Content Type: 1
Title: Using the Fishbowl Strategy in a Language Class
The fishbowl technique is a way to have everyone in a large group able to participate when discussing a topic. In this blog post, Spanish teacher Allison describes how she has adapted this technique to her language classroom for a discussion about immigration:
Source: Mis Clases Locas
Inputdate: 2017-11-15 12:10:34
Lastmodifieddate: 2017-11-20 03:54:16
Publishdate: 2017-11-20 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2017-11-20 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Content Type: 1
Title: Using Mind Maps for Writing
Here is a nice summary of how students can use mind maps for the pre-writing phase of the writing process:
Source: Empowering ELLs
Inputdate: 2017-11-15 12:11:03
Lastmodifieddate: 2017-11-20 03:54:16
Publishdate: 2017-11-20 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2017-11-20 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Content Type: 1
Title: Warmup Writing Activity: Argumentative Thesis Statements
Martha Ramirez shares a warm-up activity for getting students to understand how to make argumentative thesis statements for or against controversial ideas in this blog post:
Source: Martha Ramirez
Inputdate: 2017-11-15 12:11:40
Lastmodifieddate: 2017-11-20 03:54:16
Publishdate: 2017-11-20 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2017-11-20 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Content Type: 1
Title: Presentational Genre: Elevator Pitches
At CASLS we know that the presentational mode encompasses a diverse assortment of genres. One of them is the micro presentation or elevator pitch. Here is a recent blog post by an English teacher named Tim with a lesson on preparing and presenting elevator pitches:
Source: Tim’s Free English Lesson Plans
Inputdate: 2017-11-15 12:12:12
Lastmodifieddate: 2017-11-20 03:54:16
Publishdate: 2017-11-20 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2017-11-20 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Content Type: 1
Title: The Scaffolding Continuum
We know that the concept of scaffolding is important for language instruction. Initially, the teacher provides lots of support in order for students to perform the task, but as students gain skills, the teacher withdraws the supports so that students can perform tasks independently. However, it’s not always clear what scaffolding looks like in practice. In this blog post, English language teacher Sandy Millin describes different phases in providing fewer and fewer supports while elementary school students prepare and perform a comic book story:
Source: Sandy Millin
Inputdate: 2017-11-15 12:13:16
Lastmodifieddate: 2017-11-20 03:54:16
Publishdate: 2017-11-20 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2017-11-20 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Content Type: 1
Title: Ice-breaker Interpersonal Activity: Picture Prompts
In this activity, students divide a paper into six squares. The teacher provides a prompt for each one, such as “a place you’d like to visit” or “what you do to relax,” and the students draw it. Afterwards, pairs of students use the drawings as a stimulus for conversations.
Read a full description at
Inputdate: 2017-11-15 12:14:06
Lastmodifieddate: 2017-11-20 03:54:16
Publishdate: 2017-11-20 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2017-11-20 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Content Type: 1
Title: Manuela Wagner Talk about Teaching Intercultural Communicative Competence
Last week we noted a new book Teaching Intercultural Communicative Competence Across the Age Range: From Theory to Practice, edited by Manuela Wagner, Michael Byram, and Dorie Conlon Perugini ( Listen to this 22-minute podcast by We Teach Languages with Dr. Wagner about the book: how it came to be and how it can be useful for teachers:
Source: We Teach Languages
Inputdate: 2017-11-15 12:15:07
Lastmodifieddate: 2017-11-20 03:54:16
Publishdate: 2017-11-20 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2017-11-20 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Content Type: 1
Title: PUEDOS - Differentiated Social Warmups
Laura K. Sexton describes her adaptation of an idea she got from a recent conference to her classroom. She assembled a list of ten oral proficiency tasks and started class by having her student choose any task, perform it for a classmate, and collect a signature. Ultimately students aim to perform all ten tasks for two different classmates per task. Read how she implemented and her results with different students here:
Source: PBL in the TL
Inputdate: 2017-11-15 12:15:42
Lastmodifieddate: 2017-11-20 03:54:16
Publishdate: 2017-11-20 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2017-11-20 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Content Type: 1
Title: Learn about Phonetics with eNunciate!
If your students are struggling with the pronunciation of sounds that aren’t in their L1, consider teaching them how different sounds are articulated. The University of British Columbia’s eNunciate! website is a nice resource for teaching your students about speech sounds; it is rich with resources for teaching phonetics and the pronunciation of different sounds.
eNunciate! is available at
Source: University of British Columbia
Inputdate: 2017-11-15 12:16:40
Lastmodifieddate: 2017-11-20 03:54:16
Publishdate: 2017-11-20 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2017-11-20 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Content Type: 5
Title: ACTFL 2017 at Music City: The Stage is Set for Language Learning
During this year’s ACTFL Annual Convention and World Languages Expo, CASLS and its partner LingroLearning launched their new Spanish language learning app, LingroToGo, available as a free download for both iOS and Android devices.
Each topic in LingroToGo gives learners the skills they need to carry out a specific communicative task in Spanish, and deep thinking helps create the automaticity needed for greater fluency in the language. Learning Spanish in context helps users understand how meaning is constructed and conveyed based on much more than word choice.
Also at this year’s ACTFL, the Title VI Language Resource Centers hosted the first ever joint pavilion to showcase the curricular materials, assessments, professional development, and research of all sixteen centers together.
“The joint LRC pavilion was a one-stop spot for attendees to find quality resources and materials,” says CASLS Director and LRC Coordinating Council Chairperson Julie Sykes. “It was also the perfect opportunity to showcase the collaborative work among the LRCs.”
Congratulations to Ying Jin, a Chinese teacher from Cupertino High School in Cupertino, California, who received the 2017 ACTFL Teacher of the Year Award.
Thanks to all of those who introduced themselves and met with us during the convention. We love listening to your ideas and hope to see you next year!
Source: CASLS Spotlight
Inputdate: 2017-11-18 12:03:21
Lastmodifieddate: 2017-11-20 03:54:16
Publishdate: 2017-11-20 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2017-11-20 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0