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TitleThe Pragmatics of "How Are You?"
SourceCASLS Activity of the Week

This activity of week is designed to interact with LingroToGo, a new Spanish-language mobile app designed by LingroLearning and the Center for Applied Second Language Studies. The app’s short, instructional videos on language pragmatics pair perfectly with this week’s Topic of the Week.

Learning Objectives: Learners will be able to

  • Identify multiple approaches to asking how someone is and responding
  • Demonstrate understanding of how to respond to the question “How are you?” in Spanish and how that response differs from what is common in English.

Modes: Interpretive Listening, Interpersonal Communication

Materials: LingroToGo or this video, handout (two copies)


  1. Have students download LingroToGo on their mobile devices and access the video by first clicking “My life” and then clicking “All About Me.” Then, they should select “Asking and answering the question: How are you?” and select “Pragmatics video.” If  you do not have access to mobile devices, you may access the video here.
  2. Observe: Direct learners to watch the video. As they watch, they will take notes on the handout regarding 1) ways to ask “How are you?” in Spanish; 2) ways to respond to the question in Spanish; and 3) the impact of responding honestly in Spanish.
  3. Analyze: Next, discuss as a class the similarities and differences in responding to the question “How are you?” in English and in Spanish. Learners should document this discussion in the Venn Diagram provided on the handout.
  4. Extend: Next, ask learners to find two examples of expert Spanish speakers asking one another “How are you?” These examples might come from observing people they know speak or from internet sources. The learners will record their observations on another copy of the handout. These observations will inform a closing class discussion that could potentially result in the class’s creation of a robust vocabulary related to asking and answering the question “How are you?” that will then inform subsequent practice.


  • LingroToGo embeds a variety of games for learners to use to practice video content. These activities could be utilized for extension, supplementation, or self-study.
  • While this activity does feature Spanish, it can be easily adapted for other languages.
  • LingroToGo is currently only available for iOS devices. However, the Android version will be released later this Fall.
Publishdate2017-09-18 02:15:01