View Content #60

Content Type1
TitleSpanish Position
BodyDurham Academy in Durham, NC, is seeking a full-time faculty member in
Spanish. Typical course load is four (yes, that's right, 4) courses,
some type of committee or club involvement, and/or 1-2 coaching
assignments. Salary is higher than most other private schools in the

Durham is a very progressive area, with many universities (Duke, UNC, NC State and others) in the area, as well as their respective medical centers, and the Research Triangle (high tech industries).

Mail/FAX resume or CV to any (or all) of the following:

Ed Costello

Xandy Jones
Assistant to the Headmaster;

Edith Keene
Chair, Language Department;

Durham Academy
3601 Ridge Road
Durham, NC 27705-5599
FAX: 919/493-6705

Note: the school normally plans well ahead for openings, but this
position just became available; time is a critical factor now, and the
school will react quickly to a strong candidadacy.

Karen Goering
SourceDurham Academy in Durham, NC,
Inputdate2003-04-29 17:39:00
Lastmodifieddate2003-04-29 17:39:00
ExpdateNot set
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