
Displaying 27201-27210 of 28843 results.
Contentid: 27516
Content Type: 1
Title: Call for Proposals: Bilingualism and Beyond: Advancing the Thinking on Pedagogies, Policies and Practices / Le bilinguisme et au-delà : Faire avancer la réflexion sur les pédagogies, les politiques et les pratiques
CCERBAL 2020 Conference, in collaboration with the EDiLiC International Association
April 30 - May 2, 2020
Bilingualism and Beyond: Advancing the Thinking on Pedagogies, Policies and Practices
Françoise Armand - Université de Montréal
James Cummins - University of Toronto
Onowa McIvor - University of Victoria
Eva Vetter - University of Vienna
A GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE. The world has taken a multilingual turn: an increased awareness that monolingualism is an exception rather than a norm and unprecedented mass migrations have created impetus for continued pedagogical, assessment, policy, and technological innovations to reflect changing global realities. New calls for recognition and specific actions to support diversity, inclusion, equity, and citizenship related to languages have also come to the forefront of global thinking.
THE CANADIAN CONTEXT. In keeping with global trends, Canada has entered a new era in its thinking and actions regarding the role and impact of languages in its complex and diverse social fabric. Continuing to celebrate French-English bilingualism, the Government of Canada has recently launched consultations on modernizing the Official Languages Act and has announced new investments to implement a free learning and maintenance program for French and English. Strong voices for according a new place and offering higher recognition to Indigenous languages have triggered consultations and subsequent enactment of the Indigenous Languages Act (June 2019). Furthermore, close to 23% of Canadians report having a language other than English or French as a mother tongue (Statistics Canada, 2017).

Source: LINGUIST List
Inputdate: 2019-09-14 13:44:11
Lastmodifieddate: 2019-09-16 04:26:50
Expdate: 2020-06-01 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2019-09-16 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2019-09-16 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 27517
Content Type: 1
Title: Call for Proposals: 10th International Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics


10th International Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics
The International Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics (WSS) is a biennial conference that brings together scholars and students from around the globe involved in the study of language in society with a particular focus on Spanish and/or contact situations between Spanish and other languages. All fields and methodologies are welcome, including synchronic and diachronic approaches to language, quantitative and qualitative research, language variation and change, contact linguistics, bilingualism and multilingualism, Spanish in the US and Spanish in the Southeastern US, pidgin and creole languages, language policy and planning, and language ideologies.
The 2020 conference, its 10th edition, will be held at the Georgia Tech Global Learning Center in Atlanta, on April 16-18. There will be two pre-conference workshops on April 15.

Call for Papers:
We invite abstracts for individual papers (20 minutes, plus 10 minutes for discussion), organized panels (3 or 4 participants for a total of 90 minutes or 120 minutes, respectively) and/or poster presentations. Papers and poster presentations can be delivered in Spanish or English.
Individual and poster presenters should submit an abstract of 300 words in length. Panel organizers should submit a 300-word description of the panel together with a 300-word abstract for each presentation. Submissions are limited to one individual and one joint abstract per person. Please DO NOT include any personal information in the abstract file you are uploading. The organizers may choose not to accept your abstract if personal information is in the file.
For the full call for papers and abstract submission info, visit:

Abstracts Due: November 15, 2019

Source: LINGUIST List
Inputdate: 2019-09-14 13:46:20
Lastmodifieddate: 2019-09-16 04:26:50
Expdate: 2019-11-15 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2019-09-16 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2019-09-16 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 27518
Content Type: 1
Title: Call for Papers: World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA2020)
AILA2020 is the World Congress of Applied Linguistics, hosted by the Dutch Association of Applied Linguistics under the auspices of the International Association of Applied Linguistics. The conference covers all subfields and areas of Applied Linguistics and will take place from August 9-14 in 2020 in Groningen, the Netherlands. The conference is the world's largest conference on Applied Linguistics, and we as conference organizers aim to bring together participants from all over the world to present their research.
The conference consists of close to 200 thematic strands called symposia to which we now invite you to submit your paper to.
On submission, you will be asked to indicate which type of presentation you aim for. There are three types allowed at AILA 2020:
- Featured multimodal presentations (BY INVITATION ONLY)
- Standard multimodal presentations (i.e. presentations)
- Focused multimodal presentations (i.e. posters with a poster pitch)
Your submission will need to include the following:
- Author(s) and affiliation(s)
- Title: max. 20 Words
- Abstract: max. 300 Words
- Summary for in program: max. 50 Words
Please find more information on the submission process, as well as a list of all symposia (strands) you can submit your paper to, on our website:
This is also the website through which to submit your paper. Deadline for submission is September 16, 2019.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Groningen!

