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TitleGreatest Hits Challenge - Week Three

Welcome to week three of the CASLS Greatest Hits Challenge! Whether you have been participating since week one, or are just starting now, download your Greatest Hits Bingo card to play along!

This week’s Greatest Hits video is What is Intercultural Communicative Competence?. Intercultural Communicative Competence, or ICC, refers to the ability to communicate effectively and dynamically with people from different cultures. This concept goes beyond simply understanding the vocabulary and grammar of a language. Further, it entails more than knowing information about the culture(s) where that language is spoken. From an ICC lens, being able to interact with others effectively and dynamically includes building awareness of how a myriad of cultural and interpersonal factors impact communication. This awareness should be used when negotiating meaning and building relationships with others.

Here’s how to play:
First, watch this week’s video.

Then, choose one language function in your target language that you want to explore using the Observe, Analyze, Practice, and Extend routine from the video.

Use the questions below to guide your exploration:

  • Observe - Where and when is the function used in the target language?
  • Analyze - What patterns do I see in examples of this function?
  • Practice - Where can I use this function in my own language learning?
  • Extend - Are there other words or phrases I want to learn that are associated with this function or the situations in which it is used? What other communicative or interpersonal factors influence the use of this function?

Next, pull out your Bingo card and explore this week’s activities. Complete one or complete all five - it’s up to you!

Choose from:

  1. Use Idiomatic Expressions
  2. Compare and Contrast Ads
  3. Summarize a Video with a Friend
  4. Observe Discourse Markers
  5. Decode Hashtags

Remember, complete any five activities in a row (horizontal, vertical, and/or diagonal) to win!

When your card is completed, email us a copy of it with “Greatest Hits Challenge” in the subject line, and we will mail you a prize!

Note: Educators, are you looking for a pre-made activity to go along with this week's Bingo card videos? Find selected activities here: Use Idiomatic Expressions to Improve Writing, Summarizing What You Heard, Observe Discourse Markers, and Hashtag It! Tips for Decoding Hashtags.

Inputdate2022-10-13 21:19:09
Lastmodifieddate2022-10-20 21:23:38
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2022-10-17 09:15:01
Displaydate2022-10-17 00:00:00