Mano A Mano/Latinos Unidos Siempre Present: LATINO RECOGNITION NIGHT and BAILE Date: February 21, 2004 Time and Place: Chemeketa Community College, Bldg. 50, Salem, Oregon This is the biggest celebration, from the community to the community Once again, this year we will be handing out awards for: BEST LATINO PARENT, YOUTH, HERO, and LATINO/A OF THE YEAR Do you know someone whom you would like to nominate for an award? All you need to do is fill out the nomination form on the back if this flier And send it by mail, email or drop it off at: MANO A MANO Family Center 3545 PORTLAND ROAD, N.E., SALEM, Suite 200 OR 97303 OR CALL (503) 363-1895. THERE WILL BE FOOD, RAFFLE, AND DANCE!!! NOMINATIONS LATINO PARENT OF THE YEAR LATINO YOUTH OF THE YEAR LATINO HERO OF THE YEAR LATINO OF THE YEAR LATINA OF THE YEAR Name: _______________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________ Name of person making nomination: _________________________ Briefly describe the nominee: Jose Sandoval/Joe Bosquez Youth Organizers Latinos Unidos Siempre Phone: (503) 363-1895 Fax: (503) 399-1183 3545 Portland RD NE, Suite 200 Salem, OR 97303
Source: Mano A Mano/Latinos Unidos Siempre
Inputdate: 2004-02-19 12:15:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-02-19 12:15:00
Expdate: 2004-02-22 00:00:00
Active: 1
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Contentid: 1223
Content Type: 1
Body: From: "Anselmo Villanueva" OCA CURRENTLY ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR 2004 OCA-AVON FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Date: 02/13/2004 Washington, DC - The Organization of Chinese Americans (OCA) is teaming up with the Avon Foundation to introduce the 2004 OCA-Avon Foundation Scholarship Program. Fifteen scholarships of $2,000 each will be awarded to Asian Pacific American (APA) women who will be entering their first year of college. Within the last eight years, OCA has awarded over 1300 scholarships to financially disadvantaged students through its various scholarship programs. Scholarships and financial aid are critical in helping students from lower income families attain a college education. "OCA and the Avon Foundation are dedicated to education in the APA community," commented OCA National President Raymond Wong. "The Avon Foundation recognizes the need to provide opportunities to APA students who do not have access to the financial resources necessary to pursue higher education." The APA population is nearly 12 million with a poverty rate of 12.6 percent, compared with 9 percent for non-Hispanic Whites in 1999, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Although APAs are often made victims of the model minority myth, and thus lack access to additional financial resources to pay for college, most APAs do not fit into the highly educated and wealthy category dictated by this stereotype. The scholarship will provide opportunities to APA students who wish to pursue higher education while facing financial difficulties. "Education has always been a high priority in the Asian Pacific American community." noted Christine Chen, OCA Executive Director. "Although the average level of education for APAs is high, the statistics are misleading. Although there are many members of our community who have advanced degrees, there are countless APAs who are unable to attend college because of financial difficulties. Through our many scholarships - including the OCA-Avon Foundation Scholarship - OCA is committed to granting deserving APA students a chance they otherwise would not get." Since 1955, the Avon Foundation ( has shown its commitment to women through an expanding network of life enhancing programs that promote economic empowerment for women. The Avon Foundation's economic empowerment program supports organizations that offer women the ability to acquire the skills and support they need to become economically secure, such as job training and readiness, women's shelters, scholarships and professional development. The Avon Foundation is the largest corporate women's foundation. In almost 50 years, the Avon Foundation has contributed more than $100 million and funded over 11,000 grants and scholarships that benefit the economic empowerment of women. For more information on OCA's scholarship programs and an application, students may go to OCA's website at The deadline for applying to the 2004 OCA-Avon Foundation Scholarship Program is May 1, 2004. The Organization of Chinese Americans, a national civil rights organization with over 80 chapters and affiliates across the country, was founded in 1973 to ensure the civil rights of the Asian Pacific American community. It maintains its headquarters in Washington, D.C.
Source: OCA
Inputdate: 2004-02-19 12:17:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-02-19 12:17:00
Expdate: 2004-05-01 00:00:00
Active: 1
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Contentid: 1224
Content Type: 1
Title: 8th Children's Drawing Contest
Body: From: "Anselmo Villanueva" "Éste es mi México" Submissions are due June 10th. To receive more information about the contest and to obtain entry forms, please contact Sofía Orozco Aguirre of the Mexican Secretariat of Foreign Affairs (Mexicanos en el Exterior) at . The lnstitute for Mexicans Abroad, with the participation of Mexican consulates in both the United States and Canada, in addition to the support of the National Fund for Culture and the Arts (Fondo para la Cultura y las Artes), annually organizes the drawing contest "Esté es mi México". This contest is directed towards Mexican children or children of Mexican descent residing in the United States and Canada. The fundamental objective of the drawing contest is to strengthen their pride in their Mexican roots amongst children of Mexican descent who reside in the United States and Canada, while expanding their knowledge about Mexico. Children aged 7 through 11 years participate in this contest. The winners are selected by a jury made up of specialists on children's aesthetic expression designated by the National Institute of Fine Arts (Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes (I.N.B.A.). The prize consists of a trip for the winner and an adult companion to Mexico City with all expenses included. The participating children can draw or paint over a square fine cardboard (30 X30 cm / 12 X12"), using brushes, pencils, acrylics, water colors, crayons or whatever they choose which best expresses what the colors and flavors of Mexico mean to them. During their stay in Mexico City, a program full of activities, including guided tours to the Children's Museum "El Papalote" and the Teotihuacan Pyramids among other visits, allow the children to have an ample panorama of Mexican culture and traditions. All schools with a Hispanic population are invited to participate in this contest and submit their paintings or drawings to their nearest Mexican Consulate. For information on ED programs, resources and events, contact: Information Resource Center, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W., Washington, DC 20202, 1-800-USA-LEARN (1-800-872-5327), .