Source: LINGUIST List
Inputdate: 2019-09-14 13:49:39
Lastmodifieddate: 2019-09-16 04:26:50
Expdate: 2020-08-21 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2019-09-16 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2019-09-16 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 27519
Content Type: 1
Title: Summer Schools: Armenian Language Winter School (December 01-December 21, 2019), Yerevan, Armenia
ASPIRANTUM -School of languages and cultures invites international participants to apply and take part in Armenian language winter school to be organized from December 1 till December 21, 2019 in Yerevan, Armenia. This 21 days’ winter school offers participants to master skills in written and oral modern Armenian, reading and interpreting Armenian texts from different periods as well as rapidly deepening their knowledge in colloquial Armenian.
Minimum Education Level: No Minimum
The Armenian language winter school offers 60 hours of intensive Armenian language classes during 15 days of teaching (from Monday till Friday each week). Every day the participants will receive Armenian language instruction for 4 hours.
During the Armenian language winter classes the Armenian grammar, vocabulary, listening, speaking, writing and reading components will be covered every day to foster the Armenian language knowledge of participants in a rapid pace.
Tuition: 1290 USD
Tuition Explanation: This price includes reading and writing materials, coffee breaks and 1 cultural trip to Garni temple and Geghard Monastery, which will transform your stay in Armenia into an unforgettable, academically oriented endeavor. We will not cover: Accommodation, insurance, breakfast, lunch, dinner, visa costs, travel costs to Armenia, from Armenia and in Armenia, any costs of accompanying friends or family members.
Registration: 01-Sep-2019 to 15-Oct-2019

Source: LINGUIST List
Inputdate: 2019-09-14 13:53:30
Lastmodifieddate: 2019-09-16 04:26:50
Expdate: 2020-01-01 00:00:00
Publishdate: 2019-09-16 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2019-09-16 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 27520
Content Type: 1
Title: The Language of Light


This blog post discusses the degree to which all languages use signs that have a connection between sound (certain morphemes) and meaning, but this connection may be arbitrary. Spoken and sign languages make meaning out of smaller, meaningless sounds and gestures as well as sounds and gestures that are more iconic and represent the concept at play.

Visit the blog at:

Source: CamLangSci
Inputdate: 2019-09-14 13:55:22
Lastmodifieddate: 2019-09-16 04:26:50
Publishdate: 2019-09-16 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2019-09-16 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 27521
Content Type: 1
Title: Resource: Saratoga Native American Festival Education Guide
This resources offers an educational guide to explore the Saratoga Native American Festival. The festival was designed to around the idea that developing an understanding of the history, cultural traditions, and continued active presence of the Native American people of the Northeast is important. The vendors, demonstrators, artists, dancers, and performers participating in this year’s Festival are here because of the commitment they show to the cultural traditions of the Nations to which they belong.”

Source: Ethnos Project
Inputdate: 2019-09-14 13:57:31
Lastmodifieddate: 2019-09-16 04:26:50
Publishdate: 2019-09-16 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2019-09-16 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 27522
Content Type: 1
Title: Sira Films Facebook Page

From the Arabic K-12 Teachers Network:, 26 Aug, 2019

See the Facebook page at:

If you're teaching the Levantine dialect, this site, Sira Films, which features short films focusing on aspects of life and identity may be of interest to you. A recently added film, "شو بتحلم؟", features interviews with a wide range of folks from different backgrounds and does have English subtitles (though they are sometimes hard to read).
The Sira Films Facebook page is available at:

Source: Arabic K-12 Teachers Network
Inputdate: 2019-09-14 21:49:05
Lastmodifieddate: 2019-09-16 04:26:50
Publishdate: 2019-09-16 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2019-09-16 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 27523
Content Type: 1
Title: Moroccan Arabic on the Armchair Arabist


See the Armchair Arabist, a blog and website created by former Fulbright English teaching assistant Matt Schumann, for a site dedicated to learning about Moroccan Arabic. Resources include video lessons, review materials, a curated collection of links to online Arabic resources, and a blog to follow.

Visit the website at:

Source: The Armchair Arabist
Inputdate: 2019-09-14 21:52:32
Lastmodifieddate: 2019-09-16 04:26:50
Publishdate: 2019-09-16 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2019-09-16 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 27524
Content Type: 1
Title: Blog Post: The Characters a Chinese First Grader Learns
In this blog post, John Pasden features the Chinese characters his daughter is learning in a first grade classroom and comments on how this might (or might not) relate to learning for him. The post offers cultural insight and examples of materials that learners of Chinese at any age or level will find insightful for comparison and analysis.

Source: Sinosplice
Inputdate: 2019-09-14 21:55:59
Lastmodifieddate: 2019-09-16 04:26:50
Publishdate: 2019-09-16 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2019-09-16 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0
Contentid: 27525
Content Type: 1
Title: Blog Post: Chinese Language Teaching Materials and Resources


In this post, Diane Neubauer offers a summary of various resources for the teaching and learning of Chinese from a comprehension-based teaching perspective. Materials include teacher training resources, blog resources, and curricular materials.

See the full post at:

Source: Ignite Language
Inputdate: 2019-09-14 21:57:34
Lastmodifieddate: 2019-09-16 04:26:50
Publishdate: 2019-09-16 02:15:01
Displaydate: 2019-09-16 00:00:00
Active: 1
Emailed: 1
Isarchived: 0