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Title: Workshop: Teaching Social Justice in the World Language Classroom
Teaching Social Justice in the World Language Classroom: A Primary Source Conference
April 7, 2018
Watertown, Massachusetts
In so many ways the world language classroom is uniquely suited to the work of teaching for and about social justice. Language teachers have the opportunity to challenge bias and stereotyping; build cultural competence; promote global citizenship and collaboration; and nurture student voice and agency. This spring conference draws inspiration from the work of renowned teacher, author and multicultural educator Sonia Nieto. Professor Sonia Nieto and her daughter, ELL and Spanish teacher Alicia López, will keynote the program. Primary Source welcomes K-12 teachers of all world languages (including Arabic, Chinese, French, Japanese, and Spanish) to come think = about a social justice approach to second-language learning.
Learn more and register at
Source: Primary Source
Inputdate: 2018-02-21 15:11:16
Lastmodifieddate: 2018-02-26 03:53:47
Expdate: 2018-04-07 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2018-02-26 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2018-02-26 00:00:00
Active: 1
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Content Type: 1
Title: CARLA Summer Institutes 2018
Our sister Language Resource Center, the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA), has provided high-quality professional development for language teachers for over two decades. Each institute is highly interactive and includes discussion, theory-building, hands-on activities, and plenty of networking opportunities.
Here are the planned institutes for 2018:
Using the Web for Communicative Language Learning and Professional Development (five-week online course)
July 9-August 12, 2018
Presenters: Marlene Johnshoy and Lauren Rosen
Language and Culture in Sync: Teaching Linguistic Politeness and Intercultural Awareness (three-week online course)-NEW!
July 9-27, 2018
Presenter: Noriko Ishihara
Developing Assessments for the Second Language Classroom
July 9-13, 2018
Presenter: Donna Clementi
Teaching Heritage Languages and Learners
July 9-13, 2018
Presenters: Jenna Cushing-Leubner and Jennifer Eik
Culture as the Core in the Second Language Classroom
July 9-13, 2018
Presenters: Martha Bigelow and Kaishan Kong
Using Technology in Second Language Teaching
July 16-20, 2018
Presenters: Adolfo Carrillo Cabello, Marlene Johnshoy, and Dan Soneson
Creativity in the Language Classroom: Fostering Student Learning Through Creative Language Experiences
July 16-20, 2018
Presenters: Anne Cummings Hlas and Amy Young
Teaching Language Through the Lens of Social Justice
July 16-20, 2018
Presenters: Cassandra Glynn, Beth Wassell, and Pamela Wesely
Using Authentic Materials to Develop 21st Century Literacies
July 23-27, 2018
Presenter: Kate Paesani
Content-Based Language Instruction and Curriculum Development
July 23-27, 2018
Presenter: Laurent Cammarata
Growing Learner Language: A Hands-On Approach to Developing the Language Learners Produce
July 23-27, 2018
Presenters: LeeAnne Godfrey and Elaine Tarone
Summer Institute for Immersion Teachers
Immersion 101: An Introduction to Immersion Teaching
July 16-20, 2018
Presenters: Tara Fortune with Maureen Curran-Dorsano, Kirsten Rue Johnson, and a team of veteran immersion teachers
Find detailed information about each summer institute on the CARLA website at and register at
Source: CARLA
Inputdate: 2018-02-21 15:12:02
Lastmodifieddate: 2018-02-26 03:53:47
Expdate: 2018-08-01 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2018-02-26 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2018-02-26 00:00:00
Active: 1
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Content Type: 1
Title: Workshop: Promoting Cultural Proficiency to Boost Outcomes for All Students
Promoting Cultural Proficiency to Boost Outcomes for All Students
May 22 - 23, 2018
Center for Applied Linguistics
Washington DC
This two-day informative and interactive workshop is designed to give educators and administrators tools that will guide the work of cultural proficiency at the individual and school levels by outlining concrete steps for creating communities of inclusion.
Participants will learn how to:
- Explore their own identities and how they interact with the diversity of students and other members of their school community.
- Immerse in interpersonal and intrapersonal conversations regarding prejudice, privilege, bias, and personal ideology.
- Define cultural proficiency and analyze each stage of the continuum.
- Analyze their level of cultural proficiency as an individual and as a school and identify methods for increasing cultural competence.
- Guide conversations about cultural proficiency in their own contexts, including with adults and/or children.
- Utilize the four Communities of Inclusion Approach reflection questions as a tool to identify action steps and resources needed to advocate for inclusive policies and practices within their own settings.
- Implement CAL's Community of Inclusion Toolkit to promote equity in their local school contexts.
Attendees will receive an informative and useful packet of tools and strategies with hands-on guidance on how to develop an action plan for cultural proficiency that they can begin to immediate implementation in their schools.
