
Displaying 5881-5890 of 28843 results.
Contentid: 6098
Content Type: 1
Title: Primary French Online Learning Site
Body: From This resource has two sets of beginning lessons, games, songs, and videos of conversations in France, along with a teacher’s guide. All content is geared for elementary-aged children. Available at .
Source: BBC
Inputdate: 2007-04-23 12:20:41
Lastmodifieddate: 2007-04-23 12:20:41
Publishdate: 2007-04-23 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 6099
Content Type: 1
Title: French Grammar Central
Body: From With nearly 580 links, this resource is ample material for courses on an advanced college level, and would be particularly good for those studying for exit exams, where a thorough knowledge of structure is required. It contains grammar guidance, with thousands of verb conjugations, research and hundreds of activities. Available at .
Source: University of Tennessee-Martin
Inputdate: 2007-04-23 12:21:34
Lastmodifieddate: 2007-04-23 12:21:34
Publishdate: 2007-04-23 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 6100
Content Type: 1
Title: Free Online French and Spanish Lessons from
Body: From, an online language course, offers free French and Spanish lessons. The lessons are based on the language course created by the Foreign Service Institute (FSI). The focus of each lesson is on teaching French and Spanish vocabulary and pronunciation. Vocabulary and pronunciation are taught through audio and text drills contained within a Flash movie. Free French Lessons: Currently there are six free, comprehensive French lessons, each containing between 1700 and 2200 sentences to learn and practice, with more French lessons to come. The French lessons focus heavily on teaching vocabulary and pronunciation. Each lesson contains four to five grammar subjects featured in each lesson. After each grammar subject is introduced the student practices that subject by going through extensive drills. Free Spanish Lessons: There are currently 55 FSI based Spanish lessons on, each with between 500 and 1000 Spanish sentences to practice and repeat. Spanish lessons 56 – 63 are dialect lessons where students can listen to native Spanish speakers tell personal stories about their lives in their own distinct dialects. More information is available at .
Source: LINGUIST List
Inputdate: 2007-04-23 12:23:02
Lastmodifieddate: 2007-04-23 12:23:02
Publishdate: 2007-04-23 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 6101
Content Type: 1
Title: Activity to Practice Por and Para in Spanish
Body: An FLTEACH user recently asked for ideas to practice the use of por and para in Spanish. Here is one described activity: I wrote 15 sentences trying to cover all the different uses of the two, then wrote them out in large print on long strips of paper. Then I cut them in half, just before the por/para. I randomly distributed them to the class, and instructed them to find their "match." You have to be very careful when writing your sentences so that they can't have more than one match. Once they found their match they stood with them and all formed a large circle around the room. We went through each pair, and they had to read their sentence and explain why they thought it was correct, based on the por/para. Many find that they are incorrectly matched of course once we go through, but it's nice how they figure it out on their own once they see the sentences together. Henman, B. Re: POR/PARA Project or Activities. Foreign Language Teaching Forum listserv (FLTEACH@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU, 14 Apr 2007).
Inputdate: 2007-04-23 12:24:06
Lastmodifieddate: 2007-04-23 12:24:06
Publishdate: 2007-04-23 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 6102
Content Type: 1
Title: Online Children’s Spanish Lessons
Body: Free lessons with pronunciation for beginners. Learn common phrases, numbers, colors and restaurant language. Available at .
Source: Learn4Good
Inputdate: 2007-04-23 12:25:29
Lastmodifieddate: 2007-04-23 12:25:29
Publishdate: 2007-04-23 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 6103
Content Type: 1
Title: Language Summer Camp for Elementary Students
Body: Language Summer Camp for Elementary Students Ohio Foreign Language Association The Ohio Foreign Language Association will sponsor the third annual OFLA Summer Camp for elementary students June 10-16, 2007 at Templed Hills Camp, an overnight campground in Bellville, Ohio. Students can choose French, Spanish, German, or Japanese for a week of language and cultural fun. Deadline for students and scholarship applications is May 1, 2007. More information available at .
