View Content #21734

Content Type4
TitlePlaces for Pokestops: Pokemon Go Familiarity and Vocabulary

This activity is an introduction to the place-based game Pokemon Go. In executing this activity, novice learners will recognize and categorize the vocabulary for places in a town where they live and negotiate meaning with their peers. Learners will play the game in groups both in their first language and their target language. Then, they will record the types of places that they visit where portals are located. This activity can stand alone or serve as part 1 of 2 (part 2 will appear in next week's InterCom issue).

Objectives: Learners will be able to:

  • recognize and understand basic vocabulary in order to play a game.
  • understand and follow basic instructions within a game.
  • use simple conversations to complete chosen tasks.
  • list relevant places around town and describe the locations.

Modes: Interpretive Listening, Interpretive Reading, Presentational Writing, Interpersonal Communication

Resources: Definitions from Pokemon Go, Pokemon Go app, Novice Activity 1 Learner Resource Sheet, safe area outside to play the game


  1.      Learners download the Pokemon Go game app on their mobile devices. If this is not possible for all students as individuals given technological constraints, form learner teams of four or less in which one common mobile device is shared.
  2.      Learners will familiarize themselves with Pokemon Go gameplay in the first language. Once learners are able to visit one or two Pokestops, and catch their Pokemon, they are ready to move on. This step of the activity should take 15-20 minutes to complete.
  3.      Next, learners will get into small groups to review the definitions provided by Pokemon Go and start to fill out part A of the Novice Activity 1 Learner Resource Sheet. In this section of the sheet, learners will consider what words they will need to look for and use once they play the game in the target language. Learners will try and define the words in their first language. Regroup as a class to quickly review their definitions.
  4.      Instruct learners to change the language in the Pokemon Go app to the target language (instructions are included on the Pokemon Go summary sheet), and tell them that they need to catch at least five Pokemon and visit Pokestops (20-30 min). Learners may also train their Pokemon when they have the chance. It is important to note that they should use their definition sheet provided by Pokemon Go and the Novice Activity 1 Learner Resource Sheets as they engage in this component of the activity.
  5.      As learners explore, they need to fill out part B of the Novice Activity 1 Learner Resource Sheet by writing down the name of the structures visited and what type of place they think it is (e.g., Morning Joe, coffee shop) in the target language. Learners may also add additional vocabulary words and definitions to the sheet as they interact with language in Pokemon Go.
  6.      Next, learners will return to the classroom and turn in their resource sheets to the teacher. The teacher may choose to check their mobile devices to see where they went and what they encountered by going to the player journal.

Note: Some areas have a much denser concentration of Pokestops than others; rural areas especially may lack Pokestops. If you live in an isolated area, you may need to take a field trip with your students to a larger population center.

SourceCASLS Activity of the Week
Inputdate2016-09-01 10:12:17
Lastmodifieddate2016-09-05 03:32:52
ExpdateNot set
Publishdate2016-09-05 02:15:01
Displaydate2016-09-05 00:00:00