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TitleAdapting Sentences in the Wild!

This activity was designed for learners of all levels. It was created to help learners use sentences they encounter in a mobile language learning app in other contexts.

Learning outcomes:
Learners will be able to:

  • Identify whether each sentence is applicable to additional contexts 
  • Identify a context where they could use a given sentence and/or modify it to fit their needs
  • Explain one way to change a given sentence to better fit their communicative context

Mode(s): Interpretive, Interpersonal, Presentational

Materials: Extending Mobile Applications video, Sentences in the Wild handout


  1. Ask learners to brainstorm a list of language learning apps that they know about or currently use. What do they use these apps to do? If they haven’t used any apps, what would they imagine using them for? Write a list of the apps and ideas for using them on the board or a digital document for all to see.
  2. Next, show learners the Extending Mobile Applications video. After watching the video, have learners name the ideas presented in the video for extending activities using mobile app content. This includes keeping a log of sentences they encounter, creating connected ideas, and exploring language functions.
  3. Have learners select a language learning app to use and keep a log of sentences they encounter while using it.
  4. Give learners the Sentences in the Wild handout. Instruct learners to write down five sentences they encounter in the app the next time they use it.
  5. Next, walk learners through how to fill out the chart on the handout. Give learners an example sentence (or ask them to think of one). Ask them whether the sentence is something they would use in their day-to -day life outside of the app. If yes, have them brainstorm where and how they might use it. If not, have them give a reason why, and then think about what changes they could make to make it useful for their context. This could be changing the subject, switching out vocabulary, giving more information or context, etc.
  6. Learners use the handout as a guide when they next use the mobile app. This could be in the learning environment or on the learners’ own time.
  7. At the next group meeting, divide learners into small groups to share what they found. How many of the sentences did they think are useful outside of the app? How many were not useful? What types of elements did they need to change to make them more useful?
  8. Reconvene the whole group and ask learners to share what they discussed. Have them reflect on (1) the general ratio of useful to not useful sentences their group found, (2) similarities and differences between what the groups found, and (3) strategies they used to make a sentence more useful. Direct learners’ attention to any trends in their answers to these questions.
  9. Encourage learners to use the handout as the basis for an ongoing language log. They can continue to record and analyze sentences from the app on a regular basis whenever they use the app, and can continue to think about how to adapt new sentences they encounter to fit their context and goals.

-Modifications (scaffolding)

  • Learners working on their own, outside of a class or group, to learn their less commonly taught language can use this activity more or less as written. Step #1 they can brainstorm on their own. For the discussion in step #7 and reflection in step #8, individual learners can write down, draw, or make any other visual representation of their answers.
  • Lower level learnerscan record their sentences individually or in small groups. They can then lead the whole group through filling out the chart and facilitate their reflection on what they find (steps #7 and 8).
Publishdate2022-04-18 09:15:03