Source: Ohio Foreign Language Association
Inputdate: 2007-04-23 12:28:04
Lastmodifieddate: 2007-04-23 12:28:04
Expdate: 2007-05-02 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2007-04-23 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 6104
Content Type: 1
Title: States to Get Guides on ELL Test Methods
Body: From States to Get Guides on ELL Test Methods Published: March 14, 2007 By this summer, as part of its LEP Partnership initiative, the U.S. Department of Education expects to publish several guides for states on how best to include English-language learners in testing. The program was announced in July by Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings as an effort to help states improve the testing of students with limited English proficiency, which has been a contentious issue in the implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act. The partnership invited state education officials to meetings in Washington in August and October. Kathyrn M. Doherty, a special assistant to Deputy Secretary of Education Raymond J. Simon, said last week that she has been lining up researchers and other experts to write several guides that can be used by states. The guides will cost about $25,000 to produce. Read the entire article at .
Source: Education Week
Inputdate: 2007-04-23 12:29:54
Lastmodifieddate: 2007-04-23 12:29:54
Publishdate: 2007-04-23 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 6105
Content Type: 1
Title: Outreach World: Resources for K-12 Area and Language Studies
Body: From Outreach World is a comprehensive one-stop resource for teaching international and area studies and foreign languages in the precollegiate classroom. Resources include a searchable database of instructional materials for downloading. A sampling of materials includes -Allons au Cinéma: A curriculum unit in French on cinema in Benin, West Africa -Arabic Clothing and Colors: A unit naming at least two articles of clothing and three colors in Arabic -Aztec Folk Literature: Lesson plans utilizing two legends and a folktale -Indonesian Proverbs: Lesson plan/outline for an introduction to Indonesian proverbs having students speak, translate and interpret three Indonesian proverbs -Japanese Society: Lesson plan provides students with a comprehensive understanding of various aspects of Japanese society and culture -The Chinese Language: Teacher/student resource from Columbia University gives an overview of the Chinese language, both spoken and written -Teaching about Russia, Eastern Europe, and Eurasia: A directory of internet resources for K-12 teachers -Thai Language and Culture Learning Resource: Extensive student/teacher resource offers materials for understanding Thailand's language, and culture The searchable database is available at .
Source: Outreach World
Inputdate: 2007-04-23 12:31:03
Lastmodifieddate: 2007-04-23 12:31:03
Publishdate: 2007-04-23 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 6106
Content Type: 1
Title: National Geographic World Music Site
Body: From On this website you will learn all about music genres and artists from all over the world. You can also watch and listen to excerpts for free. This page also gives access to photo galleries from National Geographic. Available at .
Source: French Heritage Language Program
Inputdate: 2007-04-23 12:31:44
Lastmodifieddate: 2007-04-23 12:31:44
Publishdate: 2007-04-23 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 6107
Content Type: 1
Title: New Book: Learning and Teaching Languages Through Content
Body: From Learning and Teaching Languages Through Content: A counterbalanced approach By Roy Lyster Published by John Benjamins Abstract: Based on a synthesis of classroom Second Language Acquisition (SLA) research that has helped to shape evolving perspectives of content-based instruction since the introduction of immersion programs in Montreal more than 40 years ago, this book presents an updated perspective on integrating language and content in ways that engage second language learners with language across the curriculum. A range of instructional practices observed in immersion and content-based classrooms is highlighted to set the stage for justifying a counterbalanced approach that integrates both content-based and form-focused instructional options as complementary ways of intervening to develop a learner's interlanguage system. A counterbalanced approach is outlined as an array of opportunities for learners to process language through content by means of comprehension, awareness, and production mechanisms, and to negotiate language through content by means of interactional strategies involving teacher scaffolding and feedback. Visit the publisher’s website at .
Source: LINGUIST List
Inputdate: 2007-04-29 09:15:57
Lastmodifieddate: 2007-04-29 09:15:57
Publishdate: 2007-04-30 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1