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TitleChanges for the 2010 National Latin Exam
From the Latinteach listserv:

The National Latin Exam Committee has been meeting and hammering out the details for changes requested by our constituents.

For the 2010 NLE, teachers will be allowed to have their students fill in the demographic information in class before the testing session. Not only will this make the administration of the test run more smoothly but we also hope that it will cut down on the errors made by students bubbling in the incorrect level of the exam they are taking. The time allotted for testing will be changed to 40 minutes.

Also new for 2010 is that different levels will be able to take the exam at different times, if need be. The only stipulation is that all students on a given level must take the exam together (NOT 2nd period Latin II's on Tuesday and 4th period Latin II's on Wednesday). We ask that schools who are planning to break up the administration of their exams please contact the office and let us know that you are doing so.

The exam continues to grow -- over 137,000 Latin students took the NLE in all 50 states and 11 foreign countries.

Keith, M. [Latinteach] Changes for the 2010 National Latin Exam. The Teaching of the Latin Language listserv (, 7 May 2009).

Visit the NLE website at .
Inputdate2009-05-10 10:12:39
Lastmodifieddate2009-05-10 10:12:39
Expdate2011-05-01 00:00:00
Publishdate2009-05-11 00:00:00
DisplaydateNot set