View Content #27497

Content Type4
TitleFamilial Terms in Service Interactions in Chinese
This activity is designed for novice learners of Mandarin and uses the IPIC framework. Each outcome is associated with a relevant domain in the framework: Knowledge, Awareness, Analysis, and Subjectivity. 
Learners will be able to:
  • Produce and understand the different terms of endearment used in service interactions for distinct service providers (young, middle aged, old).
  • Select an appropriate term of endearment for a given situation and service providers to elicit desired outcomes.
  • Articulate how the recipient may/does react to terms of endearment.
  • Explain choices to use terms of endearment. 
Modes: Interpersonal, Interpretive
1. Please engage in one of the following options:
    a. Have students go to a Chinese-speaking area of their city and listen for familiar terms being used with non-family           members. Ask them to record the conversation(s) and bring them back to share with the class.
    b. Show a video or clip of a TV drama that illustrates a service interaction in which familial terms are utilized.
    c. Write your own service interaction script or create your own recording.
2. Learners should take inventory of the observations of the texts they are considering using the IPIC Framework Note Sheet. Before asking them to work, make sure that understand what to write in each box and emphasize that they should pay attention to the terms that are used and the context of communication including the demographic information of the interlocutors.
3. If needed, review common familial terms and service interaction vocabulary.
i. Important familiar terms:
  1.  爷爷—grandfather
  2.  奶奶—grandmother
  3.  阿姨—aunt
  4.  叔叔—uncle
  5.  哥哥—older brother
  6.  姐姐—older sister
  7.  妹妹—younger sister
  8.  弟弟—younger brother
4. Students should analyze their notes and write a brief reflection. They should be sure to touch on which terms seem to be used and when, how the recipient (re)acted, how the one who used the term (re)acted.
5. Lead a class discussion to share reflections. Ask that learners continue to document and refine ideas on the IPIC Framework Notes Sheet.
6. Let students practice thinking critically by showing images of people (use a variety of persons from all different ages and socioeconomic backgrounds) and asking which term they would use and predicting how they think that person would react to the use (or non-use) of said term.
Please choose one of the options below.
a. Have students go to a Chinese-speaking area and engage in a service interaction themselves. Students should take notes on how the interaction goes and complete a similar reflection as in step 3.a. to discuss how the interaction went and why they believe it went that way.
b. If there are no Chinese-speaking areas nearby, then have students get in groups and create skits that act out service interactions with interlocutors of various ages and statuses.
Inputdate2019-09-01 07:49:46
Lastmodifieddate2019-09-02 04:27:50
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2019-09-02 02:15:01
Displaydate2019-09-02 00:00:00