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TitleEcopod: Survival
SourceCASLS Activity of the Week

The purpose of this activity is to have learners produce questions based on a passage from Ecopod: Survival. By composing their own questions, learners will both display reading comprehension as well as interrogative production in the target language.

Learning Objectives:  Students will be able to

  • Critically think how their decisions impact outcomes
  • Understand and produce vocabulary related to themes of illness, survival, and information gathering
  • Understand a game narrative
  • Compose grammatically correct questions in the target language

Modes: Presentational Speaking, Interpretive Reading, Presentational Writing

Materials Needed: Passage sheet, Jeopardy! Reference Sheet, Ecopod: Survival in the ARIS app


  1. Learners will play through Ecopod: Survival in their target language as far as they can. As they play, tell the learners to record vocabulary related to illness and survival on their own sheets of paper so that they may use the words later on in class. If learners have difficulty finding the desired vocabulary during gameplay, teachers may choose to provide them with the Intermediate Activity 1 Passage Sheet, a document that includes passages that feature the target vocabulary.
  2. After they have finished playing, learners will come up with some comprehension questions about the game either individually or in pairs. Give the learners about ten minutes to come up with as many questions as they can and be ready to share them with you. If the learners have not yet been introduced to question formation in class, give them instruction on how questions are formed in the target language.
  3. Learners take turns sharing their questions and challenge you to answer the questions about the game. If there are grammar mistakes in the questions, give corrective feedback by rephrasing the question in the correct way before giving the answer.
  4. After going through several of the questions, divide the class in half and tell learners that they will be playing Jeopardy! in teams. Have learners come up with their own team names and explain how to play the game. Keep track of score somewhere that is visible to learners. The categories and questions for Jeopardy! are taken from what they just played in Ecopod: Survival and can be found in Intermediate Activity 1 Jeopardy! Reference Sheet.


As a follow-up activity, learners come up with a list of eight to ten comprehension questions based off of the theme of a global epidemic or an apocalyptic scenario. Each learner will swap his or her questions with a classmate who will use the questions to construct his or her own narrative. Afterwards, learners will share both the questions that they were given and the narratives that they inspired in small groups.

Please see the Ecopod: Survival overview for instructions for downloading the game.

For more Ecopod: Survival activities, please see the Games2Teach website at

Publishdate2016-06-13 02:15:01