Body |  The Language Flagship Technology Innovation Center ( started off its first year in the Planning stage by hosting three symposia, held in Honolulu, Pittsburg, and San Francisco. The focus this year is on strategic planning in incorporating the use of technology into language programs. The symposia, focused on design-thinking for innovation, bring together experts in the fields of language teaching, linguistics, and CALL/technology in education. Julie Sykes, CASLS Director, serves as a founding design team member, and says about the experience, "The Language Flagship Technology Innovation Center is a unique opportunity for experts in academia, business, and government to join forces to make transformational changes in technology and language education. It is exciting to be part of such a great endeavor." CASLS is enthusiastic about being involved in the development of this important foreign language teaching and technology intersection and is looking forward to continued work in this area in the years to come.