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TitleBeyond Proficiency

The purpose of this activity is to expose learners to a variety of tools that will help them guide their own language study. It is appropriate for all levels of learners.

Learners will be able to:

  • Think of a goal for their language learning.
  • Consider tools they can access on their own to work towards that goal.
  • Evaluate tools for language learning.

Mode(s): All

Materials: Beyond Proficiency video


  1. Show learners the Beyond Proficiency video. Ask that they consider their own personal language goals based on the guiding questions in the video.
  2. As a class, brainstorm tools for language learning that learners can access in their own study. Some tools might include music by particular artists, language learning apps, YouTube resources related to language learning, YouTube resources in the target language, video games, news publications, or textbooks. If you need other ideas, feel free to browse the language learning activities on the CASLS YouTube channel.
  3. Next, work to develop three criteria for evaluating the resources you brainstormed. These criteria could include these examples:
    •             The resource provides information directly related to what I need or want to know.   
    •             The resource gives me the opportunity to practice communication in real time.
    •             I felt like I was learning when I used the resource.
  4. Ask learners to engage meaningfully with two of the brainstormed resources for at least an hour over the next week. After engaging, they should evaluate which resources they liked using a Likert Scale. They can share the reasons they evaluated the resources as they did in either a personal reflection or a class discussion.      


  • In Step 3, it is appropriate to allow learners to brainstorm individualized criteria that are appropriate to their goals.
Publishdate2021-03-01 10:15:01