
Displaying 621-630 of 28843 results.
Contentid: 674
Content Type: 1
Title: Language and Literacy Education (2 positions)
Body: The Graduate School of Education (GSE) at the University of California, Berkeley invites applications for two tenure-track positions in language and literacy education: one in reading and one in English language learning, for appointments to begin July 1, 2004, or as soon as possible thereafter. For both positions, professorial rank is open, but the search is limited to individuals who received their doctorates in 1991 or later. Qualifications include an earned doctorate in education, educational linguistics, or a related field; a record of research and scholarship; and evidence of the ability to teach and advise students at the graduate level. For both positions, expectations are that the faculty members will (1) engage in programs of research and public service related to their scholarship; (2) teach courses in their areas of specialization; (3) direct MA, EdD, and PhD projects; (4) participate in the planning and direction of programs, including teacher credential, MA, and PhD programs in LL/SC; and (5) participate in the other programs of the Graduate School as appropriate. Applicants for either position should send (a) a curriculum vitae, (b) a statement describing their interests and qualifications for the position for which they want to be considered, (c) reprints of recent publications, and (d) the names of at least three references to: Joint Language & Literacy Education Search Committee Graduate School of Education University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, CA 94720-1670 Applications must be postdated no later than December 8, 2003. Please arrange for letters of recommendation from references to be sent directly to the search committee by this same deadline, and refer your referees to the University?s statement on confidentiality, found at For more information on the position, visit:
Source: UC Berkeley
Inputdate: 2003-10-09 12:30:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-10-09 12:30:00
Expdate: 2003-12-08 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 675
Content Type: 1
Title: Title VI reauthorization -- heritage community study
Body: From: "sm167" Good day, all, On September 25, the House Education and Workforce Committee reported out HR 3077, the "International Studies in Higher Education Act of 2003". One of the two amendments offered by Representative Rush Holt (D-NJ) authorized the Secretary of Education "to conduct a study to identify foreign language heritage communities, particularly such communities that include speakers of languages that are critical to the national security of the United States". The amendment was approved. Because of message length limitations on Majordomo, I can't send you a copy of the bill -- but if you're interested in further information, let me know, and I'll forward it to you directly. Best to all, s. Scott McGinnis Academic Advisor & Associate Professor Defense Language Institute, Washington Office 1111 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 507 Arlington, VA 22202-4306 voice: 703-604-0464 fax: 703-604-0466 e-mail: OR
Inputdate: 2003-10-09 12:38:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-10-09 12:38:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 676
Content Type: 1
Title: Electronic resource: Updated Language Policy Research Unit Website
Body: From: The Language Policy Research Unit ( at Arizona State University has a number of new updates, including: - New Language Policy Forum, "Language Policy in the Unz States: A Focus on California, Arizona, Massachusetts, & Colorado" - Updated Press Archives, now with a search engine - "Language and the Law", including information about U.S. Executive Order 13166, "Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency" - New LPRU Advisory Board members, Victor Begay and Christian Faltis For further details, go to or, or contact Wayne Wright at
Source: Arizona State University
Inputdate: 2003-10-13 11:37:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-10-13 11:37:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 677
Content Type: 1
Title: Brazilian Guarani translator needed
Body: From Julie H. Setbon ( We are looking for individuals to translate a video tape from Guarani (Brazil) into English. No previous experience in transcription or translation is required. The tape is from a native of the Guarani tribe originating from the reservation at Dorados, in Matto Grosso. Please contact me if you know of anyone qualified living in North America who could be available, or who may know someone who is. --Julie H. Setbon iProbe Multilingual Solutions, Inc. New York City (
Source: iProbe Multilingual Solutions, Inc.
Inputdate: 2003-10-13 11:41:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-10-13 11:41:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 678
Content Type: 1
Title: Senior Research Fellow, MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology
Body: From Holger Diessel (diessel@EVA.MPG.DE) 15 Sep 2003: The Department of Linguistics of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology (Leipzig) seeks candidates for one five-year (non-renewable) senior research fellowship in linguistics. The candidate should be able to make contributions to the department's areas of research. The Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology studies human diversity and human origins in a multidisciplinary perspective. The contribution of linguistics to this goal lies in the study of the history and prehistory of languages (and peoples) around the world (especially non-European languages), as well as the current diversity of human languages (linguistic fieldwork on little-described and endangered languages and language typology). The Department of Linguistics collaborates with the Department of Evolutionary Genetics to compare the evidence from both fields for the prehistory of human populations. The largest current collaborative projects of the Department of Linguistics are the Intercontinental Dictionary Series, the World Atlas of Language Structures, and the Project on Typology of Loanwords. More information on these and other projects is available on the institute's website (see below). The senior research fellow is expected to come with a flexible research agenda that fits into the department's current foci. S/he should be ready to contribute to collaborative projects, and s/he will have the opportunity to propose collaborative projects him/herself. Regular participation in the department's talks, seminars and workshops is expected. Except for approved absences (e.g. fieldwork, conferences, vacation), the place of work is Leipzig. The fellowship is available from 01 January 2004, but a later starting date may be negotiated. Senior research fellows must have their PhD in hand, and normally at least two years of post-PhD research experience, before the starting date. There are no teaching obligations, but the opportunity for teaching in the linguistics program of the University of Leipzig exists. Good knowledge of English is required. Applicants are requested to send a C.V., statement of research interests, two letters of recommendation, and a sample of written work on a relevant topic to: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology Personnel Administration Prof. Dr. Bernard Comrie - Senior research fellow position - Deutscher Platz 6 D-01403 Leipzig Germany fax: +49 341 35 50 333 e-mail: Deadline for receipt of applications: 31 October 2003 The Institute's URL is:
