View Content #25046

Content Type4
TitleAn Alternative to Chapter Tests

This activity was given as a summative assessment for introductory Spanish courses at the University of New Mexico in lieu of a Chapter Test.

Learning Objective:  Students will be able to start and maintain a basic conversation with a classmate using well formulated questions and answers.

Mode(s): Interpersonal, Presentational

Materials Needed: Teacher-created Experiencia” overview PowerPoint (available in English here and in Spanish here), student instructions, a profile template (available in English here and in Spanish here), a rubric


  1. Use the teacher-created “Experiencia” PowerPoint to provide an overview of this communicative activity. This overview contains performance expectations and information related to academic dishonesty.
  2. Next, discuss what communicative competencies that learners should have mastered in order to ask appropriate questions and find out the target information.
  3. After that, explain that the rubric that will be used for the “Experiencia” to help learners understand the teacher’s expectations.
  4. Then, learners will engage in the “Experiencia.” The “Experiencia” has two components: 1) a synchronous chat transcript and 2) a profile sheet filled out during synchronous chat.
  5. Use the rubric to evaluate learners’ performance and provide feedback.

Note: If you and your students don't use Blackboard, you can use any synchronous chat tool that has the capability to save chat transcripts. GChat, available through Gmail, is one such tool.

SourceCASLS Activity of the Week
Inputdate2018-05-04 10:14:03
Lastmodifieddate2018-05-07 03:53:58
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2018-05-07 02:15:01
Displaydate2018-05-07 00:00:00