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TitleUsing Artifacts to Improve ICC

This activity was created to support learners of all proficiency levels analyze artifacts in a culture they know well and  a culture where the target language is spoken. This activity supports the development of learners’ intercultural communicative competence.

Learning Outcome(s):
Learners will be able to:

  • Compare and contrast an artifact from a target language culture(s) with a similar artifact from their own culture(s)

Mode(s): Interpretive

Materials: Compare and Contrast Artifacts to Improve ICC video, two artifacts (one from a  target language culture and one from one's own culture), Analysis Handout 


  1. Watch the Compare and Contrast Artifacts to Improve ICC video.
  2. Provide learners with an artifact from a culture that speaks the target language and a similar artifact from their own culture. Some potential artifacts include the following:
    1. Novice: Pick two print ads (one designed for students' own culture and one designed for a target-language culture) from the same multinational corporation. 
    2. Intermediate: Pick an excerpt from a graphic novel about a common theme from both a target-language culture and students' own culture.
    3. Advanced: Examine the same news story and how it is reported in an article or news report in a target-language culture and in students' own culture.
  3. In groups of 2-4, ask learners to fill in the Analysis Handout. On this handout, learners will compare and contrast overt manifestations of culture (e.g., flags) in both texts as well as more subtle manifestations of culture (e.g., perspectives related to family).
  4.  In Carousel/Gallery Walk format, learners will respond to each of the following questions (one per piece of paper on the wall (analog) or slide (digital)):
    1. What did you notice that was similar about both texts?
    2. What did you notice that was different of both texts?
    3. What cultural understanding did you gain from this activity?
    4. What understandings are you beginning to develop of the target-language culture we examined today?
  5. As a group, debrief the Carousel/Gallery Walk responses. Ask learners to explain their thinking for the group.


  • There are many varied perspectives within a given culture. Take care during this activity to ensure that learners do not view the cultures examined as if all individuals within the group were homogenous.
  • To keep track of what each group documents in Step 4, it is helpful to assign each group a distinct color (marker or font color) with which they should document their responses.
  • To encourage as much target language use as possible, allow learners to draw responses to the questions in Step 4 when they are unsure of how to communicate their ideas.
  • If you are unsure of all learners' culture(s), you can provide the target language artifact and ask students to find something comparable from their own culture(s) or region.
Publishdate2021-09-20 09:15:03