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TitleCall for Application: STARTALK Summer Swahili Professional Development Program
*Call for Application of a New Summer Program*
*STARTALK Summer Swahili Professional Development Program*
*July 13-24, 2009*
STARTALK is pleased to announce the funding of the first STARTALK program on Swahili. This Swahili Professional Development Program, sponsored by STARTALK and organized by the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages, is a hands on training of prospective and new teachers of Swahili at the post-secondary level. Ten new or prospective Swahili instructors will be selected to participate in a two-week intensive summer program July 13-24, 2009. Participants will have hands-on training in the implementation of standards-based curriculum and instruction, backward curriculum design model and communicative approach. During the first week of the program, participants will be introduced to the main theoretical and pedagogical concepts of teaching Swahili as a foreign language through a combination of lectures, seminars, hands-on workshops,and micro-lesson presentations to get a clear understanding of the basic concepts of teaching Swahili as a foreign language. The second week will involve practicum. During this period, participants will work closely with coaching Master Teachers that they will observe. They will also reflect on the practices of the master teachers, and discuss issues that arise from the activities of the master teachers. Participants will also be given time to teach and receive feedback on their teaching activities. Participants who complete the program will be awarded a generous stipend of$1,000 to cover travel expenses. Accommodation will also be provided for participants who live outside of Madison. NCOLCTL will issue a certificate of completion to all the participants that complete the program. Interested applicants should send the following to NCOLCTL, c/o Modupe Olubiyi (
1. A letter of application
2. Two letters of support and one must be from the participant’s supervisor

Applications must be received no later than June 15 and selected participants will be notified by June 17, 2009

Githiora, K. Fwd: Re: Call for Application of a New Summer Program. H-Net Network on Swahili Language and Culture (H-SWAHILI@H-NET.MSU.EDU, 8 Jun 2009).
Inputdate2009-06-14 10:26:03
Lastmodifieddate2009-06-14 10:26:03
Expdate2009-07-24 00:00:00
Publishdate2009-06-15 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set