Source: Max Planck Institute
Inputdate: 2003-10-13 11:44:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-10-13 11:44:00
Expdate: 2003-10-31 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 679
Content Type: 1
Title: * 35th Algonquian Conference (London, Ontario)
Body: From: SSILA ( The 35th Algonquian Conference will be held on the campus of the University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, October 23-26 (Thursday to Sunday). Papers of linguistic interest will include: Marie-Odile Junker, "Les primitives sémantiques universelles en Cri de l'est" Peter Denny, "Construction Grammar and Verb Semantics in Cree and Ojibway" Howard Webkamigad, "Passive Sentence Structures in the Anishinaabe Language Have a Rightful Place" Dolleen Manning, "Ojibwe Oral Storytelling Traditions: Time, Memory and the Impossible Limit" Roy Wright-Tekastiaks, "Historical Algonquian Dialectology from the Great Lakes East" Eve Ng, "Syntactic Function in the Determination of Algonquian Word Classes" Joseph Salmons & Monica Macaulay, "The Diachrony of Non- Concatenative Morphology in Algonquian: Reduplication and Initial Change" Rebecca Shields, "Word Order and Discourse in Menominee" Andrew Cowell & Alonzo Moss, Sr., "The Linguistic Structure of Personal Names in Arapaho" Charles B. Goodwin, "A'-Movement and the Syntax of Initial Change Verb Inflections in Meskwaki" Ives Goddard, "Meskwaki [Fox] Verbal Affixes" Lucy Thomason, "Meskwaki Clauses Containing more than Overt NP" Amy Dahlstrom, "Sentence-Focus in Meskwaki" Jeffrey Mühlbauer, "Indefinite Relations and Possession in Plains Cree" Clare Cook, Rose-Marie Déchaine & Jeffrey Mühlbauer, "Rhetorical Structure of a Plains Cree Counselling Speech" Marie-Odile Junker, Louise Blacksmith & Marguerite MacKenzie, "East Cree Pronouns" Clare Cook, "Relative Roots in Passamaquoddy and Plains Cree" Philip LeSourd, "The Internal Structure of the Noun Phrase in Maliseet-Passamaquoddy" Conor McDonough Quinn, "Absentativity in Penobscot" Laura Buszard-Welcher, "Voegelin Potawatomi Notebooks in the APS: A Look at the Convergence of Potawatomi and Ottawa on Walpole Island" Richard A. Rhodes, "Chamberlain's The Language of the Missisauga Indians of Skúgog" George Aubin, "A Look at some Numbers in three Old Algonquin Manuscripts" David J. Costa, "The 17th Century Pequot Vocabulary of James Noyes: A First Look" Pauleena MacDougall, "An Analysis of Two Brief Narratives in the Penobscot Language" Paul René Tamburro, "Abenaki Text Analysis" Ruth Swan, "Métissage, Métis Migrations and the Origins of the Michif Language" Marie-Odile Junker & Radu Luchianov, "Building a Cree Oral Stories Web Database through Participatory Action Research" Gordon Whittaker, "Sauk for Beginners: A Multimedia Course" Barbara Burnaby, "The Linguistic Situation of the Innu of Labrador seen through Fishman's Model" Dianne Mitchell, Fred Metallic, Alexandre Sévigny & Danielle E. Cyr, "The Migmaq Multimedia Comparative Corpus Project" Chris Harvey, "Using Native Languages on the Internet: Syllabics and Roman Orthography Online" The full program, and general conference information, can be found at:
Inputdate: 2003-10-13 11:48:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-10-13 11:48:00
Expdate: 2003-10-23 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 680
Content Type: 1
Title: On-line language maps of the Americas (and elsewhere)
Body: From SSILA ( The website of the TITUS Project ("Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien") -- a European collaborative effort spearheaded by the Institute of Comparative Linguistics at University of Frankfurt -- is primarily devoted to providing access to a broad spectrum of research materials on Indo-European. The site also has some teaching materials available, and among these is a set of detailed on-line language maps. These range far beyond Indo-European. Good maps of the Turkic family, of Siberian languages, and of the languages of China are included, and coverage has recently been extended to the Americas. There are three basic maps -- North, Central, and South America -- but each expands into more detailed areal maps by clicking. They can be accessed at: North America: Mexico and Central America: South America: (Jost Gippert, of the TITUS Project, deserves a hearty round of applause for designing and uploading these accurate and useful tools.) The TITUS Project homepage is at:
Source: The TITUS Project
Inputdate: 2003-10-13 11:53:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-10-13 11:53:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 681
Content Type: 1
Body: From: To those who may have missed our announcement this summer, the Heritage Language Journal has published its first issue, available on line at . We hope you find it a useful resource and would appreciate your sharing our coordinates with colleagues in the field.
Source: HLJ
Inputdate: 2003-10-13 12:32:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-10-13 12:32:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 682
Content Type: 1
Body: From: HLJ is accepting submissions for its next issue, to be published in the first half of 2004. For more information on submissions, please go to the HLJ website and click on "How to submit an article", which describes the form and content of submissions and the peer review process.
Source: HLJ
Inputdate: 2003-10-13 12:34:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-10-13 12:34:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1
Contentid: 683
Content Type: 1
Title: Tangotown - Learning Resouce
Body: From: "Keiko Schneider" Tangotown A mobile language learning and reference site for mobile phones in Japan. Aimed at people who want to improve their Japanese. Dictionaries, phrasebooks, kanji lookups, games, flashcards, reading articles etc. Plus a test section for the JLPT kanji.
Source: Tangotown
Inputdate: 2003-10-13 13:10:00
Lastmodifieddate: 2003-10-13 13:10:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 1