Learn more and register at
Source: CAL
Inputdate: 2018-02-21 15:15:13
Lastmodifieddate: 2018-02-26 03:53:47
Expdate: 2018-05-23 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2018-02-26 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2018-02-26 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
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Content Type: 1
Title: Babies Look for Visual Languages along with Spoken Ones
Babies can spot language, even when it's not spoken
By Roni Dengler
February 16, 2018
Babies are as primed to learn a visual language as they are a spoken one. That's the conclusion of research presented here today at the annual meeting of AAAS, which publishes Science. Parents and scientists know babies are learning sponges that can pick up any language they're born into. But not as much is known about whether that includes visual language. To find out if infants are sensitive to visual language, Rain Bosworth, a psychologist at the University of California, San Diego, tracked 6-month-olds' and 1-year-olds' eye movements as they watched a video of a woman performing self-grooming gestures, such as tucking her hair behind her ear, and signing. The infants watched the signs 20% more than the 1-year-old children did. That means babies can distinguish between what's language and what's not, even when it's not spoken, but 1-year-olds can't. That's consistent with what researchers know about how babies learn spoken language. Six-month-olds home in on their native language and lose sensitivity to languages they're not exposed to, but by 12 months old that's more or less gone, Bosworth says. The researchers also watched babies' gazes as they observed a signer "fingerspelling," spelling out words with individually signed letters. The signer executed the fingerspelling cleanly or sloppily. Again, researchers found the 6-month-old babies, who had never seen sign language before, favored the well-formed letters, whereas the 12-month-olds did not show a preference. Together that means there's a critical developmental window for picking up even nonverbal languages. As 95% of deaf children are born to hearing parents, they are at risk for developmental delays because they need that language exposure early on, the scientists say.
Access the AAAS presentation abstract at, and read another summary at
Source: Science
Inputdate: 2018-02-21 15:16:29
Lastmodifieddate: 2018-02-26 03:53:47
Publishdate: 2018-02-26 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2018-02-26 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
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Content Type: 1
Title: The Best Sites to Learn About the Hindu Festival of Holi
Holi will be celebrated March 1-2 this year. Larry Ferlazzo has curated a collection of links to resources to learn more about this festival at
Source: Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day...
Inputdate: 2018-02-21 15:17:36
Lastmodifieddate: 2018-02-26 03:53:47
Publishdate: 2018-02-26 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2018-02-26 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
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Content Type: 1
Title: Olympian Kevin Reynolds Talks about Why He Studies Japanese
Canadian figure skater talks about why he studies Japanese in this recent interview:
See Mr. Reynold's Olympic profile at
Source: Wochi Kochi Magazine
Inputdate: 2018-02-21 15:18:31
Lastmodifieddate: 2018-02-26 03:53:47
Publishdate: 2018-02-26 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2018-02-26 00:00:00
Active: 1
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Content Type: 1
Title: Introduction to Moldovan Politics
Here is an English-language article introducing readers to Moldovan politics since the fall of the Soviet Union:
Source: geohistory
Inputdate: 2018-02-21 15:25:43
Lastmodifieddate: 2018-02-26 03:53:47
Publishdate: 2018-02-26 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2018-02-26 00:00:00
Active: 1
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Content Type: 1
Title: Russia's Top Movies of 2017
Here's a summary of Russia's top movies of 2017, including plot synopses and short clips:
Source: PopKult
Inputdate: 2018-02-21 15:26:02
Lastmodifieddate: 2018-02-26 03:53:47
Publishdate: 2018-02-26 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2018-02-26 00:00:00
Active: 1
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Content Type: 1
Title: WIRE: Women in the Roman East Project
WIRE: Women in the Roman East made its debut last September. The project seeks to provide resources and digital tools for the study of women's lives in the Roman East. Within the project database, you will encounter a wide range of evidence that bears witness to women's experiences, from epitaphs to coins. This collection is drawn from ancient texts, excavation reports, museum catalogs, and field records. The sources can be used to study any number of aspects of women's lives in the Roman East, from women's names to women's roles in imperial politics and cult. The database is accessible to a range of users, including scholars engaged in research, instructors integrating WIRE into their classroom pedagogy, and interested members of the general public.
Browse the available resources at
Source: WIRE
Inputdate: 2018-02-21 15:26:36
Lastmodifieddate: 2018-02-26 03:53:47
Publishdate: 2018-02-26 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2018-02-26 00:00:00
Active: 1
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Content Type: 1
Title: Classics Camp for Middle and High School Students
Meet the Ancient Greeks and Romans
Classics Youth Camp on the UW-Madison campus
July 23-August 3, 2018
Middle School Camp (for students entering 6th through 8th grades in Fall 2018)
High School Camp (for students entering 9th through 12th grades in Fall 2018)
Explore the rich and fascinating worlds of ancient Greece and the Roman Empire in this Classics Camp on the UW-Madison campus. Through interactive activities, students will learn about everyday life in ancient Greece and Rome, including myth, history, drama, art and architecture, clothing, and food. Students will also learn a bit of Ancient Greek and Latin (don't worry, it's not that hard!) and find out about their roots in the English language we speak today (impress your friends and family when you write their names in ancient Greek!). Students also explore how classical civilizations of ancient Greece and Roman are foundational points of reference for modern fiction like J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson.
Optional language immersion activities are available for high school students with special interest in Ancient Greek and Latin.
For full details go to
Source: University of Wisconsin - Madison
Inputdate: 2018-02-21 15:27:24
Lastmodifieddate: 2018-02-26 03:53:47
Expdate: 2018-08-03 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2018-02-26 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2018-02-26 00:00:00
Active: 1
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