Source: Mexican Secretariat of Foreign Affairs
Inputdate: 2004-02-19 12:21:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-02-19 12:21:00
Active: 1
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Contentid: 1225
Content Type: 1
Title: Migrant Education Specialist Position
Body: From: "Anselmo Villanueva" Office of Migrant Education POSITION: Education Program Specialist, GS-1720-12 ANNOUNCEMENT NUMBER: OESE-2004-0013 SERIES & GRADE: GS-1720-12 SALARY RANGE: 59302 - 77096 PROMOTION POTENTIAL: 12 OPENING DATE: 02/17/2004 CLOSING DATE: 03/01/2004 The Office of Migrant Education is seeking to hire an individual who has training and experience in the area of research or program evaluation (the full vacancy announcement is attached below). This position officially opened on February 17 and CLOSES ON MARCH 1. The position is posted at a GS-12 grade level (salary range of $59,302 - $77,096). Please pass this announcement on to anyone you think might be interested in this position as OME hopes to have a strong pool of candidates. Please note that the Department of Education has a new online application system that requires applicants to complete an online survey and submit an online resume. Applicants' responses to the survey are an important part of determining which candidates are best qualified for the position. More detailed instructions are found in the vacancy announcement and the online application. If you plan to apply, please ensure that your application submission provides detailed information on all relevant professional experience (unlike the private sector, government personnel offices tend to favor very detailed applications). The full vacancy announcement is available online at: Education (Note: Due to the length of the Internet address, you may need to cut the address out and paste it into your Internet browser.) The announcement can also be reached from the USA Jobs home page at by searching on vacancy announcement number OESE-2004-0013.
Source: Office of Migrant Education
Inputdate: 2004-02-19 12:28:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-02-19 12:28:00
Expdate: 2004-03-02 00:00:00
Active: 1
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Contentid: 1226
Content Type: 1
Body: From: "Anselmo Villanueva" 10th ANNUAL MULTICULTURAL CONFERENCE CALL FOR PROPOSALS WHERE: Central Washington University, Ellensburg WA WHEN/WHAT: Friday, October 1st: 3-5 hour Intensive Pre-Conference Institutes Saturday, October 2nd: 50-minute or 110-minute sessions WHY: To bring together individuals and organizations to discuss and share information related to multicultural, intercultural, and diversity issues and concerns - Applications in public and private schools/colleges (P-20), organizations, businesses, agencies and community groups - Training, materials and resources - Research and best practices PRESENTATION GUIDELINES: 1. Presentations of varying types, lengths and levels of expertise are encouraged. Strands will include multicultural/diversity issues, curriculum, and training; harassment; racism; higher education; students, parents, and families. Other topics are welcome as well. 2. Proposals will be selected on the basis of quality, relevance and diverse perspectives. 3. No presenter's fee or expenses will be paid. 4. Deadline for proposals is April 20th. Send or FAX completed Presentation Proposal form and Vita Form by April 20th to: Marcia Migdal, Chair WSAME Conference Presenters Committee Edmonds School District 20420 - 68th Avenue West Lynnwood, WA 98036 FAX: (425) 670-7006 Questions or further information re: proposals, contact Marcia Migdal at 425-670-7128 or or Barbara Yasui at 360-657-0219 or
Source: Washington State Association for Multicultural Education
Inputdate: 2004-02-19 12:31:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-02-19 12:31:00
Expdate: 2004-04-20 00:00:00
Active: 1
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Contentid: 1227
Content Type: 1
Title: Latino Educational Specialist
Body: From: "Anselmo Villanueva" The Oregon Council for Hispanic Advancement is hiring for a Latino Educational Specialist The Educational Specialist will 1) Develop curriculum for classes at the middle school level in a variety of subject areas. 2) Teach classes in a variety of subject areas that support participants’ core curriculum. 3) Coordinate with local middle school teachers and administrators to support student educational outcomes and assess student needs. 4) Coordinate with Academic Service Coordinators to develop and implement extracurricular activities such as service-learning and project-based learning activities 5) Help train and support Academic Service Coordinators and volunteers in the provision of student activities and classes. Position will be based at the OCHA offices with extensive travel to schools throughout Multnomah County. Required Qualifications: 1) Bilingual/Biliterate (Eng/Spa) 2) Bachelor of Arts in Education or a related field 3) Teaching experience 4) Must possess a valid Oregon driver’s license, reliable transportation and proof of insurance. Preferred Qualifications: 1) Bicultural 2) Hold a valid Oregon Teaching License 3) Knowledge of INEA or other Spanish language curriculum. Salary Range: $32,000 to $36,000 plus benefits as determined by education and experience. Immediate opening. Position closes February 27, 2004. Email, Mail or fax resume and cover letter to: Oregon Council for Hispanic Advancement Att: Student Retention Director 108 NW Ninth Ave, Suite 201 Portland, OR 97209 Fax: 503-228-0710
Source: Oregon Council for Hispanic Advancement
Inputdate: 2004-02-19 12:33:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2004-02-19 12:33:00
Expdate: 2004-02-27 00:00:00
Active: 1
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